Chatbox gone

The closure of that Chatbox without any real warning at all seems a little unfair. I know that as a whole the Admin/Mod team aren't fans of the box but for most of the members its an easy way to communicate and is generally light-hearted.

Most of the members don't care about the chatbox CW...
Most of the members you care for liked the chatbox...they are a small minority.

I understand that for some people it was a good feature and i don't seethe harm in returning it, but a litle objectivity will do no harm.

Sorry for interfering.
Like i already said it was useful for asking questions and arranging online stuff and a good bit of footy banter but punishing everyone when temp bans and a warning to all could have been made is very very harsh
The closure of that Chatbox without any real warning at all seems a little unfair. I know that as a whole the Admin/Mod team aren't fans of the box but for most of the members its an easy way to communicate and is generally light-hearted.

I am sure that nothing anyone says in this thread will influence the choice to bring it back but it would be nice for it to come back maybe for a temporary trial period and if anyone steps out of line then take serious action. To lose the chatbox permanently for the actions of a few members is extremely harsh. Said members have apologised once or twice in this thread and I hope to see it return soon

Like i already said it was useful for asking questions and arranging online stuff and a good bit of footy banter but punishing everyone when temp bans and a warning to all could have been made is very very harsh

I agree. It seems to me that issuing bans would have sorted this mess out rather than removing the chatbox. If anything it does more harm to the site than it does to the offenders.
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I agree. It seems to me that issuing bans would have sorted this mess out rather than removing the chatbox. If anything it does more harm to site than it does to the offenders.

That is the problem, they don't think it is important or worthwhile.

They probably think Evo Web lasted many years without it and will be successful without it in the future. Which is true.

But really there are about 15-20 people (growing all the time) that use the chatbox regularly and It really is missed. It may not be important, but it was such an integral part of Evo Web for me and I miss it :CRY:

Although the critism was used that when a person asked for some info, then they were ridiculed. But I bet the ratio of people that are actually helped more than ridiculed is about 20:1 (Nice random statistic there :)) )

Also no other thread would just be shut down for warez talk, so I don't see why this should (Especially without warning, which is harsh). People should be banned and warned.

Can you put the chatbox in a certain part of Evo Web? that is not on the front of the forums. Just so we can use it and it isn't a point of welcome for new people that get ridiculed? So it is just a place to hang out for members that know its there and want to use it?

Anyway I miss it and I hope it will come back some day....sooner rather than later.
Although the critism was used that when a person asked for some info, then they were ridiculed. But I bet the ratio of people that are actually helped more than ridiculed is about 20:1 (Nice random statistic there :)) )
1. I would just like to point out that I didn't ridicule the guy in the chatbox just before it was banned. He asked "is there a pes 2010 editor?" and I just said "nope", as I didn't think there would be this early after the game being released. So it wasn't my intention to ridicule or offend him or generally be a pratt to him at all.

2. Nice random stat :DD.

3. If the ChatBox did come back I would put myself forward as an offender and be willing to serve a 1 week ChatBox ban, for the aforementioned warez talk. Though I didn't explicitly admit to or condone warez, I was very close to the line and see that was wrong to do.
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Just to let people know, the chatbox is being discussed, this by no way means it will be brought back. It will certainly never reappear on the front page. The Admin team are looking at a number of alternatives, till something is deemed suitable and workable, there will be no chatbox.

While I agree with some peoples posts in the thread, I also disagree with a number. Aggressive nature towards the people who run the site will result in little being done. The fact the rules of the site governed the chatbox with the added fact of no swearing in it didnt seem to be in the mind of alot of the posters. There is a number of things needing attention before a chatbox reappears, but till then, people will just have to post in OT or PM.
Although there was no public warning, many people have had warnings about their chatbox conduct over the time it's been there. The problem is it always slid back to being in the same state. I'm not saying the admins/mods are blame free in it either, it's tricky to moderate something consistently that changes so often but obviously a lack of participation on the whole let more go unpunished then elsewhere.

On the technical side it being on the front page for everyone also added to the server load, even if it was hidden it still loaded. So there are multiple considerations for us. Yoinking it in the fashion we did gives everyone a bit of clear time to reflect.

Jay, shut your cave hole. x
Although there was no public warning, many people have had warnings about their chatbox conduct over the time it's been there. The problem is it always slid back to being in the same state. I'm not saying the admins/mods are blame free in it either, it's tricky to moderate something consistently that changes so often but obviously a lack of participation on the whole let more go unpunished then elsewhere.

On the technical side it being on the front page for everyone also added to the server load, even if it was hidden it still loaded. So there are multiple considerations for us. Yoinking it in the fashion we did gives everyone a bit of clear time to reflect.

Jay, shut your cave hole. x

No offence, but that's a bit of a cop out excuse. It's not like we're on dial-up anymore.

Well, me and Rich might as well be with our connections... :(
3. If the ChatBox did come back I would put myself forward as an offender and be willing to serve a 1 week ChatBox ban, for the aforementioned warez talk. Though I didn't explicitly admit to or condone warez, I was very close to the line and see that was wrong to do.

1 whole week how very generous of you :LOL:
No offence, but that's a bit of a cop out excuse. It's not like we're on dial-up anymore.
It's not about bandwidth, it's the number of requests that have to be made to the server (every time it refreshes and times that by the number of screens it's on at any one time), not to mention when the whole front page is refreshed. I'm just pointing it out as something else we're considering, not using it as an excuse.
No offence, but that's a bit of a cop out excuse. It's not like we're on dial-up anymore.

Well, me and Rich might as well be with our connections... :(

Just let them think Stuart.....stop antogonising them and let them think it through.

They are obviously giving it a chance and are intelligent, understanding, reasonable and good people.

*fluffs Marts pillow and makes him a nice cup of cocoa and gives him a reassuring kiss on the forehead*
It's not about bandwidth, it's the number of requests that have to be made to the server (every time it refreshes and times that by the number of screens it's on at any one time), not to mention when the whole front page is refreshed. I'm just pointing it out as something else we're considering, not using it as an excuse.

Sorry, I'm not very technical at all :)

@ Bobby - thought Jay was the ring licker around here ;)
I can't think of a situation where a fish supper wouldn't help.
Me, you a fish supper and some wine we walk into Leam and hang out in the Pump Room Gardens. I'm sure i could persuade you to bring the chatbox back.
Just put it in either the FIFA sub forum, online gaming sub forum or off topic sub forum and be done with it. But it needs to come back asap!!! I'm going mental without it :(( :LOL:.
Lack of a chatbox is actually making me write this assignment. I hate you Evo-Web, I hate you... :(
I think they have banned around 10 people from the chatbox just to see how many people use it without them :LOL:
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