Quite literally League 2
Sounds to me casper like you just need to keep practicing PES 11 and improve mate
sounds like you are going through the frustrating period and learning the game, maybe PES 6 is your safenet? Maybe the depth of it is just not for you? Not having a go, but seems to me like from what you are saying you are only scratching the surface to be fair.
I really don't know what you are on about with the keepers either, I never see the top keepers spill shots except the ones to hot to handle, which is completely realistic, even Buffon isn't going to try and catch a Frank Lampard rocket from 20 yards even if it's straight at him.
I have Casillas now on the MLO, and unless it's a rocket, he scoops up the ball everytime, even on high shots across goal. In fact, it's actually one of the better PES 11 animations how I've seen him pluck shots out of the air.
You must of been playing someone shit online, cause if he can't get away from your defence with Ronaldo, he's doing something wrong. I have Dotan (donovan) and once he's gone, he's gone. Ronaldo is faster, and with the same player cards, so I'm assuming a decent player would know how to use him a bit better.
I understand mate you love pes 6, I was only making a point before and trying to understand why so many people are still dedicated to it. It sounds like from the things you are posted the arcade nature of it is probably the type of game for you anyway. Like I said a few weeks ago, I played PES 6 the other weekend, loved it, but the disk is no more use than a tea coaster now after going back to PES 11.

I really don't know what you are on about with the keepers either, I never see the top keepers spill shots except the ones to hot to handle, which is completely realistic, even Buffon isn't going to try and catch a Frank Lampard rocket from 20 yards even if it's straight at him.
I have Casillas now on the MLO, and unless it's a rocket, he scoops up the ball everytime, even on high shots across goal. In fact, it's actually one of the better PES 11 animations how I've seen him pluck shots out of the air.
You must of been playing someone shit online, cause if he can't get away from your defence with Ronaldo, he's doing something wrong. I have Dotan (donovan) and once he's gone, he's gone. Ronaldo is faster, and with the same player cards, so I'm assuming a decent player would know how to use him a bit better.
I understand mate you love pes 6, I was only making a point before and trying to understand why so many people are still dedicated to it. It sounds like from the things you are posted the arcade nature of it is probably the type of game for you anyway. Like I said a few weeks ago, I played PES 6 the other weekend, loved it, but the disk is no more use than a tea coaster now after going back to PES 11.