Marlon Anthony
I'm not ashamed to admit, But I refuse to be a prisoner or a victim of scripting. I am script survivor.I can relate, Chris. Last two-three years I had to have a drink every time I had a cup match coming in ML and I was playing on professional. Every single Cup match was like difficulty was suddenly ramped up to superstar in the background.
I especially remember one time where I somehow managed to win 1-4 in first leg. Second leg, home ground - I was battered 0-6.
And like that - I had no control over the players, every time I took the ball - foul was called. Every free kick they had went into top corner, every ball bounced back to them, weak low shots were parried by my goalie - it was so obvious that it was insulting.
Whatever is driving this, whether its Team Spirit, scripting, or some other background drama creator - Master League last few years is simply unplayable long term, without ending in a hospital.
Whenever I have one of those games where I feel like the unwinnable bullshit starts creeping in, I simply reboot the game and restart the match.
Yeah call me paranoid but I feel it's like some kind of coding Russian roulette where you could play 3 fun, engaging games where it felt like you sucked right into the throes of the worlds greatest football simulator, than the 3rd game feels like all that control and responsive, all that agency and understanding you had adjusted and gotten accustomed to just gets absolutely destroyed in some kind of sick joke by the programmers like some kind of toxic senior prank.
It's like a racing game that flip-mirrors the steering controls in the 3rd race, Makes your brakes unresponsive and any minor clipping with another car sends you not only off the track but off the edge of the new flat earth and into the ether.
The handicap is seldom subtle and makes no sense, It just seems lazily extreme and is there to get an overreaction out of you because you're stubborn enough to keep playing because you refuse to be cheated out of the game. It's like continuing to play cards when you know the game is rigged, But damn if it isn't the only game in town...
Fuck that. I'm too old to convince myself I can beat this rigged engine for no recognition or nothing to prove for my burst open blood vessels.
I feel like among other things in not just football games but most games and their loot boxes being compared to a slot machine, When the scripting boogey monster comes into your fixture and decides to start twiddling knobs - I believe it's a matter of randomness, and you can simply restart and get a calmer game.
I refuse to dignify the script because it doesn't even try to be subtle and defeat-ble still like in older games. Here it just seems like being spat in the face by smirking jocks.