[FINAL RELEASE] Marconis FC24 Realistic Goal Nets


25 October 2021
Realistic Goal Nets - FINAL RELEASE!

This mod was made to be compatible with @FIFER Mods Realism Mod database, that has custom depth goal nets to each stadium.

So, in-game settings are:

Loose = Shallow net
Regular = Regular
Tight = Deep

By the way, this mod is compatible with other mods too. Just be sure to choose your favorite depth before a game following settings ahead.


If you're using @Anth James Gameplay Mod, use the respective version.


Loose version:


Tight version:

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I don't notice any big differences between the two. In fact, the rigid goalnet is similar to that of previous FIFA games. :( For me that should not be modified, only the form, as the GLAC editor from Brazil does.
I don't notice any big differences between the two. In fact, the rigid goalnet is similar to that of previous FIFA games. :( For me that should not be modified, only the form, as the GLAC editor from Brazil does.
Don't get me wrong, but you do not found difference between loose and tight? That's odd. And about GLAC, he does a great job indeed. My goal is to fine adjust nets and get better physics and real shapes, sad that you do not liked it :/
Don't get me wrong, but you do not found difference between loose and tight? That's odd. And about GLAC, he does a great job indeed. My goal is to fine adjust nets and get better physics and real shapes, sad that you do not liked it :/
The difference is noticeable, but it is small. I would like the physics not to change, since we wait years for them to improve, and modifying the physics or taking away that fluidity is going back a bit, in my opinion. I love that there are people who try to modify them, I appreciate the work even though I didn't like it as I expected. Note that the post didn't have that much impact, maybe a lot of people noticed the same thing as me. Hopefully soon you will give us more goalnets styles so we can try.
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