Fifa 16 - two mods with cl.ini file


League 1
1 April 2009
I have 2 mods. FIP 16 and supernova gameplay mod. Each of them contains a cl.ini file with saved values. Can I copy these values and put them in one cl.ini file? Will 2 mods work properly?
I have 2 mods. FIP 16 and supernova gameplay mod. Each of them contains a cl.ini file with saved values. Can I copy these values and put them in one cl.ini file? Will 2 mods work properly?
As long as there not both Gameplay files than yes. But you can merge 2 files. A.e. gameplay and a Patch related cl.ini file like the one from FIP 16.
probably most of strings are same. if you merge these 2 files, some strings will be randomly activated. i suggest you try both mods one by one and use one which is you like the most.

you can also add the strings which are not included by other cl.ini.
These are completely different mods and contain different strings. I put them in one file and everything seems to be working fine. Thank you very much :)
mate how i s super nova gameplay for you?
For me is good , i play 3rd season in career mode and i like it. But to be honest when i come back to Fifa 16 after years i didnt play with default gameplay. From first match i use supernova gameplay so i cant compare them
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