Fifa 09 Cheaters - PS3


World Cup Winner
11 August 2003
Exeter City
I played the game online and noticed that people change the stats of the players to be better at certain positions, but the thing what really f**ks me off is that people have been creating dream teams by transfering players so they have the best 11 in the world.

I dont know how many people do this but i played 4 games online last night and 3 of the people have done this.

I was just wondering if this is the norm nowadays or whether I just happened to play a bunch of c**ts.

Sorry for my rant but it really pissed me off and ruined a good night of gaming.
I've also only seen it done in unranked games but it is quite easy to spot before you start. Just check the stats at the team selection page. I was playing the other night and i chose Wolves - my opponent then proceeded to choose Bohemians but they were listed as a 5* team and the stats were very high. If you don't want to play these kind of teams just quit at that point and try again.

I think you have been pretty unlucky. I have only had this a handful of times in several hundred matches.
It has been very rare, but recently it has been happening quite alot.
It seems one person started the trend now everyone seems to be doing it.
So all I have done now is stoped playing unranked matches so I no longer have to deal with the idiots of the world.
What about the guys in ranked matches that seem to pass blind, turn on a penny, beat you with Ronaldo everytime, score 4 goals a half, win every header, be faster, stronger on the ball, close your space quicker and generally spank you thanks to some settings for off the ball players I'm yet to find.

I win some matches, give guys with no lives good games, but some just absolutely wreck me with passes and moves that are impossible to defend against unless you are controlling 5 players at the same time.

Any advice?
Any settings I must try?

It frustrates me, because they're not beating me with football, but cheap tricks and flukey tight dribbles and passes that don't seem normal. Like collecting the ball with 5 defenders around the attacker, and he beats everyone to it, then with it again...

FIFA's bad physics can take some of the blame, but do they know something I don't?
What about the guys in ranked matches that seem to pass blind, turn on a penny, beat you with Ronaldo everytime, score 4 goals a half, win every header, be faster, stronger on the ball, close your space quicker and generally spank you thanks to some settings for off the ball players I'm yet to find.

I win some matches, give guys with no lives good games, but some just absolutely wreck me with passes and moves that are impossible to defend against unless you are controlling 5 players at the same time.

Any advice?
Any settings I must try?

It frustrates me, because they're not beating me with football, but cheap tricks and flukey tight dribbles and passes that don't seem normal. Like collecting the ball with 5 defenders around the attacker, and he beats everyone to it, then with it again...

FIFA's bad physics can take some of the blame, but do they know something I don't?

sounds like you need to practice or change your settings so you play people of similair skill level!!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bad but years of pro evo probably take their toll. I expect intelligent football will pay off but it rarely does in FIFA, what pays off is knowing every trick in the book it seems.
You may be playing "auto" players, when someone turns everything auto, the game turns like that and scoring is easy as cake.
but their defenders are relentless, you take the ball off their forwars, turn him and keep him on your back, 9 times out of ten, he magically gets the ball off you by bowling you over from the back and has a shot on goal using this trick that defies the Newton and the laws of football.

Frigging EA dumbasses. Played PES09 again yestrday with a mate, what a sigh of releif albeight the many inconsistancies and mistakes.
it takes awhile to get used to fifa, theres a lot of things that can happen to you that are unfair when you're playing against people that play fifa all day long, you just have to learn to avoid them; or avoid playing those people altogether which is what i do lol.
I think I figured it out, you need to press using the jockey button, then release when your player is close enough(even if he's not, FIFA's physics are bad enough that you'll still nip the ball from behind, or running at the wrong angle or side on defying the laws of perpetual motion)

Wwhy can't EA just get rid of these dumbass tricks? A sprint should be a sprint, not releasing some magic toggle jockey button to charge the ball.

It should be about angle, strength, speed and relation to the ball, not cheap trickery.
i agree it is very annoying i am a skilled player but i always use the great tottenham my club. y would i use aprick like ronaldo it is boring and fake and not in the spirit of the beautiful game fussball
I have seen this TWICE in RANKED matches on the 360. The first time I just quit. The second time I was pissed off and scored 50+ goals against myself and made that idiot wait an hour. He actually waited which goes to prove how low ppl go to win ranked matches.

The other shit I hate is the idiots who try and block your goalie. Yea anyone can do it but in real life its considered cheating and a foul against the keeper which needs to be addressed in Fifa 10.

Than there's the usual player who shoot from the middle of the pitch at kick off and score. I mean how slow and retarded are the keepers that this actually happens?? This HAS to be addressed in Fifa 10
I have seen this TWICE in RANKED matches on the 360. The first time I just quit. The second time I was pissed off and scored 50+ goals against myself and made that idiot wait an hour. He actually waited which goes to prove how low ppl go to win ranked matches.

The other shit I hate is the idiots who try and block your goalie. Yea anyone can do it but in real life its considered cheating and a foul against the keeper which needs to be addressed in Fifa 10.

Than there's the usual player who shoot from the middle of the pitch at kick off and score. I mean how slow and retarded are the keepers that this actually happens?? This HAS to be addressed in Fifa 10
I think the goalie block has been addressed, the kick off one definitely has...
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