They probably mean the hunting missions. Let's say you need to hunt 5 deers with your sniper for a mission, then you need to step into the hunting area on your mini map and the mission begins. You'll see this hunting are where the deers are hiding, step out of that area and the hunting mission ends. Which is common sense if you think about it. Maybe ppl with IQ's below 50 will have trouble staying in the hunting area...
I've not used the fast travel but once which was mandatory because it was in the training. Haven't had to fast travel since and been playing heaps of hours.
Aha that's more reassuring then thanks, and if it's a specific mission like that that's fine, it's like say the random shooting competition missions in RDR if you do something stupid like shoot the guy or ride away of course you fail.
I'm with you on the wallhack, absolutely ludicrous to include it and needs modding out ASAP.