Champions League
I think the WC2014 could be in danger. When the people from a country like Brazil don't agree with a WC being played in their nation, and when they detract Pelé as a traitor, it means shit is really serious.
The problem now is that the stadiums are built, and the damage is done. People should have risen 4 years ago when it was decided the WC would go to Brazil.
But no doubt it is an event that is made only to give a $2 billion profit to FIFA and benefit some local politicians (who certainly have their fingers in the pie, seeing how we're talking about Brazil).
The WC2010 in South Africa left the country with a dozen white elephants to be maintained and a huge financial loss to recover from.
As much as I like football, I have to agree that Brazil shouldn't be hosting this WC right now. I think FIFA are like a wave of predators, a cloud of grasshoppers coming into a corn plantation and consuming everything in their path, and leaving some damage behind.
The silver lining about the protests in Brazil is that people are awakening and it certainly opens up a precedent for people to rise up and voice their discontent in the future, because in the past they had been so quiet and subdued.
You have it all wrong.
Jerome Valcke himself said it costs FIFA an inordinate amount of money to stage these tournaments and they do not make any profit out of it.......
And it will also benefit the 'ordinary' (what does this mean ? I hate this term. We are all unique. I can never sample someone elses thoughts of experiences of specific memories) Brazilian.
Does anyone know of a flying pig with wings emoticon ?