I've been playing a bit , and many times, my human opponent takes advantage of the GK being a bit too ahead of the goal line to kick a long range shoot from 50meters, which lobs the GK (he actually looks at the ball passing over him)
I've tried to do it myself, but don't get the expected result.
what is the exact technique ?? should I be running with R2 and shoot with [] ? or running with L1 then shoot with []+R2 ??
please let me know !!
when the opponent gets close to 30m of my goal line, coming around the edge of the penalty area (be it the left or right one), he sometimes kicks great shots that go directly in the opposite goalcorner, getting rid of the spiderweb :/ :/
Is there a special tehcnique???
tahnks all for your answers !!
I've been playing a bit , and many times, my human opponent takes advantage of the GK being a bit too ahead of the goal line to kick a long range shoot from 50meters, which lobs the GK (he actually looks at the ball passing over him)
I've tried to do it myself, but don't get the expected result.
what is the exact technique ?? should I be running with R2 and shoot with [] ? or running with L1 then shoot with []+R2 ??
please let me know !!
when the opponent gets close to 30m of my goal line, coming around the edge of the penalty area (be it the left or right one), he sometimes kicks great shots that go directly in the opposite goalcorner, getting rid of the spiderweb :/ :/
Is there a special tehcnique???
tahnks all for your answers !!