joostebrood said:Is it that hard? Both of these players decided to become a pro player. It comes with the territory, agree? Mendes makes a million a year, he'll survive. Besides that, Thatcher didn't seem to do it on purpose at all. So please people, make a judgment based on knowledge, rather than on emotions. None of you ever played yourself right?
What the hell has money got to do with almost getting killed? So if I make a million a year in my job, then its ok if Im assualted by a co-worker? And does it mean I 'll survive whatever form of abuse because I make a million a year? And no I don't agree that sending players into a epilepsy attack comes with the territory. And you think thatcher didnt do it on purpose? what are you blind! The man clearly had his eyes on mendes only,and stuck out his forarm to his face.The malice was obviously there. Worse still, he gets up pissed off himself and then just runs off like nothing happened and then protests against a yellow card. Or are you going to tell me it was the wind that made his arm hit mendes's face? This isnt judgement from emotion, but judgement from seeing the incident with my own eyes and not acting like a dumb ass about it and protecting some ugly aryan faced thug. I can't believe there are people seriously trying to tell me that he didnt mean it and mendes played his part in getting hurt because he chose a football career. How stupid and pathetic.