The Retro-PES Goal of the Week


Premier League
27 June 2009
The Retro-PES Goal of the Week
Welcome to the Retro-PES Goal of the Week. This is the first-ever contest in which the AI is able to participate too. Seriously, we're avant-garde as sh*t, are we not?

How to play:
- post here on the thread a video or a gif of a goal that either a human player or the CPU has scored on your experience of playing whatever Retro-PES game you're playing.
- From every Monday to Friday, you can submit one or more goals, as long as that goal was scored in that same week.
- Over the weekend, we temporarily close the contest for everyone to vote on their favourite goals on Saturday and Sunday.
- After the winner is picked, Monday comes and it's a new week of more great goals to be submitted - rinse and repeat until we're old enough that our eyesight does no longer allow us to read.

Submitting a goal? Fortunately even for a technologically impaired guy like me, it has never been this easy to capture and upload videos/gifs. I use Streamable to upload my potato-quality ones, it's fast and easy, but I bet there are many other options out there too. As long as everyone's able to witness accurately how splendid your goal was, anything goes.

Submitting goals scored by the CPU? Yes, you can submit goals the AI scored on you too. The purpose of this is also to rub the bellies of those who will in the future enslave us, so we can fall in their good graces right-away and see if we get out of it. You're welcome. But mainly, the priority is to watch great goals on great Retro-PES games, regardless of who or what scored i

Posting it on the thread:
Alongside the video/gif, do tell us:
- the player who scored
- the Retro-PES game and platform used
- further details about the goal, if you want.

Submitting more than one goal? Please add a number to your post, like "#1 Fouque, PES5 PC", "#2 Jaric PES6 PS2" for it to be easier for the voters to refer to the goal they're voting for.

To vote - and even those who submit goals are allowed to vote with no restrictions -, remember you can only vote over the weekend. Choose the one goal you prefer by referring to the user who posted it and the number of his submission (if he submitted more than one).
If we get many people participating, we can one day allow voting for a top 3, 4, 5...for now though, every user gets one vote to vote on one goal.
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The Retro-PES Goal of the (last) Week





Voting results:
@MafiaMurderBag - l
@miguelfcp - l
@jajabinx35 - lll

Congratulations @jajabiinx35, this week's winner! Here's the (awesome) goal:

As promised, you'll be delivered autographed nude pictures of Espimas via PM. The Goal of the Week sure knows how to give awesome prizes, don't it?

Thanks to everyone who participated, maybe next week will be your week. Thanks to the voters as well.
The Retro-PES Goal of the Week: Week #2
goals submitted so far:


@Flipper the Priest

(two goals scored by Emerson, choose your favourite)

You have until next Friday to submit your goal to this competition, and we'll vote over the weekend. Check out the rules before posting, and submit as many as you want.
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