fifa is the best on animations, but when i play it...for me it seems that all things are separated, no connection between players/ball/etc sometimes it feels like they don't know they have to win the ball, they act as they were dreaming? ... i don't know how to explain it too good, i think PES made a better gameplay
I own both. FIFA 11 PC and PES 2011(because I've been a "PES fanboy" for almost a decade)
I'd say FIFAs animations are top noch in football gaming.
Anyone who wants to read some PES vs FIFA talk see the spoiler

Lately I've tried to play more PES 2011. Master League has always been best thing in the game for me. I love the hole ML build-up and all that squad tactics management. Still when I start to play the game all those bugs what disappointed me in PES(2008-2010) are still there and they have done them even worse. Yes there are lots of drastic changes and the graphics look nice(thanks to the "blur" effect what makes you think that graphics are especially good). Still AI is so dumb sometimes that I will have 3-4 facepalm moments in every game. Sometimes I will make a through pass and just goes by a defender who could easily cut it put he just watches how the ball slowli goes by him and my player gets it. Sometimes my player will run towards the ball but he just runs past the ball like there isn't any ball there.
One thing that keeps happening to me is when I'm all alone somewhere near the sideline and the ball has stopped about 2 meters from the sideline and my player slowly(without sprint button pressed) he still manages to make the first touch so bad that he almost hits the ball out of play. Like wtf?!
And the ball physics... why does it feel like I'm playing in mud or water? The ball slows dont just tooo quickly every time I pass it. I'd like to play it quickly and keep the game flowing but I can't. The player controlling is one more big issue and it has been there since the NG PES. Player does the things that he wants(or what is scripted) and I just can't run, pass, jump for a ball etc. when I want to. Like the AI does things for me and I can't do anything about it.
In FIFA NG that player controlling balance has been found. Really. I can do all things with my player... there is no lag or no absolutely wrong things. When I want to pass the pall then he passes it in the first moment when he reaches te ball(example: he runs and pushes the ball to a longer distance from him and the first touch he makes is the pass if I press the pass button).
FIFA is just going to the right direction of making a great football game(it already is good, really good) but PES has gone only worse and worse for me.
One thing that keeps happening to me is when I'm all alone somewhere near the sideline and the ball has stopped about 2 meters from the sideline and my player slowly(without sprint button pressed) he still manages to make the first touch so bad that he almost hits the ball out of play. Like wtf?!
And the ball physics... why does it feel like I'm playing in mud or water? The ball slows dont just tooo quickly every time I pass it. I'd like to play it quickly and keep the game flowing but I can't. The player controlling is one more big issue and it has been there since the NG PES. Player does the things that he wants(or what is scripted) and I just can't run, pass, jump for a ball etc. when I want to. Like the AI does things for me and I can't do anything about it.
In FIFA NG that player controlling balance has been found. Really. I can do all things with my player... there is no lag or no absolutely wrong things. When I want to pass the pall then he passes it in the first moment when he reaches te ball(example: he runs and pushes the ball to a longer distance from him and the first touch he makes is the pass if I press the pass button).
FIFA is just going to the right direction of making a great football game(it already is good, really good) but PES has gone only worse and worse for me.