Fallout 4 [PC/PS4/XB1]

I'm not really sure if this is my cup of tea, but must you have played the first 3? Are they related?

I do believe there is a story to it, I don't do mulitplayer stuff and like.

I hadn't played any Witcher, but absolutely loved 3, not really sure about this. As long as it's not so technical building stuff and you can do basics to get through might be of interest.

There's a few nods to previous ones but you'll miss virtually nothing by not playing the previous ones. And the settlement building stuff only needs doing to a basic minimum to move the missions along you don't need to spend hours and hours obsessing on it, unless you want to! :)
Anyone tried current gen update? Is it worth revisiting? Does it look good and feel less clunky?
I’d get lost in collecting all nonesense along the way… again! 😂 I ain’t got the time for that anymore.
Not gonna get it for cheap just because an overhaul being out.
The TV series lacked too… 6/10. logical and story errors… maybe I had too high expectations.
But yeah, with the license in hands and making money as the main focus… what did I expect?! 😉

Will keep the game series close at heart though. Good times.
Still a shitty game in my opinion, tried the new update, hated it as much as old gen version.
Maybe its me, maybe the game
Go play the Metro series instead
Had a feeling that the outdated gameplay clunkyness cannot be overlooked with a slap of fresh paint.
Fallout really needs a new, proper, modern entry, with equal development effort to Elder Scrolls games.
Although Bethesda is just an old Banner now, with very little creativity.
Even next gen update released bugged. You can't make this shit up.
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