eFootball PES 2021 Discussion Thread (PC)

Try changing your screen resolution to same as the settings ( game settings ) if that doesnt work then check if the is any other app running at the same time that consumes a lot of RAM or maybe check your HDD it could be running at 100% ( see that in task manager )
Thank you so much God bless I'll give the feed back to yall guys🙏
In what ways? I do feel like it needs more though.
After a few matches I start feeling it like a chore more than something that should be giving fun.
I don't know what it is though, as (like I said earlier) things on the pitch are pretty good.
I have a 2080ti graphics card when I enable hdr and full screen mode it won’t stay open, works fine in window mode, using a 4K Samsung. Any pointers?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, really enjoying my PC experience on PES, on my laptop I am having a great gaming experience, I have tried linking my laptop up via HDMI to my LG tv however there is some noticeable lag :

I7 laptop
16g Ram
2060 graphics

I have game mode on TV, utilising secondary screen only in windows... any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated đź‘Ťđź‘Ť
Which resolution have your tv? If it is 4k then a 2060rtx is not enough maybe. And which i7?
Excuse me if I am asking a stupid question, but from my perspective this could be considered far from that. As someone who is not really much active in online sphere of PES games, more on LAN (with friends)

Is there a chance someone brought up an issue where AI is making every free kick count, giving people goals and generally ruining (almost making it unbalanced, unplayable and generally not enjoyable) the single player experience one can have in this game?

On top of that, there are serious issues of players completely changing up mid game, whereas nothing drastic happened to them or in their zones. To be completely exact, AI players are becoming super powerful compared to my own, whereas they push them around, shove them aside and dribble them like imbeciles. Funny stuff about all that is that my players who are being thrown around like imbeciles and monkeys, are like 30-40 numbers ahead of the ones throwing them around by rating.

I am looking up and above all over this forum, for any chance of fix, mod or whatever there is possible to make this change for PES21 and PES20. I would appreciate if somebody would be able to give me a possible solution, or perhaps a fix or mod which uses solution in any way in their database.

Main thing is I'm in love with Dream patch for PES20, and it is literally heart breaking to have that realistic simulation broken with CR7 in every game, nobody is missing anything and as soon as I deliver a tackle near my goal, I go to toilet until they finish slamming my goal up from that free kick they got.

So far I've had no luck with it at all, but how can it be that nobody from community which loves this game and uses stuff based upon it to improve it, didn't even get a chance or attempt to mention something like that?
Excuse me if I am asking a stupid question, but from my perspective this could be considered far from that. As someone who is not really much active in online sphere of PES games, more on LAN (with friends)

Is there a chance someone brought up an issue where AI is making every free kick count, giving people goals and generally ruining (almost making it unbalanced, unplayable and generally not enjoyable) the single player experience one can have in this game?

On top of that, there are serious issues of players completely changing up mid game, whereas nothing drastic happened to them or in their zones. To be completely exact, AI players are becoming super powerful compared to my own, whereas they push them around, shove them aside and dribble them like imbeciles. Funny stuff about all that is that my players who are being thrown around like imbeciles and monkeys, are like 30-40 numbers ahead of the ones throwing them around by rating.

I am looking up and above all over this forum, for any chance of fix, mod or whatever there is possible to make this change for PES21 and PES20. I would appreciate if somebody would be able to give me a possible solution, or perhaps a fix or mod which uses solution in any way in their database.

Main thing is I'm in love with Dream patch for PES20, and it is literally heart breaking to have that realistic simulation broken with CR7 in every game, nobody is missing anything and as soon as I deliver a tackle near my goal, I go to toilet until they finish slamming my goal up from that free kick they got.

So far I've had no luck with it at all, but how can it be that nobody from community which loves this game and uses stuff based upon it to improve it, didn't even get a chance or attempt to mention something like that?

Unfortunately, that is just how PES works. It proclaims to be stat based but, as you have discovered, it obviously is not, or at least not consistently. There is one particular mod - Holland's gameplay mod - that targets specifically the fake boost the cpu gets (and handicapping of your players that accompanies it). He's still working on it but people are reporting good things from it in Master League. I can't say I've noticed it helping much in Exhibition matches.

re. direct free-kicks by cpu - just take control of your keeper (press LAS or RAS, forget which) and just as they're about to kick, move you keeper a step or two to the open side of the goal - keeper saves it every time (except this one occasion, when the game scripted my keeper to slap it into his own net during a particularly strong cpu cheat session). I've tried editing every cpu player in a team's free-kick stat to 40 and guess what...makes no difference, they're still deadly accurate.
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Unfortunately, that is just how PES works. It proclaims to be stat based but, as you have discovered, it obviously is not, or at least not consistently. There is one particular mod - Holland's gameplay mod - that targets specifically the fake boost the cpu gets (and handicapping of your players that accompanies it). He's still working on it but people are reporting good things from it in Master League. I can't say I've noticed it helping much in Exhibition matches.

re. direct free-kicks by cpu - just take control of your keeper (press LAS or RAS, forget which) and just as they're about to kick, move you keeper a step or two to the open side of the goal - keeper saves it every time (except this one occasion, when the game scripted my keeper to slap it into his own net during a particularly strong cpu cheat session). I've tried editing every cpu player in a team's free-kick stat to 40 and guess what...makes no difference, they're still deadly accurate.

Like a sniper rifle mate, and it's hilarious.

However yeah, for someone who grew to love the realism in Dream Patch, slow pace it brings and actually makes it feel so good to play and develop your team, watch them do stuff and enjoy ton of new stuff that patch brings, I suppose I am broken down to them being the deadly assassins.

I can only hope that with 2022 they actually do something about such stuff when it's so obviously noticeable and fix such (for some) game breaking mechanics which are just ruining the immersion they're trying to let themselves develop.
My best bet against these AI free-kicks is a well timed jump of my defending players forming the wall. I trigger the jump about two steps before the ball gets hit. That way I get those shots blocked almost every time. Still annoying anyway..
My best bet against these AI free-kicks is a well timed jump of my defending players forming the wall. I trigger the jump about two steps before the ball gets hit. That way I get those shots blocked almost every time. Still annoying anyway..

Exactly my point, there IS a way to work around it but if we're already paying for something, in this case product in form of a video game, it is on their end to keep that product healthy and enjoyable for their consumers.

I suppose it might be too late to even expect something in terms of a hotfix in future updates if there are any, since there is a newer version even though it's a recolor.
Hi all, i don't have Pes 2020 so one thing is not clear to me: i have to buy the 2020 version first?
Or this Season Update is an All in One?
Thank you in advance
Hi all, i don't have Pes 2020 so one thing is not clear to me: i have to buy the 2020 version first?
Or this Season Update is an All in One?
Thank you in advance

No, you don't need to buy 2020. PES2021 is an entirely self-contained game. You can pick it up now for ÂŁ12 so it's good value at that price.
hey Mates,

Friend and me playing, if we had time PES 2021 Full Manual in friendly lobby against each other.

Problem here, the last games yesterday felt heavy, sluggish and not responsiv, stupid KI, no runs, no good gameplay.

the other games 4 days ago where really good, a lot of fun and a lot of good football. but we change nothing!

- good Internet connection (no shutter or noticeale lag)
- same teams
- same settings on the pitch
- same input devices (DS4 tool with Dualshock 4 controller)
- same hardware

for me that is totally wired and i cant explain that, the last weeks with pes 2021 where really fun on FM and a pure joy but yesterday it felt like pes 2020...

had someone felt the same, or can explain that ? maybe its me that i go crazy here ? :BRICK:
I am looking up and above all over this forum, for any chance of fix, mod or whatever there is possible to make this change for PES21 and PES20. I would appreciate if somebody would be able to give me a possible solution, or perhaps a fix or mod which uses solution in any way in their database.
Have you tried one of the gameplay mods by @Holland mate?
I'm currently using V 5.2 for PES 2021 and it irons out many of the game's flaws in my eyes.

On a different note, I'm now getting so comfortable with crosses that I usually bag a goal a game from crosses... Some of the goals even give me that good old "Premier Soccer" feeling (I'm sure many of you remember it, that game where crossing and volleying it home was super effective).
Getting finally back to Konami's footballing roots are we?
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it is beyond me how Konami thinks 100 block slots are nearly enough for the amount of cheaters present in the online portion of this francise.
they literally take no action agains these pieces of scum. it's designed to accommodate them as better as it can.
you get paired agains an 800+ rated myclub player? prepare to feel like you are submerged in stiff tar with the controller, his players running 90 minutes straight like in the first minute with the ball glued to their, never tire, while you can barely turn yours. and if you stop an attack your whole defense will be unresponsive as sh^^t and stand look as he wins the ball back.
100 block slots are like 1% of what we need.
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you get paired agains an 800+ rated myclub player? prepare to feel like you are submerged in stiff tar with the controller, his players running 90 minutes straight like in the first minute with the ball glued to their, never tire, while you can barely turn yours. and if you stop an attack your whole defense will be unresponsive as sh^^t and stand look as he wins the ball back.
Well, that's not related to cheating. It's just the game punishing you for not buying enough coins.
LOL you know i just came online to rant about how crap this game is and reading everyone's posts makes me feel a little bit better i just came off a run of ML La Liga got my arse wiped against Alaves and Real Madrid game scripting is out of this world, how can you lead 3-1 (Alaves) with 5 minutes left on the clock and draw 3-3 controlling the game i wish i could upload my replays of silly player AI mistakes they make and costing you 3 points, and what is worse is that against Madrid i also was controlling the flow of the game Hazard takes a shot (45thmin) about 30m out from goal the goalkeeper parries to the byline DMF Fabian Ruiz runs after the ball dont know why he runs the ball out of play. Benzema scores from the resulting Ck lead the shot count 5-2 half-time end up losing 2-1 Benzema with a brace, players just became lackluster after halftime, i have a lot of issues with this version and 2020 i have no idea what i need to do to improve my playing style this is my settings.

I need help please someone i need advice to help with my system cos clearly its not working as i love playing attacking style of football however its not working to my liking as my full backs run until the half of the oppositions half then stop dead in their tracks don't continue the overlapping run to or my forwards run to close the goalkeeper but then strolls back to get back onside so by the time i want to continue my attack he offside when i play the ball forward and why does the ball always miss my players when i pass the ball to them in mid field i have three players in close proximity of the ball yet not one of them activates to get the ball however the CPU AI is always alert to what ever i try whether its a ball down the line or a quick counter through the middle he can be 5-10 yards behind my striker he still makes a recovering tackle or runs faster than Usain Bolt to break up the play.

Anyway i am calm now (after numerous times swearing) i have smashed about 4 controllers already from playing this garbage however i still love it to bits almost uninstalled it as well just now. Hope you guys are well and enjoying the game still.
Like a sniper rifle mate, and it's hilarious.

However yeah, for someone who grew to love the realism in Dream Patch, slow pace it brings and actually makes it feel so good to play and develop your team, watch them do stuff and enjoy ton of new stuff that patch brings, I suppose I am broken down to them being the deadly assassins.

I can only hope that with 2022 they actually do something about such stuff when it's so obviously noticeable and fix such (for some) game breaking mechanics which are just ruining the immersion they're trying to let themselves develop.
I know how you feel i dont know why Konami makes it that the keeper is standing to cover one quarter of the goal and leaves the rest exposed its stupid to always having to highlight the goalie to try and save a pretty standard shot and whats worse is that the keepers are so delayed when the AI takes a shot even though no player is impeding their vision they dive far to late for my liking and concedes silly goals
Legend players - Just the Konami ones - any way to get only them to sign in master league for the pc version? I know of @abdulaziz1899 's great patch, but i just want the Konami "official" ones and there seems to be no way to just use those. I mean you can, but they're not signable in master league as far as I can tell. Looking to use this in combination with the evoweb patch.
Legend players - Just the Konami ones - any way to get only them to sign in master league for the pc version? I know of @abdulaziz1899 's great patch, but i just want the Konami "official" ones and there seems to be no way to just use those. I mean you can, but they're not signable in master league as far as I can tell. Looking to use this in combination with the evoweb patch.
There is the 100% legit way, have them in MyC and import them through ML menu.

Then there is the 99% legit way, import them by Junior Mantis OF, but move them to a ML playing club, before you start your ML.
There is the 100% legit way, have them in MyC and import them through ML menu.

Then there is the 99% legit way, import them by Junior Mantis OF, but move them to a ML playing club, before you start your ML.
Many thanks, I will be going the 99 percent route then. Am I correct in saying;
- there is no thread for that option file here on evoweb?
- this should work with evoweb patch (on top of that as it were) as I would be importing teams through ted files ? (Seem to recall this from his option files for the older games)

Also, I couldve sworn that if you select 'remove from team' in Edit mode / transfer that these players would move to free agents...but that did not work with abdulaziz's patch. Any way to do that at all?
Many thanks, I will be going the 99 percent route then. Am I correct in saying;
- there is no thread for that option file here on evoweb?
- this should work with evoweb patch (on top of that as it were) as I would be importing teams through ted files ? (Seem to recall this from his option files for the older games)

Also, I couldve sworn that if you select 'remove from team' in Edit mode / transfer that these players would move to free agents...but that did not work with abdulaziz's patch. Any way to do that at all?
They are CLEARLY. TED files, mainly for PS4. You import the Ted and they overwrite the EU and World classics.

From that spot I am not sure how they would behave, if you RELEASE Them cause the ML option for hidden/classic players is set to Off by default, and being a hidden value since PES2020.

So did NT do much tests. Just created a fake classic team over some fake clubs in PAS league and added them there, to be sure they will appear in ML.

Basically I did some console tricks when added hem, by exporting an AFC CL club Ted file, to my second ps4 account, imported them there and imported it to my main account. With this way I had both the default classics and the MC ones.

The philosophy is same with returning removed players by smutcheon tool. You just change the player ID to the one needed, go inside game, edit mode/player edit, and revert player to default, in this way he drains from the ID and reverts to what player the ID dictates.

But this is mostly a console trick. I can't tell anything on how this would react with the editing staff you have on PC.

What I can only confess is that I have those legends original in my console, while us in consoles have million less editing possibilities, with stats and gameplan miniface, all "offcial".

PD: for mantis modding, just Google "mantis modding".

Check in the attached screen Vieria, Screenshot taken by my video by my PS4. Since I can do in a console, I assume it is much more simple on PC.


  • Screenshot_20210103_131614_com.google.android.youtube.jpg
    742 KB · Views: 15
They are CLEARLY. TED files, mainly for PS4. You import the Ted and they overwrite the EU and World classics.

From that spot I am not sure how they would behave, if you RELEASE Them cause the ML option for hidden/classic players is set to Off by default, and being a hidden value since PES2020.

So did NT do much tests. Just created a fake classic team over some fake clubs in PAS league and added them there, to be sure they will appear in ML.

Basically I did some console tricks when added hem, by exporting an AFC CL club Ted file, to my second ps4 account, imported them there and imported it to my main account. With this way I had both the default classics and the MC ones.

The philosophy is same with returning removed players by smutcheon tool. You just change the player ID to the one needed, go inside game, edit mode/player edit, and revert player to default, in this way he drains from the ID and reverts to what player the ID dictates.

But this is mostly a console trick. I can't tell anything on how this would react with the editing staff you have on PC.

What I can only confess is that I have those legends original in my console, while us in consoles have million less editing possibilities, with stats and gameplan miniface, all "offcial".

PD: for mantis modding, just Google "mantis modding".

Check in the attached screen Vieria, Screenshot taken by my video by my PS4. Since I can do in a console, I assume it is much more simple on PC.
Thank you, very helpful! I did not realize classic players were "off" by default nowadays, it must've last used them in pes19 where I could get them into free agents. Anyway, I'm good to go now I think. Much appreciated!
Thank you, very helpful! I did not realize classic players were "off" by default nowadays, it must've last used them in pes19 where I could get them into free agents. Anyway, I'm good to go now I think. Much appreciated!
Yes this means players in the two classic clubs will never appear in your ML, if you don't first move them to a playing club, previously in edit mode.

As for the remove of the option Classics on/off, it was a typical KONAMI move.

Nobody asked for it, they screw it, by removing it!!!! :)

You're welcome mate. :)
hey Mates,

Friend and me playing, if we had time PES 2021 Full Manual in friendly lobby against each other.

Problem here, the last games yesterday felt heavy, sluggish and not responsiv, stupid KI, no runs, no good gameplay.

the other games 4 days ago where really good, a lot of fun and a lot of good football. but we change nothing!

- good Internet connection (no shutter or noticeale lag)
- same teams
- same settings on the pitch
- same input devices (DS4 tool with Dualshock 4 controller)
- same hardware

for me that is totally wired and i cant explain that, the last weeks with pes 2021 where really fun on FM and a pure joy but yesterday it felt like pes 2020...

had someone felt the same, or can explain that ? maybe its me that i go crazy here ? :BRICK:
Happy welcome to "scripting 2021". Made by the same awesome devs from the outstanding "scripting 2020".

Ah sorry Konami, I mean PES 2021. ;):FAIL::BLEH:

You can search in this post https://evo-web.co.uk/threads/pes-2020-gameplay-by-ipm-team.82073/ for Pes2020 by a system file something something.
So you need to delete a file installing new one and make it not writeable. Or so. sorry my bad english.

But I don't know if it is the same for Pes2021. But I would think.
My game completely freezes for 1-2 seconds as soon as the entrance scenes of a match start, and then again at half time and full-time. Anyone know why this might be happening?
Can you import Myclub squad to play efootball coop. I seem to be coming up against players with legends
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