
29 December 2024

I'm sharing my manager career mods here.

Better Scouts Mods

This mod allows you to hire the best scouts available.
Only Works with New/Fresh Career.
- Career now has 5 default scouts each one with 5 stars
- Hiring and Firing Price for any scout is now decreased
- Instant Scout Recalls
- Faster and Better Scouting
- Base Youth Scout is Tier 5 (5 Stars)
- Youth Scout Mission Duration is decreased as well (1, 3, 5 Months)

Works with TU6.1

Download Here

Better Scouts 1.jpg

Better Assistant Coaches Mod
Works with New and Old career. For Old save simulate 1-2 weeks for new coaches to be available.
- Most Coaches are now 5 stars in each category (Att, Mid, Def, Gk)
- More Expert coaches
- Less weekly wages
- More Slots available (for new career)

Works with TU6.1

Download Here

Better Assistat Coaches 1.jpg
Good job man, wondering if you would be able to do a mod that removes the weak foot and skills from the training plans, and instead add them in separate ones just to train those attributes, since I don't want to improve them but I am forced to when I want to give a training plan to a player.

Appreciate it!
Good job man, wondering if you would be able to do a mod that removes the weak foot and skills from the training plans, and instead add them in separate ones just to train those attributes, since I don't want to improve them but I am forced to when I want to give a training plan to a player.

Appreciate it!
I've been thinking about training plans mod. Will give it a try definitely!!
I've been thinking about training plans mod. Will give it a try definitely!!
Appreciated, position changes also sometimes touch the weak foot unfortunately, if there were some new plans that would also cover physicality, etc, that would be great.
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