Nick Cave
Wrexham fan for my sins...
Re: Fifa 11

Hmm the new tackling sounds good too, seem to have worked on quite a bit...
No sliders. They're still thinking about it but the main concern is making things so fragmented that they can't balance efficiently (I'm paraphrasing based on the look on Gary's face when we talked about it!). I think the fundamentals have to be nailed down before you can put something like sliders in, personally.
One thing I haven't seen properly mentioned is that slide tackle doesn't always slide tackle - you can use it to perform standing lunges based on where the ball is. The tackles for both X and O (I was the only one there using PES controls!) actually hook round an adjacent attacker as well, rather than ploughing through them and conceding a free kick/pen. This is something I noticed more with good defenders, so expect Scholes to tackle like Scholes as well as pass like him!

Hmm the new tackling sounds good too, seem to have worked on quite a bit...