FIFA 17 - PC Discussion

This is pissing me off no matter what settings I use fifa17 feels like its lagging yet FRAPS showing 150+ FPS at all times.

So hard to say if its better than PES 2017(which runs silky smooth) when Fifa 17 is running laggy.
It's mostly a driver/optimization problem. Just wait for the full game to try it out and see if it's still the same. I get some small stutters here and there too that I shouldnt get. I can also add that the demo on the 360 is stuttering for me too, wich makes it more obvious that the game isn't fully optimized in the demo version (even if it's 2 different games).
This is pissing me off no matter what settings I use fifa17 feels like its lagging yet FRAPS showing 150+ FPS at all times.

So hard to say if its better than PES 2017(which runs silky smooth) when Fifa 17 is running laggy.

I'm going to assume you've tried capping the FPS to 60? FIFA always stutters for me unless I do that.
To remove possibke stutterings, disable framerate limit from Fufa settings. Set it to 'No limit on Fps'.

Then open your Nvidia control panel, select Fifa 17 and enable Vertical Sync.

I believe the same is for Amd users too.

Right now, Fifa 17 seems to have frametime issues too.

Man, the game is looki g ugly compared to maxed out Lod mod in Fifa 16. Not gonna play fifa 17 unless theres a LoD MoD.
This is pissing me off no matter what settings I use fifa17 feels like its lagging yet FRAPS showing 150+ FPS at all times.

So hard to say if its better than PES 2017(which runs silky smooth) when Fifa 17 is running laggy.
I've had lag issues with every FIFA since 12. Bought a new PC last month and... all lag issues have disappeared, and the 17 demo runs smooth as glass. Sometimes it's about biting the bullet and getting a new rig, that's just one of the realities of PC gaming.
Is there anyone else that finds those blob shadows under players in day matches in the shadowy parts of the pitch really irritating? The game looks so good in general, but these blob shadows make it look like a PS2 game. Same goes for the goal nets from far away.
How do I enable the settings in that gfx mod? Dropping the folder in the main game folder doesnt work. What exactly do I do. Please give me a step by step.

BTW, the LOD fix from FIFA 16 works for me in FIFA17. Drop files in and regenerate
How do I enable the settings in that gfx mod? Dropping the folder in the main game folder doesnt work. What exactly do I do. Please give me a step by step.

BTW, the LOD fix from FIFA 16 works for me in FIFA17. Drop files in and regenerate

Simply extract all the files FROM "GFX MOD 1.0" into the FIFA 17 DEMO main folder. That's it.

Then toggle On and Off by pressing the Scroll Lock key on your keyboard.
I finally solved the problem.

Have to run 60FPS locked and with new amd drivers enabling vertical sync in amd control panel.
Cut scenes still run 30FPS but I don't care just quickly skip them.
WOW... FIFA is really juicing my graphics card up.
My PC rebooted itself 4 times today while playing FIFA. Seems my Graphics card overheats.

Don't know how to fix that. It's not even overclocked!
I got a 1070 GPU today and I'm quite shocked as FIFA 17 doesn't run that smoothly as it should run (
Stuttering in manual replays). WTF?


Vsync helped a lot. 120fps, working well now. However, do you know why I cannot choose the higher resolution as the maximum one is 1920 x 1080? On FIFA 16 I was able to choose up to 4K resolution, in the demo only standard full HD is the highest possible to pick up from. I would like to try the game in 1440p, but I can't.
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How can you skip "The Journey" cut scenes?

Or is it for some reason not possible?


Not possible in the demo from what I could see, hopefully will be in the full game as they're boring, not to mention some of the voice acting is horrific bad!

BTW some interesting, intriguing and encouraging news on the gameplay tweaking front:

Some new traits included in this lot:


Fidel Gameplay said:
Hello bro, cl.ini is not working this year, game.ini not working because exe don't read files on folders at moment.
You can implement gp tweak strings in the locale.ini in \FIFA 17 DEMO\Data\ like paul as already made.
You can also try to create and use user.ini and put it in \FIFA 17 DEMO\
To lower global player's acceleration (anyway with this way you can not see difference (related to accel) between messi and bonucci, anyway if you like you can use this code:

DB_ACCELERATION=50 // range as usual is 1-100

To reduce globally game speed and "cpuai time to think" you can also use this:

GAMEPLAY_DUMMY_CYCLE=1 // adding 1 msec dummy gp cycle Loop

range is unknown at moment, 1 is default value in 17 demo, so use 10 or favorited value, for example in my private gp evo version I'm using 500 msec, and I see superb realistic gp like real soccer and not cracked cocaine players.

To remove and disable the stupid, agly and unrealistic players rotation animation, it appears sometimes, use this code:


Wait new gp evo for other tips and triks.

Enjoy, bye bye

Credit to Fidel as always! original post.
Seems like the game is unmoddable now and it will take years to download the demo with 15 kb/s here...
Sami, sounds like you haven't downloaded and played the demo. Question: How can you be making all these posts about the horrible look of the game if you haven't played it yet? I don't understand. Game looks spectacular, period. And I don't understand LOD complaints, I haven't noticed any issue whatsoever. But I use the Pro cam (full zoom, much closer up) maybe that's why? As for mods... the thing about FIFA is apart from a few game play tweaks that can almost all be fixed via sliders alone, this game never needs much modding. It's not like we have to spend days installing kits and logos, or wait around for game play patches because the game is devoid of sliders. l always like to tweak player ratings, especially agility and speed, but if we can't do that this year I think I'll be fine, the game really is exceptional out of the box.
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Is anyone else feeling this horrendous button delay? Its borderline unplayable
Button delay fixes are posted here I believe as they usually are. FYI, no delay for me, so it's not the game.
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