FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Well, yesterday night I tried it out and yeah, you were right, they add an additional layer of customisation and they work as intended. Is there a way to permanently save these customisations for my team so that I don't have to repeat it everytime I play with them. Sure, I've saved it, but where and how do I load it? It would have been better if it loaded them automatically.

But even though this adds more enjoyment and tactical capabilities it doesn't change the problem I talked about regarding the AI:

Sure, you can customise your offensive player to be more offensive or more defensive, to go for riskier runs or safe runs, etc, to define the direction of his runs, if they should be straight, diagonal, inward, outward... which are all nice options... but what I really wanted is not dealty by this.

I want an AI that can intelligently decide which is the best action in a specific moment, that can decide after it quickly analyzed the space-situation and opponent-positioning and my positioning, speed... that in that situation it's best to come nearer, to go inward, or to cross the positions or to layback or... to intuitively decide what's best to create the best opportunity for achieving a goal.

That's what football players in real life do all the time, to read the game, the level of their ability to do this really differentiates the players these days, more so than the technical aspects of controlling the ball.

So once such reading-capability is built into the AI of future Fifas good players should have better reading-capabilities (and vision) than worse, that's how individuality can be taken into account.

Until then an option to easily map different runs onto the right stick would be nice, so that you can tell your teammember to come nearer, to run diagonal, inward... through the right stick, so that we can do the reading of the game-situation for them.

1. It does save the tactics. You should have option to save after and it will be named after your team for the custom tactis eg..Barcelona 1 or soemthing. Then when you edit your formation once again you will be asked to save it. 3-5-2 custom 1 etc.....In career mode once you save formation/tactis it always auto loads then next game. I dont know about other modes but when i play friendly I simply go to tactis/foramtions and load them up. Its easy.

2. I agree that the CPU AI should make runs based on the ball and other players but off course this would need vry clever AI. If this can be created it would be good.

3. The option to use the right stick or hold a button like l1 plus d-pad to tell nearest player direction of run to make woudl also be cool.

4. TBH in my career mode players seem to make decent enough runs more often than not. I rarely have players not run into the key areas or areas of space etc...I dont think its bad at all as it is.

If your coming from a long spell of PES 2012 you will have some issues accepting that FIFA 12 is a reasonably decent game. Your going to have expectations about overlapping runs and frequent runs by all players as well memories of a very direct, kill-first-ask-questions-later-cpu.

But I've found that it can be done. I would say, first, don't obsess about the sliders. You will likely get so twisted around that you never enjoy the game. For me, everything is default except the following (and for both human and cpu):

Sprint Speed: 51
Pass Error: 51
Shot Error: 51
Pass Speed: 65
Shot Speed: 49
GoalKeepers: 45
Injury: 99
Run Frequency: 75
Marking: 51
Fullbacks: 65

If you put pass error too high, no one will be able to cross the ball. If you put run frequency too low, you end up with a static, grid-like game, and the cpu will never shoot. With run frequency high the cpu finds itself in space a lot and will take the shot.

Finally, as much as I would love to play all manual controls, I just find it too tender and sensitive. I'm always pussy-footing around. After so much grief with my first experience with FIFA 12 (the grid-like default game) and with PES 2012 (the whole game) that right now I just want to have some fun, score some screamers, and love playing football again. I use semi assisted for everything. I find that stats are meaningful (though not enough) and plenty of passes still go astray. Also, in FIFA 12 I never use the Finesse shot control--its just too easy to score that way, which is disappointing--so its all chips or blood-curdling thunderbolts!

Good day.

Would make shot power 51 not 49 personally. Especially if coming from pes.
Thanks, placebo and pes4lyfe,

saving works.

I think I found a loophole in Fifa 12's AI. When the CPU is attacking, on legendary nonetheless, I can easily decide where it will play the ball in the offensive, simply by opening up the defense around one of its players where it's safe, ie. where two defenders are nearby and then the CPU will play to that opened up player who can then easily be dispossessed.

Will have to try it some more to see if it happens all the time, if yes, then the CPU-AI can be prevented from ever making any goals, which is not good.
people taslking about poor ai teammates runs well i just scored a cracking goal and my left midfeilder decided to make a run into box like a centre forward awiating a cross all due to cpu AI nothing to do with me then I cross and he scores great volley. Cant fault the cpu ai movement here very life like and thoughtful.

here it is
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I have passing speed on 70, anything below seems unrealistically slow to me.

The other aspect I changed considerably is the relation between top-speed and acceleration. Default (even on slow) the players are just too fast, but on the other hand they can't accelerate well.

So I reduced top-speed to 30 and increased acceleration to 70, going to 80 or more made it too arcade, but 70 is imho just fine.

Also important is to increase pass and shot error, I think I have both on 65.

For Fifa 13 I wish for more sliders, would be nice to have some for the effects of stamina/fatigue and first-touch-capabilities for example.

But even more important is a hugely upgraded AI and a better connection between players and the pitch (less skating, realistic momentum and inertia...), and the bugs with playerswitching, referee-decisions, problems with the ball going through bodyparts... need to be resolved. Also nice would be more time-options, currently the max is 20 minutes.

increasing acceleration means they reach top speed quicker?
Watching the Sunderland v Everton game tonight reminded me of something else I dislike about FIFA's gameplay.

Looking at Jelavic's goal where he guided the finish into the corner using just technique and the pace of the cross, that is far too common on FIFA.

From close range anyway, as long as you aim correctly, you'll hit the target and strike the ball sweetly, no other factors really come into play, so those types of tidy finishes are just your typical goal.

In PES (2011 anyway) that sort of finish was quite rare, and would typically be performed more often by players with high shot technique - when I got rid of Heskey and brought Berbatov into my MLO team I noticed a big difference in the quality of finishing.

I'm not trying to big up PES here (I play FIFA more these days anyway), just stating something that FIFA could improve on.
Good point Rob. I think shooting in general is too accurate - especially finesse shots. I'd like to see more error introduced as the norm. And please don't tell me about the sliders because they don't apply online and when I play FIFA against my mates at their place, they use the easiest method possible to slider adjustment isn't an option for me lol.
with shot power 51 and higher shot error ive missed all kind of sitters on the other hand ive scored screamers...better balance imo
Good point Rob. I think shooting in general is too accurate - especially finesse shots. I'd like to see more error introduced as the norm. And please don't tell me about the sliders because they don't apply online and when I play FIFA against my mates at their place, they use the easiest method possible to slider adjustment isn't an option for me lol.

yeh slider only good for single player.

FIFA need there defaults reassessed big time.

For starters passing speed. I cant Believe how they dont see that as so slow.
I refuse to play FIFA outside of my house with my rules, otherwise it's shit.

-No pressuring the pass out, unless there are ten minutes left and you are down.

-Must play in semi assisted.

-No teams with 4/12 stars or higher (I'd do 4 or higher, but then no one would play)

- Robs sliders

We get some awesome games, and last friday night I had 10 people over to play. We connect my pc to the TV and we play. It's the only way I play other people. Until FIFA fixes the default settings, I am not changing that.
I refuse to play FIFA outside of my house with my rules, otherwise it's shit.

-No pressuring the pass out, unless there are ten minutes left and you are down.

-Must play in semi assisted.

-No teams with 4/12 stars or higher (I'd do 4 or higher, but then no one would play)

- Robs sliders

We get some awesome games, and last friday night I had 10 people over to play. We connect my pc to the TV and we play. It's the only way I play other people. Until FIFA fixes the default settings, I am not changing that.

you had 10 people round, how come i wasnt invited :( sounds good.

I just have to play default crap with my mates online or house, however human errors/variance means it aint as boring as cpu on default though still pretty crap.
good work fanolato. I tried converting two of my friends to manual settings back on FIFA 2010 and one liked it for a while then went back. They don't even like the longer halves where you can battle it out like chess and patiently. Quick fix, arcade style, where one of them sprints down the wings and spams crosses and the other does the same but cuts it back for a finesse shot from the edge of the box. Both admit they haven't changed their gamestyles in 5 years but they just want to win at all costs. Not sure how they can really feel satisfied winning the same way with the same goals though...
Today a player from atletico madrid shot a nice goal and I would like to share it:

In Fifa 12 I was never able to make a goal like this. Two or three things are hindering it I think:

1. Once I lose the ball in the goal-area and an opponent player gets near it, the ball is usually gone. I was never able to somehow get it back through quick intelligent action, cause the opponents don't have problems to get the ball under control.

2. Imagine I got the ball back, I find it hard to push the ball away in that direction to gain space and follow it quickly enough to be interesting. Yes I can push the ball with the right stick but the player is then too slow to follow the ball and the opponent's players quickly get the ball before me.

3. Imagine I was able to get the ball in that direction and follow it quickly and the goalkeeper runs towards me, it's near impossible to let him run into empty space because inertia and momentum aren't correctly implemented in the game.

The other thing is of course that the players were intelligent enough to offer numerous options for the player on the ball, while in Fifa 12 the AI is pretty uncreative and doesn't use space intelligently.

What do you think?
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good work fanolato. I tried converting two of my friends to manual settings back on FIFA 2010 and one liked it for a while then went back. They don't even like the longer halves where you can battle it out like chess and patiently. Quick fix, arcade style, where one of them sprints down the wings and spams crosses and the other does the same but cuts it back for a finesse shot from the edge of the box. Both admit they haven't changed their gamestyles in 5 years but they just want to win at all costs. Not sure how they can really feel satisfied winning the same way with the same goals though...

They must have dumbed down manual for 2012 because before this year's game manual would give me fits. It's the only way to play really.
Hey guys, just joined. I was just wanting to ask about the whole 'crowd situation'. Started a career with Plymouth recently and i've discovered that 80% of my stadium ('Forest Park Stadium' I think is the name) is just empty seats. I'm still in League 2, but as I gain promotion up through the leagues will I gradually begin to fill up those seats? Kind of annoying...

Danke Schon :BOP:
Maybe you set the ticket/hotdog prices too high?

Lol, that could be it :SMUG:

By the way I don't know if you guys are familiar with a player called Wesley Ngo Baheng? He hasn't been in Fifa since 10 and he was so crap that he was good, if you get my drift? Kinda like Heskey :SMUG:

But anyway, yeah so I made him before I started with Plymouth, whapped into Free Agents and then picked him up for free, obviously, once I had started the career.

He's 21, rated like 72 I think. I gave him 90 strength and really good heading accuracy but other things like acceleration, sprint speed etc were all quite average or below.

The point is he's valued at £20,500,000 :SHOCK:

This struck me as being really quite odd... I mean, ok I suppose he's young and a rating of 72 is decent for a 21 year old. But £20 mil? Really?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this cool story :COOL:
I have now concluded that whilst fifa is a good game it has nowhere near the playability, enjoyment and addictiveness of PES PS2 era.....or im turning into an old fart?
No you're just wrong.

He is not wrong. He has different opinion than yours. I agree with him in 100%. FIFA is good game in technically aspects but gameplay is much worst than PES in PS2 days. I have no doubt. I tell you more. Pes 2013 can be better game than FIFA in gameplay departments. It depends in which area KONAMI will make changes this year.
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You're clearly wrong. The last time PES was better than Fifa in terms of playability was Fifa07 on the PS2, then once Fifa08 came out on the 360 they moved in two completely directions, sales are one indicator of that, for simple people to follow.
I played Fifa last night for a couple of hours and my biggest problems with the game seem to be how long it takes players to get the ball under control if you dont use the close control button they are hopeless, Players take ages to turn and move in a different direction which makes going past players like you can in PES near on impossible, Turning circles...seriously what is going on here? AI is poor with movement the exact same every game.

It's close to being an amazing game and if the controls were tighter im sure Fifa 12 would be a pretty dam good game that would keep me hooked.
Can't say I feel that problem to be honest, considering how much people complain about how first touch etc is too good it's a surprising complaint. And I certainly don't see the "exact same" AI movement every game.
Completely agree with Placebo on these issues. Fifa12 is THE best football game ever made (mainly because of the sliders) in my opinion. Off course there will be people complaining and not liking the game at all. It's their loss and I feel for them but it all comes down to opinions and preferences. I absolutely love FIFA12, still playing it after all these months with Skyrim, Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3 collecting dust.

If we all felt the same, it would be a dull world.
No you're just wrong.

Opinions cant be wrong.

If I like coffee and you prefer tea does that make one of us wrong.

You need to think how you word things mate. I notice often you come off rude, Not just to me but the way in which you reply to others to. As if you are the god of the forusm or something.

Nonetheless FIFA is still a great game but fo me so many attacks and movements are repetitve and the lack of randomness and inertia is what spoils its. In many other areas it pisses all ovr PES PS2 games. BUt for me to many games play out the same. I play a career mode and 4-5 games I start to get bored. Games often feel the same, though at least unlike old FIFA goals can be varied, though there are still often similar goals always scored always.
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Can't say I feel that problem to be honest, considering how much people complain about how first touch etc is too good it's a surprising complaint. And I certainly don't see the "exact same" AI movement every game.

It's not first touch, but the default left stick dribbling speed that's being talked about. The close game, be it passing, dribbling or defending, is unrefined. In the case of the dribbling, it's simply too fast by default, rather than the distance of the touch relating to how fast the player is moving/should be able to move. It's also quite inconsisten and hard to judge when a player will take a 90 degree turn without slowing down, as opposed to using one of the newer animations that incorporates the momentum/foot planting we've all asked for. So you don't know when your player will be slow and cumbersome or Tron lightbiking.

By contrast in the case of the CPU it's inhumanly efficient at judging how and when to lightbike, and jockeying can't keep up unless you preempt their movements. This is something you see all the time, or at least it's there whether you realise it or not, and it results in some silly CPU attacking moves that simply cannot be accounted for. So it's a case of making the effects of turning different angles less discontinuous, more context sensitive and more in line with human reaction times.
Opinions cant be wrong.

If I like coffee and you prefer tea does that make one of us wrong.

You need to think how you word things mate. I notice often you come off rude, Not just to me but the way in which you reply to others to. As if you are the god of the forusm or something.

Good feedback that, except tea is for girls.
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