FIFA 17 - PC Discussion

Thx again for the video...also found fixes with the same thing.

God but I don´t wanna touch my graphics driver at all!
I had so many blue screens with different drivers and now I use catalyst 15.7 and it runs smooth.
I´m scared to try another one now just for this game...

I had random crashes with older ati drivers (r9 280x) + random graphic glitches. After upgrading to the latest official drivers, I had (almost) no problems.
This didn't work for me.
Setting the game to "No limit on FPS", makes the game stuttery at times.Not smooth at all. Even after setting VSync ON in both RadeonPRO and AMD Catalyst tool that comes with the gfx card driver, and also locking the FPS at 60 in RadeonPRO. Even tried Double VSync. Strange.

But I'm facing a bigger issue. My GFX Card seems to overheat too much with FIFA 17 and it makes my PC reboot after a couple of minutes playing a match. Usually during cinematics (after scoring a goal, etc). Really strange.

I used to play FIFA 16 at 2560x1440, with ULTRA LOD, and with my GFX MOD, no problem. Everything ran smoothly.

But now I get these reboots that are driving me crazy. I can't confirm it's my gfx card overheating, but there would be no other reason I think. And that happens when playing at normal 1920x1080 (ULTRA details) screen resolution, nothing out of the ordinary.

Some users have posted that "unlocking" cutscenes / cinematics from 30 fps to 60 or more could overheat your graphic card.
Well for some reason my demo matches are longer after creating a cl.ini file. Incidentally you probably can put the extender code in any text file in the Documents/FIFA17 demo folder and it will work.
My cutscenes run at 60 fps after locking to 60fps. No limit on FPS makes everything choppy. I have a laptop that games with a 950m card and an i7-6500u
any fixes?
Use the verify files feature to repair your Steam install, seems some of the files you downloaded got screwed up in the process.

FYI: I haven't had commentary on in FIFA for 2 years, and PES never because it's so bad. I create an on-the-pitch ambiance, raise player and ball sounds and lower crowd noise. Really doesn't hit home how goofy pbp commentary is until you play a number of games without it.
I love Fifa's commentary and could never play a match without it, just with it was Andy Gray as co-commentator, best colour man in the business bar none for me!
Fifa's commentary might not always be perfect BUT I was amazed playing a Millwall v West Ham game a few years back when they talked about extra police being present because of any crowd trouble!!
That even beats the ISS classic "The Andes separate the people of Peru but football brings them together." :p
Yeah I don't want to go with a key seller I want to buy it directly from Origin as usual so I can be sure to play it as soon as it unlocks in the first country in the world, key sellers can be unreliable at sending the keys out until the last minute.
This didn't work for me.
Setting the game to "No limit on FPS", makes the game stuttery at times.Not smooth at all. Even after setting VSync ON in both RadeonPRO and AMD Catalyst tool that comes with the gfx card driver, and also locking the FPS at 60 in RadeonPRO. Even tried Double VSync. Strange.

But I'm facing a bigger issue. My GFX Card seems to overheat too much with FIFA 17 and it makes my PC reboot after a couple of minutes playing a match. Usually during cinematics (after scoring a goal, etc). Really strange.

I used to play FIFA 16 at 2560x1440, with ULTRA LOD, and with my GFX MOD, no problem. Everything ran smoothly.

But now I get these reboots that are driving me crazy. I can't confirm it's my gfx card overheating, but there would be no other reason I think. And that happens when playing at normal 1920x1080 (ULTRA details) screen resolution, nothing out of the ordinary.

Use MSI afterburner to show the GPU temps during a game, iirc you said you're gaming in a laptop? You should put one of those cooler stands under the laptop, if you are on a desktop just take the front of the PC, should see temps drop at least 10c.

So... definetely doesn't seem to be an overheating problem.
I downloaded "CoreTemp". Right when My PC crashed and rebooted a few moments ago, this is what was logged:

17:48:48 09/19/16,70,61,62,68,,,50,71,45,2930.87,,48,68,26,2930.87,,49,67,25,2930.87,,48,69,25,2930.87

The bolded part shows the 4 Core Temperatures right at its peak, before the reboot. Not too high at all, right?. After that, you can see the Temperatures dropping quickly too.
So, it must be something else. I don't know what. Hard to figure out.
It seems like radeonpro Vsync forcing doesn't work with Fifa 17. In Fifa 16 I just forced vsync through Nvidia driver. So can anyone confirm if Nvidia cards can force Vsync in fifa 17? Or is it suffering the same problems.

Anyway, I always get stutters with Vsync Off because thats how it is. Hate screen tears and stutters.

And, whats your GPU? When I played Fifa 13 on my laptop- the game slows down badly when Gpu overheats, but never bsod or rebooted.

So I am guessing its and optimization issue. Did yu try the old Catalyst drivers? Does it crash even without reshade dlls?

Yup, tried all of that. ReShade doesn't seem to be an issue at all.
It always happens at the first cinematic AFTER starting the match. Whichever it is. A goal. A corner-kick. Whatever triggers a cinematic after the match has started.
Was bored so had a play around with a VPN and all the Origin stores I can think of, price for the standard edition:


Very sucky :(
Forgot one:

Singapore $69.90SGD $51.33USD

It's really shocking how high the price is in India/Russia/Mexico, there's absolutely no way the vast majority in those countries can afford to buy Fifa17 at that price, clearly EA know that so I wonder what their strategy is, think the price will suddenly drop quite significantly there about a week after release?

The other thing about the price, I don't play FUT but for some weird reason I do enjoy the card trading so I tend to get the special edition with the free gold packs but it seems this year the deluxe/super deluxe are priced a hell of a lot more than they used to be?

Take the UK price for example

Standard: £49.99
Deluxe: £64.99 (20 gold packs)
Super Deluxe: £69.99 (40 gold packs)

Seems something is really messed up there in how they calculated prices, an extra £15 solely to get 20 gold packs? But yet only a further £5 on top of that to get another 20 gold packs? Seems some bizarre pricing to me.

Is it to entice us to become EA members for one month to save 10% on the pre-order? Well 5% when you factor in the price of becoming an EA member for 1 month!
I am not an EA member and they have stated I can get 10% off the pre-order.
I thought it was based on the fact I own Fifa 16.

At present I can't find any information as to when the game is due to be released Worldwide, but suspect it will be early in Korea again.
Boo I look like a spammer! Ok so I screwed up the price for Russia yesterday, here's a new table including the deluxe/super deluxe prices converted to USD:


Obviously Russia is the best deal but only if you speak Russian/Polish or are confident you'll be able to mod it to add in the languages you really want (I believe it's not always plain sailing as each update comes out?)

Added EA Access monthly prices which their website automatically converts into the local currency when you choose a country/language at the bottom, Brazil obviously the winner there, curious what happens if I go in with a Brazilian IP and sign up to EA access for $3.06 then exit, go back in with an Indian IP and see if I get the 10% off the Indian price for Fifa, I know I'm penny pinching to the extreme but why not! :)
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I know I'm penny pinching to the extreme but why not! :)
People spend more at a restaurant or a night at the pub, than the total cost of FIFA which they'll play for an entire year.

Just don't eat pizza for a week and there's your FIFA 17, lol.
People spend more at a restaurant or a night at the pub, than the total cost of FIFA which they'll play for an entire year.

I don't go to restaurants or pubs! I could buy a hundred copies of the game at Swedish prices if I wanted to, it's more about the principle of being overcharged :)
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