League 1
No matter how positively I may have reviewed FIFA 10 on PC, I still hate this current-gen and same recycled gameplay each year!
You can't force FIFA 11 to be next-generation.
The problem is that EA will keep FIFA on PC.
Because this is a trick for them to make people buy a NG Console and then play it.
So really EA aren't losing a lot of money. Infact the next-gen consoles compensate the loss of the PC.
So this is how it goes, the PC is a great, great puppet for EA, EA use that puppet to divert PC gamers to buy a Console, thus meaning that they enlarge their profit and popularity.
You might for example say don't buy PES 2010. Infact that is a mistake. Luke and EA want exactly that!!!
Even though PES 2010 may be crap this year. There is more likelyhood that PES will develop one day, but with FIFA I don't have any hope, not in a million years! Not after what has happened this year.
The simple way of forcing EA to make FIFA next gen on PC is this: do not buy FIFA 10 on PC/PS2 and do not buy a next-gen console either!!!
That will be the key. And whether Peter Moore likes it or not, he'll be forced to do so.
And even if you buy a console, just don't buy FIFA for it, I know its hard. And unfortunately that is the trick of EA Sports. They are 100% sure that a gamer who owns a PS3/Xbox 360 is highly, highly likely to buy FIFA for that platform!
Buy PES on PC and praise it as much as possible so that EA Sports are irritated so much that they become fedup and make FIFA 11 next-gen due to their rivals konami.
You see, we've been struggling for quite some years on the PC platform to get a decent FIFA game.
It is definitely no excuse from EA Sports to say that Luke Didd is new to the development. I know Outsider and others have said give more time to Luke to improve.
But I don't think EA Sports have the right after so many years of betraying us to not make a proper game!! 2010 was a crucial year for EA to recover their reputation and getting our hopes back.
Luke should've at least worked together with Hossack and the other developers before that for a couple of years so that he gains experience before taking over completely.
You don't have to win the battle, you just don't buy the game!
The vicious cycle would continue if you say "I won't buy the game" But yet still change your mind to buy the game again.
This would be a catestrophic mistake.
And this is what EA are doing tickling us. Last year we were tickled by the so called next-gen graphics. This year we've been tickled with the 360 degree movement/dribbling as well as the RPL league.
None of that will happen this year. We have got to learn from our mistakes!!!
There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever about the deteriorated graphics!!!
The PCs graphics cards is one thing undoubtedly better than the consoles!!!
It is officially confirmed by Crytek that Cryengine 3 graphics of Crysis 2 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 will have poorer graphics than Cryengine 2 on PC!!
The PC has a potential to deliver much greater graphics than FIFA on next-gen consoles!
But do you know why EA don't do that?! Because they are afraid that people are going to buy FIFA on PC instead only because of the graphics.
And that's why for extra reassurance they have deteriorated the graphics of FIFA 10 for that reason only!
Not because of optimization. Making the graphics poorer is a cheap and lazy strategy of optimizing the game to run on weaker PCs and laptops!
You can't force FIFA 11 to be next-generation.
The problem is that EA will keep FIFA on PC.
Because this is a trick for them to make people buy a NG Console and then play it.
So really EA aren't losing a lot of money. Infact the next-gen consoles compensate the loss of the PC.
So this is how it goes, the PC is a great, great puppet for EA, EA use that puppet to divert PC gamers to buy a Console, thus meaning that they enlarge their profit and popularity.
You might for example say don't buy PES 2010. Infact that is a mistake. Luke and EA want exactly that!!!
Even though PES 2010 may be crap this year. There is more likelyhood that PES will develop one day, but with FIFA I don't have any hope, not in a million years! Not after what has happened this year.
The simple way of forcing EA to make FIFA next gen on PC is this: do not buy FIFA 10 on PC/PS2 and do not buy a next-gen console either!!!
That will be the key. And whether Peter Moore likes it or not, he'll be forced to do so.
And even if you buy a console, just don't buy FIFA for it, I know its hard. And unfortunately that is the trick of EA Sports. They are 100% sure that a gamer who owns a PS3/Xbox 360 is highly, highly likely to buy FIFA for that platform!
Buy PES on PC and praise it as much as possible so that EA Sports are irritated so much that they become fedup and make FIFA 11 next-gen due to their rivals konami.
You see, we've been struggling for quite some years on the PC platform to get a decent FIFA game.
It is definitely no excuse from EA Sports to say that Luke Didd is new to the development. I know Outsider and others have said give more time to Luke to improve.
But I don't think EA Sports have the right after so many years of betraying us to not make a proper game!! 2010 was a crucial year for EA to recover their reputation and getting our hopes back.
Luke should've at least worked together with Hossack and the other developers before that for a couple of years so that he gains experience before taking over completely.
You don't have to win the battle, you just don't buy the game!
The vicious cycle would continue if you say "I won't buy the game" But yet still change your mind to buy the game again.
This would be a catestrophic mistake.
And this is what EA are doing tickling us. Last year we were tickled by the so called next-gen graphics. This year we've been tickled with the 360 degree movement/dribbling as well as the RPL league.
None of that will happen this year. We have got to learn from our mistakes!!!
There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever about the deteriorated graphics!!!
The PCs graphics cards is one thing undoubtedly better than the consoles!!!
It is officially confirmed by Crytek that Cryengine 3 graphics of Crysis 2 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 will have poorer graphics than Cryengine 2 on PC!!
The PC has a potential to deliver much greater graphics than FIFA on next-gen consoles!
But do you know why EA don't do that?! Because they are afraid that people are going to buy FIFA on PC instead only because of the graphics.
And that's why for extra reassurance they have deteriorated the graphics of FIFA 10 for that reason only!
Not because of optimization. Making the graphics poorer is a cheap and lazy strategy of optimizing the game to run on weaker PCs and laptops!