Can't change my profile picture

I tried changing it last night but something's definitely bugged as it's sometimes still showing your old one. Will keep an eye on it, maybe it's indexing related and will fix itself.
Thanks for making me aware of this, we'll put it on the list of things to fix. There's no errors popping up on my log which is weird, so it could be forum software related and thus out of our hands.
I'm also having this exact same issue. I had to use a gravatar as well, but I'd rather use my normal evo-web account for my new avatar.. Hopefully this issue can be resolved.. Thanks admins..
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New avatars not showing up immediately seems to be down to our indexing indeed. It took RedLegend's new avatar roughly a day to show up for me after I set it up.

Anyway, nothing wrong with providing me with more info. Are you guys getting any error messages?
New avatars not showing up immediately seems to be down to our indexing indeed. It took RedLegend's new avatar roughly a day to show up for me after I set it up.

Anyway, nothing wrong with providing me with more info. Are you guys getting any error messages?
No error messages, but the situation is weird. I even saw myself with the third picture I tried to use yesterday.
Dear admins I would like to second @RedLegend and request the following picture be uploaded to my profile pic, and have all previous evo-web profile pics deleted (I would like to have the option of switching from gravatar to avatar). Thanks a lot in advance, bros. :TU:

That avatar is already showing up fine for me. It's been like that for a while as far as I can remember.

I also can't delete previous pictures. You can only have one, older ones won't be saved anywhere.

Ok, I'll try to expand a bit.. As you can see here bro, there are 2 options when choosing an avatar
1. The "Use a custom avatar" uses an evoweb avatar, and here, (where you can see the players celebrating) even though I deleted this picture last night, it is still appearing as my evo-web avatar.
2. The "Gravatar" which is the option that I'm using right now, uses an external website ( to upload your avatar.

My request was to make my evoweb avatar exactly the same as my gravatar, and delete all of my previous evo-web avatar.
The reason why I like this is because I don't have to be signed up to the other website.

But.. it's ok if it's too complicated bro..

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Now that's funny, I didn't even know Gravatar was implemented like that until now. So thanks, I guess?! :D

Unfortunately, there aren't any options in my admin toolbox I could use to do anything about this, I'm afraid.

Haha, no problem bro. I'll keep using gravatar. Still I wanted to let you guys know that the evoweb avatars have this strange "non-deleting" issue.. I guess I'll keep tinkering in a few days. Thanks!
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