Are PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

im running with hdmi, 1080i,full effects and commentary no problem,on a samsung le40r, just to add another varaiable what version of the ps3 are you running it on (the full £399 version or the £299 version with less connectability) im not saying its the reason im just curios as it may be the connectivity to the tv's on the £299 version that is the issue then again i could be completly wrong.:shock:

Ps3 pack with 2 pads & 2 games 60 Go HDD ...
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Playing on a 3 year old 28" Sony fat SD TV. I've managed about 5 games trying different settings on the PS3 each time. Tried all the camera angles, zoomed in and out. Media Servers disable, Internet disabled, Commentary diasbled, Stadium effects disabled....the only thing I've left on are the PS3, the TV, and my pants, and it still plays like a strobe light. Any longer than 2 minutes looking at the screen makes me feel like my eyeballs are going to burst.

And my brother is sat up the road playing it on a 32" Sagem HD lcd, and it hardly flickers.

Gutted. I'm taking it back for a refund, and will re-purchase once a patch has been guaranteed/released, or Konami start dispatching new versions.

If everyone suffering actually does something about it - i.e. log official complaints with Konami for releasing a half-arsed game (that, to be honest, looks pretty much the fking same as PES6) - and returns their copies for a refund, then they will be FORCED to do something about it to try to recoup as much money as they can. They'll have sales targets. We need to make sure they dont reach them, and not behave like doormats, shrug our shoulders and take it up the arse.

Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Playing on a 3 year old 28" Sony fat SD TV. I've managed about 5 games trying different settings on the PS3 each time. Tried all the camera angles, zoomed in and out. Media Servers disable, Internet disabled, Commentary diasbled, Stadium effects disabled....the only thing I've left on are the PS3, the TV, and my pants, and it still plays like a strobe light. Any longer than 2 minutes looking at the screen makes me feel like my eyeballs are going to burst.

And my brother is sat up the road playing it on a 32" Sagem HD lcd, and it hardly flickers.

Gutted. I'm taking it back for a refund, and will re-purchase once a patch has been guaranteed/released, or Konami start dispatching new versions.

If everyone suffering actually does something about it - i.e. log official complaints with Konami for releasing a half-arsed game (that, to be honest, looks pretty much the fking same as PES6) - and returns their copies for a refund, then they will be FORCED to do something about it to try to recoup as much money as they can. They'll have sales targets. We need to make sure they dont reach them, and not behave like doormats, shrug our shoulders and take it up the arse.


Agree about complaining to Konami- I've already done so.

tbh, I'm just hoping that getting a HD tv will resolve all issues- although it is ridic that you appear to need one for the game!
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

im running with hdmi, 1080i,full effects and commentary no problem,on a samsung le40r, just to add another varaiable what version of the ps3 are you running it on (the full £399 version or the £299 version with less connectability) im not saying its the reason im just curios as it may be the connectivity to the tv's on the £299 version that is the issue then again i could be completly wrong.:shock:

Same here.I've a 26 inch HD Samsung and I'm havin no problems with the game at all,Even the replays are fine in 1080i via HDMI.Have slowdonw on my other TV though which is only a CRT TV
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

I must admit I was very close to ordering a new T.V. yesterday, a Samsung PS42Q97HDX 42" HD or a Panasonic Viera. But my brother and my mate convinced me I was being a little stupid, and I was. My mate even said he'd swap his 54" Toshiba for my current 42" Plasma HD if I wanted.

I realised that why should I spend £700 on a new HD T.V. I dont really need, its the game that needs sorting, period.

I'm going to keep playing PES6 Super-patched on the PS2 until a patch is released by Konami.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

LOL if you're going to those lengths you might as well just buy an Xbox360. Much Cheaper than a big telly! :p
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

LOL if you're going to those lengths you might as well just buy an Xbox360. Much Cheaper than a big telly! :p

Now this will make you laugh..........

I have an Xbox 360, and bought PES2008 for it as a last resort, and it still has framerate and slowdown issues :0( No where near as bad as the PS3's but still enough to stop me even playing it.

Thats £700 of Next Gen consoles, £1000's worth of HD T.V, and £90 on two Next Gen Console games, and I still cant play the fucker !! There is something very wrong with this whole scenario.

Guess I'll give it another go on the PS2 with Jayz's patch for now, sick as a cancerous parrot. :0(
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Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Guys having read all these posts here there is only one thing that is constant and that is a PS3 and a PES2008 so that can't be the reason. The only variables are the TV's. Some get lag and some don't so obviously it was got to do with the TV support that PS3 has and not the game right ?

Perhaps if we create a list of all the TV's that have no lag and a list of all the TV's that have lag, maybe we could find a common factor, what do you think ?

We would have to take into considerations the settings of the PS3 and PES2008...
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