DB and others present the Hot Women Thread (not wrist friendly)

Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

Esther Baxter..







Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

Ahh she's well stacked :mrgreen:
Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

I dont know who she is, but I think she is prob the finest bird you have posted De Bob..........
Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

So you prefer lung warts then do you? :lol:
Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

2 questions...

1. can you find out who the girl u posted is

2. do u have any more pics

i got the picture from a hip/hop forum, from a guys signature and the person said it's some random chick from a myspace page.

ps - did i send you a PM today?
Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

Back in business. Quality biatches from db. :)

P.S, liking the avatar mate. :D
Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

Nothing much Stringer. Though I'm a bit miffed at the moment. Recent computer trouble means I may have lost my extensive archive of high quality porn. So there's a distinct lack of dirty viewing material at the moment. No biggie. Hows things your neck of the woods?

BTW, I have to mention that Esther Baxter guys. Particularly fine IMO. Love those high class hip hop babes.
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Re: Hot Women Thread (non 56k friendly)

Nothing much Stringer. Though I'm a bit miffed at the moment. Recent computer trouble means I may have lost my extensive archive of high quality porn. So there's a distinct lack of dirty viewing material at the moment. No biggie. Hows things your neck of the woods?

BTW, I have to mention that Esther Baxter guys. Particularly fine IMO. Love those high class hip hop babes.
Unlucky about the porn lol

Anyways there's nothing much going on with me except for getting through the mass assignments i've got at college! When college closes i'll be looking towards the summer, i've got a nice 10 week internship at Canary Wharf. :)

hopefully nothing fucked up happens between now and then (which it sometimes does around this time for me)!

ps - Esther Baxter doesn't do any music videos appearances anyomre, i don't think.
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