Want to like this game


Premier League
9 June 2009
But it's so infuriating, the only way to beat defenders seems to be random tapping of the R2 button, through balls seem to have random strength and direction and players will take an absolute age to get a shot away.

Any tips to make it more bearable? I see someone suggest tapping R2 when receiving the ball for a better first touch, are any of the tricks useful to beat players? Some of the defaults like Ximelez and Macco who used to be quite tricky players on older versions now have the agility of an obese pensioner.
It is entirely possible to play PES with a great first touch (R1) and trap (R2) and playing considerate passes all the way to goal. Whether or not the user can time these game mechanics correctly is another matter altogether. Dribbling is also timing based and can be controlled with R1/R2. Hand eye coordination is key. Another point to note is that many PES players do not know these very basic moves and therefore think PES sucks.

PS: Holding the stick in the direction you want to touch the ball "forward" is crucial.
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Ah so R1 is first touch? I always thought holding/tapping R1 when the ball came resulted in a hefty touch into space. I haven't played PES since number 6 you see so some of the game mechanics seem to have changed. I find it impossible to drop a deft through ball into a striker pass as well, they're always overhit into the keepers hands.

They could really do with those tutorials they had in the training mode again. As much as I get frustrated with the game there is something about it that keeps drawing me back.
Wow that is a huge mistake. Definitely do not hold R1 when taking a first touch. It's a button press for both buttons. As for the weighted through ball, try using R2 when passing, but I think it's heavily affected by player cards and passing stats. It's kind of like FIFA where letting go of close control is used for one touch play. So R2 for controlled passes I believe. Ask Jimmy, he seems to know all about this stuff already.
You must only TAP R1 for first touch and R2 for trap? Wow, did not know that, well I usually hold R2 but didn't know about tapping the R1.

Wow, did not know that, thanks for that, I don't even think many ppl know this...
In general, with crappy players allow them to trap the ball comfortably before moving off. Attempting to take the ball on in one fluid movement with a player with dribble stats < 70 will almost certainly result in loosing the ball.

It's frustrating at first as you want to play a free flowing, attacking game but learning to play conservatively like this and stroking the ball around to people in space will present you with openings.

Very broad advice I know but I think it's the best way to learn the basic mechanics.
If you're using a player with less than 70 DA, like a center defender, use R2 and time the touches of the ball as you would R1 with a more skilled dribbler. Using R2 with a skilled dribbler like Ribery or Messi still works equally well, but R2 is meant to be a slow dribble as opposed to R1 which is meant to be used at pace. Also it helps to be holding in the direction you want to touch the ball on before tapping R1 or R2 as the ball reaches your player's foot.
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i dont know why but it seems 90% of the time if i try to do anything first time, particularly shooting, it doesnt respond, this is particularly annoying when i have a tap in and they wont just do it first time and i get tackled.

any ideas?
Try using R2+pass/thru ball when you're in the final third to find your goalscorer. It looks unrealistic and happens way too quickly with top tier clubs, but it's the easiest way to score on a pullback/cross. Also learn your timing for shooting because you do have a small window of time to fire that shot.
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