- 11 February 2020
My feeling is game is going back in terms of graphics, turf, nets etc even crowd looks blurry. I still believing strongly they had two projects over the table: PES 2022 real next gen (which was showed in a trailer "taking pes to a whole new level" which was developping for 2 years with masuda kei as produce productor and low cost mobile port taking max profits with less effort by Kimura and in the last months due to high economic cost of PES new generation and corona pandemic in Japan, they chose Kimura as a header productor for efootball project with a very low economic cost and high profits getting as main modes dream team and cards. Its really sad and these decisions are line up with the thoughts of company as mobile is the future and in some years they will produce only games on mobileI really can't fathom why graphics are so downgraded in efootball.
I guess they can't optimize the new engine enough.
For example, ball shadow is a just a grey circle even in night matches (like 90'-early 2000 football games).
Pes 2008 -2011 had great nets. Since 2012 the nets where awful, but in PES 2021 a mod made them very realistic.
This year ,nets and net sound are atrocious.
Pes 2011 was phenomenal in terms of graphics for it's time.
Pes 2014 had the best graphics to my opinion and run smoothly on PS3.