Tom Clancy's: H.A.W.X. Xbox 360, PS3

Good spot, cheers Dags!

Been wanting to try this, and Race Pro as well (although it looks like the demo of that's been cancelled so it looks like I'll have to rent it).
Looks good from the previews I have seen so far, downloading now
My Gold has ran out :( I look forward to reading the impressions from people here :)
This is a pretty good demo. You don't need Gold to download it Dags, mine's run out too.

The graphics are quite amazing and the city looked great. It was quite hectic too when you have to shoot tanks. Only worry is whether this game will last...
This is a pretty good demo. You don't need Gold to download it Dags, mine's run out too.

The graphics are quite amazing and the city looked great. It was quite hectic too when you have to shoot tanks. Only worry is whether this game will last...

Hmm I went to the Marketplace URL and it says Gold Exclusive?
I like it but when I switch assists off (only tried the first mission) the camera switches to some God-awful angle miles away and no matter what I press I can't get the camera back inside the cockpit. Including the "switch camera" button (which works with the assists on).

Surely that's not supposed to happen? Switching assists off is supposed to make it more realistic surely, and you don't fly a plane hovering 3 miles away from it suspended 20,000ft in the air... Unless I've woken up in Bizarreo World this morning.
how big is the demo?

I only have a 20gb HDD so can only have 2 games installed and 1 small demo
Just got this today, not a bad game until that Assistance OFF shite, completely ruins the game.
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