eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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I'm not sure they could have had a more Konami style stream if they tried.

It was late, then spent the first 10 minutes just talking about the trailer. Started the game, spent 2 minutes talking about menus then the stream died the moment they kicked off.
cant fuc*** believe the same, exactly the same pre match camera angles, cut scenes... the same !! Still poor presentation?
"The tunnel has been updated."

"That's the new ball!"

And as soon as the actual gameplay starts, the match disappears. They're continuing to describe it ("look at that kick"), but we can't see anything.

I've seen car crashes that are less of a car crash than this.
"The tunnel has been updated."

"That's the new ball!"

And as soon as the actual gameplay starts, the match disappears. They're continuing to describe it ("look at that kick"), but we can't see anything.

Is this the biggest fuck-up to date?

Even the most pessimistic PES fan couldn’t envisage this much of a disaster
Okay, so now that we can see gameplay...

I've already seen multiple instances where they've pressed a button to perform an action, the power bar appears, and the action delays just as much as it does now (which drives me insane).

It categorically isn't a realism thing, getting the body into the right position or whatever, because they continue to take steps rather than kicking the ball. If a defender has good attributes, your input will "lag" and you lose the ball before the player thinks about kicking it.

This looks absolutely identical to me so far.

I'm sure it might feel better when you play it, but... I've seen the same players sliding around, the same lagging, the same perfect contact (no bad contact yet, which they've been talking about).
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