The next-gen wish list thread


Fully Assisted Noob
11 May 2008
We are all looking forward to a new engine next year, what features do you want to see?

Obviously from a cosmetic view the menus need to be a bit less black and more welcoming, better translations and scenarios in Master League, like FIFA all the info should be on the one screen and any actions can then be in separate menus.

The gameplay I trust them with to be fair but visually it needs to pop, it feels like you are playing in a cold soulless stadium, the toned down colour palette is just a bit depressing really, plus I want the old wide cam back.

I want them to develop a cloud service where users can upload kits and share them individually, the same with stadiums, brick by brick I want that level of customisation, Forza has done this for years.
One thing I noticed the other day is that they should allow you to change set piece takers in-game. Perhaps via the D-Pad? FIFA introduced this recently didn't they?

The main reason though is that if you're playing online, people end up pausing the game just to change the corner kick or free kick taker. Would be simpler to toggle through a list while you're lining up for the kick.
Most important features

- Full in depth tactics board for team and individual players. Tactics have to be good enough that if I watch a COM vs COM - Barcelona vs Granada match, I need to see Barcelona's whole team pressing together, blocking off passing angles, forcing Granada to play long balls, Xavi getting a lot passes in the game etc. etc.

- Full analogue movement. From walking to fast jog and everything inbetween, determined by how far you push the left stick. No more 'Jog > Sprint' 15 year old d-pad mechanic.

- No/drastically lowered amount of cutscenes, make those transitions seamless instead. Throw ins, goalkicks, free kicks, everything, stay on the normal camera and just let it happen. I want to see a player pick the ball up/someone throw the ball from the crowd for throw ins, I want to see my player setting down the ball for free kicks and stepping up to take it etc. etc.

- 11v11 online mode with my own player who I have to level up. aka, Fifa's 'Clubs' mode.
They must sort out player stats, there is no middle ground, players are either over rated or under rated.

It's ridiculous that there are players that 'can't' be selected in online games because their default stats are so bad and don't reflect their actual ability.

Get rid of the overall rating too.

In addition to what James and others have said...

- Add zonal marking for set pieces.

- Sort out the audio in the game, everything from the on the pitch sounds to the commentary that has been a running joke for ten plus years. Its embarrassing playing this game in LPCM 5.1.

- Fix the animations and include tons of variety - NBA 2K > FIFA.

- Introduce more context into the game.

I'll add more later
Improve atmosphere (its horrible now),import real chants,more slots,home and away fans.

Also stop restricting users to 64 tracks etc.
In NBA 2K 11/12 I had over 2000 mp3 tracks used in the game for various different things.
For the next gen, I think it's time we could use our feet - using a non-intrusive wireless foot attachment to give us full ball control for the selected player.

Gamepad to control the movement of players with detailed control over - runs / tactics, etc.

It has to happen!
For the next gen, I think it's time we could use our feet - using a non-intrusive wireless foot attachment to give us full ball control for the selected player.

Gamepad to control the movement of players with detailed control over - runs / tactics, etc.

It has to happen!

the only logical next step would be to have an actual football that you kick, on a actual pitch with grass and 21 other people. it'd be the best game ever it that were to happen
I think we should send Konami a list of everything that's already in the game just in case so they don't take it out. Like, Goals with nets, corner flags, grass, white lines on the pitch, teams, a ball.
Side lottery, so home team doesn't always start the match.

Mixed kits.

Kits getting dirty.

Dynamic weather and 24h time/lightning system.

Time selection (when the match starts) with lightning changes.

Bring back International Challenge!!

Goalkeepers overhaul.

Animations overhaul, more individuality, human like AI without relying on cheat scripts (we know some companies CAN do it) ;).

There is a lot of it to follow...
league mode i still can't believe they delete that mode I am still thinking it is just a nightmare and I will wake up soon and then I can play a season like I did since PES5
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I would like total freedom in editing:

Strip Editing

The strip creation has been the same for years with exactly the same designs etc. You can upload images as a chest logo but this is only a rectangle on the front of the shirt when I want to design textures to the shirt etc.

Hairstyles & Facial Hair

When creating players, there are many special hairstyles within the game for particular players though these can't be selected as an option (Djibril Cisse for example), as a workaround you have to base copy from a player and then edit their face/body stats from scratch. Facial hair is terrible and doesn't look in the slightest realistic and again suffers from a very limited amount of choices available - The same for the last 5 years.

Improve face upload

The ability to upload your own face is lousy, take a look at EA's 'Gameface' and try comparing it with that. When importing teams, there are only 50 team badge slots avaialable which restricts people creating leagues since you easily run out of available slots. In short, the editing needs a total overhaul.


No matter who the commentator has been in recent years, PES has gave them the same nonsense to reel off that you never hear used in football matches - KNOCKS HERE!!! for example or the one about 'referee's that have never played the game at this level'. The commentary sounds good in th main but make it fresh and get rid of some of these overused terms only ever heard in Pro Evo.
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I was going to write a comprehensive wish-list, mainly comprised of features that have been removed over the past 10-15 years, but then I though "what's the point?".

Given Konami's sneaky behaviour this year - removing important featues, being dishonest with fans, not listening to feedback, and not answering questions - I feel any kind of feedback is now completely pointless.

It's like pissing into the wind.

I'll leave Konami to it. If they make a good football game by design or happy accident - I'll buy it. If they don't, there's always FIFA.
I would like to see them start by mapping a pitch to be the EXACT dimensions the majority of real pitches are, I know some are smaller than others - go with the bigger option then if this is the case, or have 2 templates even - Anfield versus Camp nou so to speak.

Then I want them to have the players in the correct scale height and width wise - lay them end to end pixel to pixel if need be to get them sorted and in 1:1 scale with the pitch and world around them - same thing for the Goal height and widths and centre circle and other markings.

Then I want them to work out how long it takes the fastest player (Theo Walcott for example) to run the pitch in real life or similar distance with and without the ball then do the same for the slowest player (Mertesacker as a quick example - I'm sure there is someone slower in World Football) and then adjust everybody else within this kind of template of paramaters so we have a relative top end and a bottom end and many variations inbetween given the stats values.

Next do the same with ball physics working out how hard and fast the ball should be travelling, trajectories and hardest shot possible speed.

How high should it be bouncing in relation to the players and their heights, how long does it take a ball to slow to a stop when the grass is dry with top spin or back spin (increase for wet games) The ball takes forever to stop rolling in FIFA for example.

Basically I could go on all day that is just the tip of the iceberg, they need to go back to using their eyes and brains and using what they are telling them and perhaps visiting some training grounds and collecting data and using it wisely and transferring it into things we see and 'feel' inside the game.

If I was a games designer this is the direction I would be taking Next Gen Football games - They genre has stagnated for too long both FIFA and PES are guilty.

The tech, developer talent and volume, even the finance EA have and they still cannot implement the human body to move at a realistic pace and with gravity, inertia, footplanting and weight doing what they should be - is shocking really.

Lastly (before I go on for another however many lines) for basic presentation to be this bad in 2 Football games in the year 2012 is the most shameful thing of all, especially when it comes to celebrations, walking out the the tunne, shots of the fans, walking off at half time, close ups of the game winning player with steady cam at the end of the match ala Sky Sports.

How hard is it to sit down and record Live Football from the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and International football for starters and just study it and then get the Art team to 'Pause it' every now and again and STORYBOARD it exactly as it is broadcast !?!? it's not difficult, no licenses or money needed . . . use the same level of height their camera uses, the same amount of zoom on a close up, the same wide shots of fans after a goal.

It just beggars belief to me personally that things are like this still in 2012 - some of these Game designers and Art teams are stealing a living in this industry.

I don't play the NBA 2k games personally but it looks like someone on that development team has worked out how to storyboard and copy a live broadcast of a sport and it's essence.

Anyway I will shut up now as this has turned into a rant.:RANT:

Thanks for reading.
my list:

• stop listen to the community, neither it brought something worthwhile nor the quality doing it is worth mentioning, and stop trying to create a jack of all trades game
just look back, and create a game
thats it
I agree they should stick to their own beliefs on the pitch, ie the way the game actually plays, but things like graphics, presentation they need help on, the presentation is woeful on pes2013, just leaves you cold, the Champions League is very well done though.
My nextgen-wishlist:

1. CPU-AI to become so clever and varied that it can put up a good challenge without resorting to cheating!

2. New physics/animation-engine... Clipping-issues must be resolved!

3. Graphical overhaul: Dynamic weather, matches that start at daylight and gradually turn into a night-match, nice looking night-games, third kits, kits that get dirty, tucked and untucked shirts, widecam-graphics with full details (lod), no blur, white nets, all of the audience to be 3d and waving flags...

4. Railless gameplay or at least the ability to leave rails at all times without having to press a button-combination for supercancel.

5. A realtime two-tiered stamina/fatigue-system.

6. Continuos play: I hate the magical resetting of players on the pitch for freekicks, throwins, corners...

7. The return of the league-mode and the abolishment of the magical stuff from the Master League.
Everything Konami have removed from the game over the years for starters!

The irony is when you pop in Pes 2011 into your dvd-drive, and go to Master League, you'll be surprised how rich they have actually made that game-mode. Of course, it's still nowhere if you compared it to a game like Football Manager, but i was surprised how much they've taken out of this mode.

It's the small things, e.g.: if you select your player in 2011, you'll see what his best foot is, his hexagram, size etc. While with 2012 & 2013, you'll be seeing that silly A-B-C mode. I can't compare players with that, it's too sluggish. Another great example is that you can train players into different positions with 2011, also, you can train them into getting them certain 'cards'. Nothing of that has been left over in the past 2 games (albeit, i only played 2013 master league shortish). Still though, it's surprised how much worse, gameplay mode-wise, the game has actually become..
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