What Camera Angle Do You Use?


League 1
12 July 2010
North Carolina
I find myself using Normal Long for all my games but graphically the game really shines in Normal Medium. Problem is the action is a shade too close.
I use wide and still wish I had options to zoom further out - i have issues getting caught in possession because I cant see an open teammate to get the ball to.

Frequently this will happen when I pass back from a forward to a fullback and the camera will shift and I can no longer see my guys. And usually if I make the pass back to my forward he has yet to get back onside - I find my forwards have difficulties getting back onside in general, or at least not as quickly as i'd prefer.

I don't see how people play on the closer settings - i get that the game looks better but how do you see the field and make anything more than short passes?
I've gone back to Wide, as this years Broadcast Camera is pretty pants. I also feel with this added freedom, the Wide cam is a must for seeing all your options.
I've been using broadcast, it's a little harder to play but you get used to using the radar for longer passes. The graphics seem far better in this mode. The games look more realistic, players are nice and large, and somehow seems to me to make the animations not look so noticeable.
I use wide and still wish I had options to zoom further out - i have issues getting caught in possession because I cant see an open teammate to get the ball to.

Frequently this will happen when I pass back from a forward to a fullback and the camera will shift and I can no longer see my guys. And usually if I make the pass back to my forward he has yet to get back onside - I find my forwards have difficulties getting back onside in general, or at least not as quickly as i'd prefer.

I don't see how people play on the closer settings - i get that the game looks better but how do you see the field and make anything more than short passes?

I'm not good on the dribble so I pass the ball around a lot. It helps that I use 4-4-2 all the time and turn position switching down to 0 so I know where my players should be. I use the radar a whole lot. Broadcast looks nice but I lose all perspective. I find the game tough enough don't need to make it harder.

What's a Liverpool supporter who roots for the Yankees supposed to do now? They blew a chance to move up today.:FAIL:
Wide for regular play.
Vertical Wide, focused on player for BAL - the L2 button works wonders for zooming out when needed.

I haven't played in Normal Long since PES5. Now, the Player Camera for Penalties seems wise, actually! What about using it for direct free kicks as well?


Paulo Tavares
How is the vertical cam ? The demo doesn't have it. I still play WE9 going up and down. Your radar skills actually come into play this way. And do ai defenders still stand around and watch thru balls roll right past them like they did in the demo ? And is the player switching still horrible ?
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I always alternate between Wide and Broadcast, everything else is just impossible to play with, especially if you play online!
How is the vertical cam ? The demo doesn't have it. I still play WE9 going up and down. Your radar skills actually come into play this way. And do ai defenders still stand around and watch thru balls roll right past them like they did in the demo ? And is the player switching still horrible ?

I find it better than previous attempts at it, even though not at the level of FIFA's BAP camera. In PES, sometimes you lose track of the ball, and have to zoom out using L2 (which is good), but it makes a weird rotation sometimes, and it becomes unnatural to control the player. Also, even when zooming out, sometimes you can't follow the ball when it's shot at your own goal.

Haven't tried it in any other mode, though.

FIFA's camera rarely rotates, it's really elegant to control the player in BAP - at least it was, in previous versions.


Paulo Tavares
Simply, they need to fix the medium camera. It's too close to the action, and the long one is a bit too far and angled in bad way.

The best thing to do is just give us the option to set up the camera ourselves!
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