Dexter - Season 8 (June 30)

Re: Dexter - Season 6

I hope this season is better than the last.

Still looking forward to it :).
Re: Dexter - Season 6

Finally saw season 5, and I quite liked it but it felt like something I saw before;
and to be honest I don't fall for that "he's about to get caught" anymore, its getting a bit boring;
Also tought his family storyline should have been the major plot.
But still this show is well made and I'm looking forward to season 6.
Re: Dexter - Season 6 (October 2)

Crazy we didn't have a thread for season 7... But I'll throw it in here anyway

I'm 3 episodes way from the end.... An episode called heater shelter I think.

So fr, the season just feels like mistake after mistake.

First they build this story up of that computer nerd. It's keeps building.... And then he's just killed off.

Then they go and kill off the English guy, Isaac. He was by far the most interesting bad guy they've had since trinity.

Now we're just left with George, who means about as much as a spot on a dogs arse. And that woman killer he's sleeping with who again is useless.

I just don't get the writers at all.

The only interesting part of the story now is laguerta (spelling?) trailing the bay harbour butcher. But even that feels tacked on.
Completely agree.

I think the:

Creepy incest story can be interesting in a weird way too... but the show lost its spark since Trinity and/or Doomsday.
Well a few episodes in to the 'final' series now.

I'm not sure where it's going or how it will end. I have ideas but then with each episode I end up having to rethink it.

I guess it depends on what kind of ending they want to give. Does it have the happy dexter get away with it end, dexter dies end or maybe an open twist end like someone kills dexter?

I do have one idea I'd like to see at the end
I'm leaning towards it ending where dexter gets away with all of this.. But then hes at home smugly narrating over himself and then suddenly he chokes, stumbles an dies.

Then the camera pulls around and his son is sat drawing a picture and it turns out it mirrors the drawings dexter did as a child but with his name on instead of dexters.

I think him being at the side of the bath when Rita died had to be significant and not just there to tease us and then never be mentioned again.

Oh I forgot one thing regarding the last series..

I think the way they've handled the end of the last series is a real cop out.
Deb is going off the rails but it just doesn't feel like we should care about her. She's been a dick quite a lot and was doing the tablets etc before she found out.
No real explanation of what happened immediately after other than some throw away comments. It feels like it was done just to create a "oh my god!" moment to end the series but without a grand vision behind it.
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