eFootball (All Platforms)

What kills the mood for me is that the player movement doesn't feel organic. You can't feel that his motion is produced by his feet, it's like a puppet attached to a string pulling him around. Feet animation and player movement feel way off especially when changing directions and stopping in low speed.
Also bad and unnatural ball physics makes efootball less "real life" football game. Too bad.
Because I'm always on the fence on whether passing and shooting stats matter when playing manual. What do you think? Or has konami mentioned anything about this?
Manual passing has never been completely manual. You can tell that by using a world class team and then a shitty team right after, suddenly your passes become way worse. It's a bit harder to tell with the shooting but I wouldn't be surprised if there was something similiar behind that.
I would argue however that this is not the main point. The main point is that it just makes the PES games (and likely eFootball, although I haven't played that in ages) a lot more rewarding and fun to play.
I think manual passing with basic shooting is the perfect combination if you're on the fence. It's what I've done since PES16 and wouldn't ever go back to assisted passing
At this point, I much rather play FM and try to enjoy their matchengine, than suffer through what is a mobile slot machine simulatoe with automated gameplay, what a joke. The game won't change since people are buying tons of packs and what is the incentive for KONAMI to invest more in what is esentially a multi platform mobile/ casino footblal game.

PES is f-in dead.
What kills the mood for me is that the player movement doesn't feel organic. You can't feel that his motion is produced by his feet, it's like a puppet attached to a string pulling him around. Feet animation and player movement feel way off especially when changing directions and stopping in low speed.
Also bad and unnatural ball physics makes efootball less "real life" football game. Too bad.
For me the player movement thing isn't as bad as that flat green turf it looks like it belongs in pes 6 no depth no texture just a flat green carpet with a few skid marks on it
Yeah it's the game that looks cheap on far then when you look it closely the graphic is actually good. Pes 18/19 is peak pes look.

The foot planting & player weight are also problem with efootball. I just cant "feel" it. Ironically pes 21 is better with it but as result it feels sluggish.
For me the player movement thing isn't as bad as that flat green turf it looks like it belongs in pes 6 no depth no texture just a flat green carpet with a few skid marks on it
If you're on pc you can try using reshade to get more green and sharper looking turf. However it depends on your pc capability and your monitor for the game to run smoothly.

The game is gorgous graphically and is a suitable update to PES 2021 in certain areas, many fantastic animations too, even if it is barebones on many aesthtic things like net physics, turf damage when passing and shooting and crowd chants. Most of these can be improved with modding but that's been a conundrum itself.

But of course it's such a damn shame, a damn fucking shame that any offline spirit with this has been abandoned like an orphaned child. If this had the offline content you'd expect and the modding support, I'd easily drop 2021 in favour of this.
If you're on pc you can try using reshade to get more green and sharper looking turf. However it depends on your pc capability and your monitor for the game to run smoothly.

This looks much better I don't really understand why the developers don't take their time to make the turf look good even in the vanilla pes 21 the turf has a yellowy green color that is off putting.
I'm going to be laughed at, but playing full manual, offline, is one of the most rewarding experiences I've had with a football game.
The game got better in many aspects and I can appreciate that. I'd gladly pay for a more complete game, even without ML.
Just all the teams unlocked in exhibition, edit mode, season mode, and matches longer than 10 minutes.

This is a great post because its the biggest reason this game makes me mad.

If it was pure shit i would of washed my hands with it years ago. Manual offline has the potential. That's what kills me.
Manual is not for everyone though. I never play manual in previous iterations.
Personally, I prefer PA1 to manual passing. (I am talking about PES here, as it is my experience).

I believe that stats matter more in PA1. They matter a bit in manual (it's not 100% manual as has been said) too, but honestly I prefer more stats weight. I want to feel more like I'm playing with the actual players' skills, but it's a matter of personal preference. I will sometimes experiment with manual too, but for campaigns usually PA1.

That being said, I do enjoy a more "semi" or "intermediate" passing assistance, like in FIFA, or PES 13 or 14 one-bar passing, that's fun too. In fact, semi passing would be my preferred option if it were available in all PES.

Saying that there's a right or wrong way to play PES is something I disagree with. Play however you want. There's no one more valid way than another if you are playing in offline modes, anyway. I have felt much more pass difference between say, a Kroos pass and a second division midfielder in PA1, especially in through balls, and I find more enjoyment in this mode.

The most important thing is whatever is more fun for you, whether it's PA3, PA1, or FUMA. My two cents.
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