Assassins Creed Shadows

Is it on your youtube in your country the same with some turds (rightwinger maybe) posting yt videos how bad the game is, because of a PoC Samurai and a female player charackter?

It really annoiying me. Sometimes I think I'm in the wrong decade sentuary like we still have the year 1500 or so.

I hope it will be a good game as it was with Valhalla. For my taste it was the best AC.
Last year I got Mirage (or what was the name) I had no fun with it.
Sadly there's just so many angry people out there with miserable lives who can only give themselves pleasure by hating everything that's different to them. The last 5-10 years or so of world politics (Brexit and Trump in particular) has emboldened them to have no shame any more to spout their hate filled bile.

I can't say I'm not a little disappointed the two characters aren't Japanese to be honest, but if the game's well made it won't matter that much all in all to me :) At least the character of Yasuke is based on historical fact/record even if it's a little dubious if he really became a Samurai or really had as much prominence as the game will make out, but at the end of the day that's the key word "game".
Sadly there's just so many angry people out there with miserable lives who can only give themselves pleasure by hating everything that's different to them. The last 5-10 years or so of world politics (Brexit and Trump in particular) has emboldened them to have no shame any more to spout their hate filled bile.

I can't say I'm not a little disappointed the two characters aren't Japanese to be honest, but if the game's well made it won't matter that much all in all to me :) At least the character of Yasuke is based on historical fact/record even if it's a little dubious if he really became a Samurai or really had as much prominence as the game will make out, but at the end of the day that's the key word "game".
Exactly Placebo, totally agree with you. :))
Exactly Placebo, totally agree with you. :))

It's very draining to be around such hate filled people, whether it be IRL or online, I can only recommend seeking out and clinging to places where the expression of hatred isn't tolerated, this is a really good site for that, there's some very lovely people in Evo-Web I've been friends with for decades, well there's @Chris Davies but knowing him is all the friends you'll ever need in your life :)

I used to post a lot on but there's a lot of posters on there that are of the mentality that anything remotely inclusive is WOKE/SJW/DEI/blah/blah, anything that crosses a line gets taken down but there's still a lot of sad little people ranting and raving in there ruining good gaming discussions :) I also used to post a lot on a Boxing sharing site and that went down a shockingly vile anti-immigrant, anti-vaccine/mask/lockdown rabbit hole that I never expected, the owner of the site was right in the middle of sharing such views, very disappointing.
Is it on your youtube in your country the same with some turds (rightwinger maybe) posting yt videos how bad the game is, because of a PoC Samurai and a female player charackter?

It really annoiying me. Sometimes I think I'm in the wrong decade sentuary like we still have the year 1500 or so.

I hope it will be a good game as it was with Valhalla. For my taste it was the best AC.
Last year I got Mirage (or what was the name) I had no fun with it.
I liked Valhalla and Odyssey. Same with black flag. People on YouTube farm outrage for clicks and clout. They are doing that with GTA 6 because the protagonist is a woman. I swear, some gamers make the entire community look like a bunch of whiny pussies. I have little faith in Ubisoft making AC great again, but at least they will trim the fat and have better quests.
I'll be subbing to Ubisoft+ as there's a couple of other games I haven't played that I want to play, do wish there was some way to save a bit of money on that though with a different region etc. etc. ;)
There is a lot of discorse surrounding the game. I understand some of it (mostly historical inaccuracy stuff) but these people are like this with anything these days. If they go back to old games, they would fault in pretty much every Assassins Creed. They are lying to themselves if they think otherwise and most of it is just click bait or just angry at life.

I always think of it like this. If the game had a fluffy animal that swings a sword as the protagonist (Wukong anyone?) and the world wasnt as "realistic" would they focus on all the other things? Probably not. Why? Because they would then see it as a GAME rather than a piece of media pretending to be a game.

In any case. I am sure this will be another good open world Assassins Creed just like Origins, Odyssey & Valhalla before. And I absolutely adored (and 100+ hour completed) them all. (Not so much Mirage tho??).

I'll likely get this on Ubisoft+ to try it out for a month. Unfortunate timing though. I go away on vacation next week. Hope the game doesn't grip me so much I want to be playing it whilst I am on vacation lol

I plan to do some more for fun game recording of this game after release on my "alternative" YouTube channel

Have fun all. Hope you enjoy the game. :)
There is a lot of discorse surrounding the game. I understand some of it (mostly historical inaccuracy stuff) but these people are like this with anything these days.

It's ironic, I don't remember them complaining that Odyssey didn't feature gay sex everywhere you looked, wasn't that somewhat how things were in ancient Greece?

I'll likely get this on Ubisoft+ to try it out for a month. Unfortunate timing though. I go away on vacation next week. Hope the game doesn't grip me so much I want to be playing it whilst I am on vacation lol

The 40% discount on Ubisoft+ ends 28th March so if you're not already a subscriber don't delay ;)
Cheers with a bottle Sake to all mates today, to the release day!

Before I start to play, what do you guys think would be best option to play with on PC, keyboard + mouse, or gamepad?


For me this is 100% a gamepad game. I play all third-person games with a gamepad. It feels more natural.


It took me so damn long to get my recording setup just right so its smooth enough to record the benchmark but finally its here. I am hoping I can use this setup to record smoother FC 25 footage too? One can dream right.

And I've played the prologue here

I have just unlocked the hideout. I'll post it tomorrow :)
I solely game with controller so I'll say controller ;)

For me this is 100% a gamepad game. I play all third-person games with a gamepad. It feels more natural.


It took me so damn long to get my recording setup just right so its smooth enough to record the benchmark but finally its here. I am hoping I can use this setup to record smoother FC 25 footage too? One can dream right.

And I've played the prologue here

I have just unlocked the hideout. I'll post it tomorrow :)
Thank you, Placebo and Paul-v for your's help mates. Very appreciated! :)

Damn it, I have here in my hometown very nice spring weather and less time to play the game this weekend. So I think I need a outdoor,- PC, Desk, Monitor and power. And a garden where I could play outdoor. :!:D
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