Season 1 Episode Guide Taken from the dvd That is sitting in Front of me

Disc 1
Death Has a Shadow
I Never Met The Dead Man
Mind over murder
Chitty chitty Death Bang
a Hero sits Next door
The Son Also Draws
Brian Portrait of a Dog

Disc 2:
Peter Peter cavier Eater
Running Mates
Holly Crap
If Im Dyin Im Lyin
Love Thy Trophy
Death Is a Bitch
The King Is Dead

Season 2 has 15 According to The DVD
they are also releasing Family Guy Vol. 3 i think? It has 14 episode from season 4 i hear.

saw it on adult swim.
oh , ops my mistake. got a little bit mixed up....

anyway i just started to watch it, i saved all my Family Guy DVD's into my HD.
I just saw it. The comedic remarks about black people was classic. I love it when Brian pretends "not" to be a racist.
3 weeks :(

Southpark in 3 days i suppose makes up for it D:
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Yeah apparently its coming back in jan!

But yes, south park and drawn together are back in a few days! :):):)
Yep it was just recently announced that they wont be taking a ginormous break! Hooray!
ghazi said:
That is hilarious. . what is he supposed to be imitating though? Is there a real PBJ song?

I have seen that dancing banana before. . somewhere. . i need to have this explained to me.

Nevermind. . i just googled it. :mrgreen:
I only managed to watch the film and a few episodes of this. Kinda unusual as I love this sort of thing....But that scene when the dad was naked in the bath with the mum (soz, I completely forgotten their names!) was a bit too much tho(!).

But I recently saw them doing a parody of the "Take on Me" music video by A-Ha....pure genius :lol:

Prolly get more time to watch it over the Christmas vac :D
rockykabir said:
I only managed to watch the film and a few episodes of this. Kinda unusual as I love this sort of thing....But that scene when the dad was naked in the bath with the mum (soz, I completely forgotten their names!) was a bit too much tho(!).

But I recently saw them doing a parody of the "Take on Me" music video by A-Ha....pure genius :lol:

Prolly get more time to watch it over the Christmas vac :D
If you have some time there is a lot of great videos on
Damn the last few family guy episodes have been pure genius. last episode when peter goes for a check-up at the hospital, i almost pissed myself :lmao:
Baggs said:
Damn the last few family guy episodes have been pure genius. last episode when peter goes for a check-up at the hospital, i almost pissed myself :lmao:

Oh man, did you see the recent episode where Brian goes on The Bachelorette tv show and Stewie is ripping on him for "the novel he's been working on. . . " I almost shit myself laughing. It was painful how much abuse he gave the dog.
Yes, then it happens again!

He goes "perhaps you should spend less time working on that novel - AND MORE TIME WORKING ON THAT NOVEL YOUVE BEEN WORKING -" and then brian knocks him out before he can continue.
There has been just so many pure genius moments this season.

-the piss take on Homer System where stewie smashes him against the garage door then peter opens the door. "Hey stewie" looks down "who the the hell is that?"

- The FCC song. "Peter: So they sent this little warning they’re prepared to do the worst
Brian: And they stuck it in your mailbox hoping you could be co-erced
Stewie: I can think of quite another place they should have stuck it first!"

- Lois smashing peters face against the red carpet he pulled out at 5am while yelling "do you like eating red carpet!?!" cue quagmire fainting.

- the "I Never" drinking game peter, quagmire, joe and cleveland played.
This is getting better and better with time, the Peter TV episode was pure genious, it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen.
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