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30 June 2008
It kills me to see fans making excuses for this garbage game in other PES forums, they say it's better then PES08 but what exactly are you saying there?

Any game is better then PES08 that's not really an accomplishment now is it!

I brought FIFA today expecting it to be good wow what a terrible game that is, I can't believe I spent £40 on that trash played around an hour with my cousin and we literally felt like we were going through a punishment.

I need a good football game to play this year I stupidly enough gave my PS2 away and out of principle I am not buying PES09 considering it can't even be as good as the PS2 versions of the past.

The game is just as bad as 08 OK maybe I'm exaggerating but the awful animations and the ball physics are just as bad as the 08 version sure it is harder to score from long range this does not change the fact the ball still feels light.

I would have brought it stubbornly but after playing the game at my cousins house and realizing the skill system has been integrated to the D pad/left analogue is has completely put me off.

WTF was wrong with the skills system on the right analogue? Out of all the terrible things to change in the game they go for the control system which was perfect!

I can't even do a drag back/flick the ball up and the most effective move in the game Marseille turn any more it’s pathetic.

Don't worry though PES fans I'm sure they have made you all happy by putting some extra boots and clothing accessories in for you all to play dress up which really seems like that's all you care about......... and of course how can I forget they added some in game music wow Konami you really are so ahead of the curve, such innovators.
What a joke.

The PS2 versions of past years are so much better then the next gen iterations that it’s not funny anymore.
I am hoping to God that the control system for the PS2 version remains untouched.
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