Anth's FC24 Gameplay Mod

Is there anyway to confirm it's working?

Loaded Live Editor in background. Applied Anth's patch in Mod Manager and started the game through there.

The in menus are as ugly as anything btw
Well, I’m on FMT + EA App… that works for me.
So you are using 3 apps?
i read that Mod Manager needs an Update and i have to run Live Editor and then through Mod Manager.
Then Steam opens (i bought it here) and also EA App Opens because it does 🤣
with no Error it closes, Mod Manager before was good.
I have to wait for Mod Manager Update
i read that Mod Manager needs an Update and i have to run Live Editor and then through Mod Manager.
Then Steam opens (i bought it here) and also EA App Opens because it does 🤣
with no Error it closes, Mod Manager before was good.
I have to wait for Mod Manager Update
I own it on Steam too and it worked fine for me with Anth’s mods using Live Editor and FMM. Maybe because you are on TU11.1. Try rolling back to TU 11.
Is there anyway to confirm it's working?

Loaded Live Editor in background. Applied Anth's patch in Mod Manager and started the game through there.

The in menus are as ugly as anything btw
The menus didn´t give you a hint. But you immediatly recognize the mod is working by playing. There are such a huge difference compared to default gp. Check game speed, passing speed of ground passes, check positioning on the field at both directions. If the gp is default you feel that.
i read that Mod Manager needs an Update and i have to run Live Editor and then through Mod Manager.
Then Steam opens (i bought it here) and also EA App Opens because it does 🤣
with no Error it closes, Mod Manager before was good.
I have to wait for Mod Manager Update
Did your game run without mods? Did you checked that first. Often the app wants to sync just your cloud save or your local save. Both needs to be online and start the game without mods. I always check if the game runs without mods first. after that check I started the sequence with MM, LE etc. Sometimes it´s simple as that if we just thought everythings should be fine. :-)
Did your game run without mods? Did you checked that first. Often the app wants to sync just your cloud save or your local save. Both needs to be online and start the game without mods. I always check if the game runs without mods first. after that check I started the sequence with MM, LE etc. Sometimes it´s simple as that if we just thought everythings should be fine. :-)
without Mods = fine
Mod Manager = game starts, but no mods working (can check with indicator and camera mods)
LE = game doesnt start, steam says "game is running" the closes (no windows of the game opened"
LE + MM = Same as LE

i am on TU 11.1.

I am fine with waiting for MM Update, i havent purchased on Patreon

Maybe i am missing one step?
Maybe somebody could show the tutorial readme from the GP?
without Mods = fine
Mod Manager = game starts, but no mods working (can check with indicator and camera mods)
LE = game doesnt start, steam says "game is running" the closes (no windows of the game opened"
LE + MM = Same as LE

i am on TU 11.1.

I am fine with waiting for MM Update, i havent purchased on Patreon

Maybe i am missing one step?
Maybe somebody could show the tutorial readme from the GP?
He's released the MM update on discord under beta-releases
Works for me on my desktop, but don't load on my Legion Go. Live Editor status just goes from injecting to Error.

Says LE isn't able to find a stable game process, don't understand why.

Edit: Think there is something wrong with the game itself. Won't load without mods either. The EA Sports splash comes up but the game doesn't boot up.
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Works for me on my desktop, but don't load on my Legion Go. Live Editor status just goes from injecting to Error.

Says LE isn't able to find a stable game process, don't understand why.

Edit: Think there is something wrong with the game itself. Won't load without mods either. The EA Sports splash comes up but the game doesn't boot up.
thats whats happening to be aswell
i read that Mod Manager needs an Update and i have to run Live Editor and then through Mod Manager.
Then Steam opens (i bought it here) and also EA App Opens because it does 🤣
with no Error it closes, Mod Manager before was good.
I have to wait for Mod Manager Update
exactly my case. the mods run fine with live editor + mod manager,
then both Steam and EA App open. :LOL:
V18 + V18 'Full Gameplay Package' is just released on Patreon!!!!!!!!

Details in the post below!

Those signed up to the 'Full Gameplay Package', it includes the following:


- V18
- V18 - MEDIUM
- V18 - SLOW
- V18 - Default Movement and Animations
- Popular Old Version
- V14 - Popular Old Version - Base D (Slowest Overall Gameplay)
- Popular Old Version - Base C (v13.75)
- Popular Old Version - V17 - Difficult


- 'Pressing Variation' option NEW
- 'Pressing Fatigue System' option (regular, strong and extreme) NEW
- 'Mid Press' option NEW
- Attacking Adjustment 3 (lower overall attacking runs and movement) NEW
- Positioning Alternative - Tight NEW
- 'Less Aggressive Dribbling' option NEW
- 'Difficult Goalkeeper' option NEW
- Large ball size option NEW
- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve + larger ball size NEW
- V18 Fouls Isolation NEW
- 'Looser' First Touch and Dribbling Option
- 'Touch Control Option - Passing Error System Option
- Alternative Positioning Option
- Alternative Positioning Option 2 (V16 positioning, but with back 5 fix)
- Anth's Goalkeepers Isolation Option
- Attacking Adjustment Option
- Attacking Adjustment 2 (V15 and Prior)
- Default Pressing Option
- Default Ground Pass Distance Option (Slow, Medium and Regular)
- Less Blocks Option
- Passing Speed Isolation Options (only if you want to mix and match)
- Vanilla Goalkeepers Option
- 'Vanilla Referee' version for EVERY standalone version
- Settled Ball 'Push' Option
- Ball Physics Alternative Option- More Curve
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement
- Increased Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Slow Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Medium Base Movement
- Slower Walk Speed Option - Regular Base Movement
- Increased Field Friction Option
- Width Option
- Heavy Switch Option

There are descriptions, instructions in each folder, so you're not going in blind with the options - it's super easy!

Those waiting on a public release version, I will have V13 out this week.

Thanks guys, enjoy!!!
Thanks Anth. Can I please ask what Camera settings you are using..?
cant find the beta releases chanel, maybe only for patreon?
Hmmm, searched for any hint about new released MM. Seems a secret mission! Only for beta tester means: YEP! It´s a paid one currently I hardly guess. Didn´t expect that tbh! I mean EA cooked some medicine towards MM and launching the Game with mods and the answer is paying 5 bucks to be able to continue playing with mods?!? No thank you. Stick with TU 11 if that is the way...


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Apparently it's something to do with either the AMD drivers or EA anticheat. Simply can't get the game to work on the Legion Go.

Edit: Just tried to load it up on my desktop and now that's not working either anymore so got no idea what is happening.
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started my modded game an hour ago (weekends is football gaming time). Everything works like a charm.

Again I’m back to slow… suits me pretty good. Settled ball push and default passes. 🥳
WC is already a challenge for me, so I’ll stick with that. But I’ll give Legendary a try later tonight. Just because you guys mentioned it so many times. Wanna see myself what all the fuzz is about.

Plays so damn nice!! Gosh, Anth James… 👌
…did I mention that before?! 😂

Have a good weekend y’all! 👋
Got it all working.

The install on my PC was stopping the Legion Go install working for some reason, must be something to do with the cloud saving.

Repaired the PC version and the Go version worked instantly.

Which ones of Anth's mods are recommended? Also any other mods from others, looking to get a career going.
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WOW what a game me arsenal second leg off the semi final champions league loved every minute off it using what you use as well mate thank you for V18 amazing work

Thank-you man - love those stats, very tight just like the real match between Arsenal and City!

Tested the v.18 Gameplay mod last days. Legendary Level - 2x8 Minutes - FUMA but with semi assistance in shot on goals (as I wouldn´t hit a barn door with manuell).
Can only agree with the most others feedback how well it plays. Have everything in one. Amazing. Must say first I really like the pure full gameplay mod v.18 in default Version without any addon the most. So sorry Anth this time your addons not needed personally by me. :D
Oh, I tried them. Many of them. First your choice with V18 regular version + 'Positioning Alternative - Tight' Option + 'Pressing Variation' Option + 'Pressing Fatigue' Option + 'Width' Option. I also like that combo but I had the feeling compared to default regular Version that groundpasses a bit too weak. After switching to regular Version it was gone. Not a huge difference but with regular Version suits my playstyle more. As well known in your previous Versions the positioning is one of my highlights in general. Sometimes I had for a split second the feeling that my defense positioning is too near to the midfield area and I fear they could overrunned by fast wingers of the AI. But that only happens naturally when I made a dumpster passing error where the AI punish me with a counter attack leading to a goal for them. ABout Legendary lethal: I understand many people feels it´s too harsh getting some goals by the AI on legendary. Me too, I lost some games 1:4 or 0:3 or a hopefull 2:2 in 2x8 Minutes playtime.
But c´mon, when the lethal punishment are also gone from legendary what we have than?! A convinient life? Even on one of the highest Levels. Just compare other Games difficulty: Ever played Doom Eternal or Resident Evil on "nightmare" or even on "hard", Guys?? It´s not fun but very satisfying to master those Levels by practice, practice, practise after a while. Same on FC 24. I mean it´s possible to beat the AI on Legendary but not with eaz. And that´s a good thing imo. I myself are switching to Legendary since TU 11. Plays much more valid and much more intense for me in personal. I just accept that I must still practice more to win the Title in a Top league with a 4 or 4.5 rated team.

For me it´s always a pleasure (and pain ofc) to enjoy playing a difficult to master a Footy game because I grew up with Playstation 3 and 4 FIFA´s where I ever wished one day to get rid of results like 7:5 or 4:4 in just 2x5 minutes. If I am in the need of having those results back I can switch to play without mods the default game which I just hate.No positioning, no AI brain available etc... With Anth´s gameplay I found late but i found in depth football playing which is a very good part of PES and FIFA but without PES´s stereotype and close to less box action while playing on superstar or Legendary Level which i always struggeling when playing PES 2021 in present.

Also played yesterday this combo: 'Width' Option + 'Pressing Variation' Option + 'Pressing Fatigue' Option + Regular Version. It is indeed another harsh combo where the AI can hurt you. But like I mentioned above this time the best game flow related to AI behaviour and my own teammates combined with passing speed, pressing behaviour, but still enough freedom to create an entertaining experience on my screen is just simple but geniously the Regular Version. Gives me enough to have some very good attempts for me building up my own game without overdriven by the AI´s power to punish every error by me. It´s still possible to "weaken down" Legendary by using good combo of addons. But I assume Anth didn´t build his gameplay to make Legendary everyones best friend. Last word about world class. I didn´t switched to legendary because WC was too easy for me... It´s just because Legendary feels more complete compared to WC since EA´s TU 11. If you play without mods you can feel that in default game too imo.

Thank-you for such detailed information as always!

I... have never felt this enticed by a FIFA Game (yeah I'm not calling that EAbaloney, still fifa to me) and a MOD in such a long time... Previous Mods and all in FIFA 22/23 I saw the videos, and they still felt like a broken game underneath. This... Feels ... Totally Different and almost like a Revolution. How have you done this @Anth James ??

Haha thank-you man! It's been done with a hell of a lot of work:LMAO:. One of my goals was to not make the mod feel too 'moddy' (not a word, but I know what I mean by it haha), I wanted it to feel balanced and refined, so very happy to see comments like this!
Hey, what's the state of MM rn? Still the game not working with launch parameters? Fucking EA killing the modding scene, seems they like to piss off the community as hard as they can.
Hi, I usually use EA Gamecam. It's with Esim's 'Camsreal' mod and I adjust the height and zoom differently for each stadium.
I've been using the same cam mod for two weeks but I've had it on Broadcast... :BRICK:
Ya learn something every day! 😆
Was really looking forward to playing this game on PC, but wow, what a glitchy mess and fiddly experience. From the mod manager to the dreadful port of a console game.

Really enjoyed the gameplay before I couldn't be arsed with EA and uninstalled.
Dang I didn't check if there was an update before launching a game. :( Anyone have the 11.1 patch available?
Could this be the most updated title version ever? 🤔 I’m just curious.
I remember at FIFA 20 or 21 there were 21 updates in that season. Seems EA try to brake his own record. I just read today at Fifer´s discord the Mod Manager is for the previous 11.1 update. And for a newer TU there must be work done again. I hope for all of us it´s not a big deal to make MM and Editor to work again for the new TU. Let´s see.

EDIT: I already started to upload the TU 11.1 Files on my Google drive for everyone which have updated and wanna rollback by accident or whatever. :-)
70 minutes and I post the rollback here in Anth´s thread.
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