FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

A perfect example of why custom formations should not be allowed in FIFA 10:


Does this type of formation help people win online? (i dont play fifa online)

Cause I remember the good ol' days of PES 5 and 6 online on the ps2 - if anyone tried doing this they would get destroyed if you had a more balanced formation.

if it can be used successfully on FIFA it defo needs to be looked at.
Pretty much because online in FIFA the midfield is pretty pointless really. Because it's just full attack every time. The thing is that these teams usually seems to play with assisted controls and the real stats cheat so they wont miss the chances they get.

Edit: On another note, I really wish the FIFA team did like the NHL team is doing on Talk about fixes and stuff even if they haven't announced anything about the upcoming game yet. Also look at the madded stuff where they talk about technical stuff, really interesting to get a glimpse of what they're doing.
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Has anyone else had problems, or sever slowness connecting to the EA server recently?

I thought it was my router at first, but I have bypassed that and still get problems.

Seems to freeze at Ronaldhino's face for ages, then can stick on the menus when navigating them.
At the end of the day, its ea's fault for that. if you created a similar formation in PES, your team would get destroyed by a player who is using a balanced formation.

At the end of the day lads, if the other person is using this and is an advantage then do the same so its a level playing field
I think the fact that 90% of online gamers turn out to be 13year old tossers or out of work scrounging tossers, who do nothing but online game and hack to make themselves feel important.

It's a shame because when you find some decent game and some online mates to play it's fantastic, but then all the hacks come in and you end up thinking WTF point...:RANT:
I think the fact that 90% of online gamers turn out to be 13year old tossers or out of work scrounging tossers, who do nothing but online game and hack to make themselves feel important.

It's a shame because when you find some decent game and some online mates to play it's fantastic, but then all the hacks come in and you end up thinking WTF point...:RANT:
join a 1v1 league. im in a online 1v1 league and no1 uses such exploits and tactics. if i diddnt see tims post about a custom tactics, i would not have known about it.

i always play with people i know. i got a psn account specificly for fifa and i have over 40 friends who play the game fair without such redicolous tactics and exploits.
Good stuff, i'll have a listen to it on the way home from work :)

Is there an rss link? I can setup my N95 to automatically download podcasts but I need a URL.
Sorry to dig up an old post but after spending HOURS this afternoon trying to set up an RSS feed, I've been told the feature is already there. :BRICK:

If you want to listen to the FIFASoccerBlog podcasts on your iPod, iPhone, PSP or whatever you can use this RSS link:

And also, if you want an RSS news feed for your PC's internet browser or whatever (like the BBC News / Sport ones):
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Hey guys, anyone old faces here play FIFA on the PS3?

Had a quick look but doesn't appear to be a PS3-League on the go or am I missing it?

Nice to see a few familiar faces still on here! :)
Hey guys, anyone old faces here play FIFA on the PS3?

Had a quick look but doesn't appear to be a PS3-League on the go or am I missing it?

Nice to see a few familiar faces still on here! :)

Good God, its been a while since you posted!!

There is a Ps3 Clubs team but no league on here for either format as far as I know
Manual shooting is a masochistic exercise... :RANT:
It is, but that's part of what makes it so satisfying when you do manage to score.

I play All Manual (not including player selection). It's the biggest reason why I can't see myself going back to Pro Evo (until they inevitably adopt something similar), it's like playing a different genre.
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