The new what happened to evo-web thread


Retired Footballer
8 January 2002
Over the moon
KRC Genk, Spurs
I think it was a usefull thread until the booyaa thing. Why not just stop the booyaa-thing and continue that thread that sometiems could have been considered reflective.
So i will open a new thread.

One of the reasons is the fact that dj tells that people are afraid to post.

1. he's lying an then he should be banned permanently;
2. he's not lying (and i tend to believe him) and then this is serious. Forums are about a moderate form of free speech, not about intimidation.
Just read through the topic that is now closed. God, it's tedious. The same thing over and over again, but it's not DJDoc or Plan M i'm referring to. They're not the only ones who dislike the Booyaa salutes, however I'm not particularly arsed about the actual word Booyaa, it could be Mugwuffin or Slant Eye Slaughter for all I care. I do feel it's like Plan M said, a cool word at school thing. The word appearing on here doesn't ruin my reading, but double standards is really beginning to.

If DJDoc used the Bobbybox method of prolonged winding up / borderline bullying (hmm, pointless internet arguments, one-sided "comedy venom" aimed at the other, this can be called E-Bullying from now on!) on someone else who replied without bullying - DJDoc would be banned no doubts.

The bigger picture here is that a net forum can't be something that rules your life, but it's understandable when double standards are complained about to no avail, wherever that may be happening.

My advice is DJDoc to either sheep it up with the Booyaa thang, create your own saying for personal use which will amuse your mind each time you see it - much like the Booyaa does to others here. I'm suggesting "I'm Just DJDoc Sat On The Bay, Watching The Tiiiiiime, Roll Away, Oh!!". If you're proud to say your own thing whatever it is, say it and whatever it is bollocks to anyone trying to wind ya up - you taking the bait all the time pleases the more e-bullying kind of folk.

Hopefully we can all get in bed together before the summers out.
Just read through the topic that is now closed. God, it's tedious. The same thing over and over again, but it's not DJDoc or Plan M i'm referring to. They're not the only ones who dislike the Booyaa salutes, however I'm not particularly arsed about the actual word Booyaa, it could be Mugwuffin or Slant Eye Slaughter for all I care. I do feel it's like Plan M said, a cool word at school thing. The word appearing on here doesn't ruin my reading, but double standards is really beginning to.

If DJDoc used the Bobbybox method of prolonged winding up / borderline bullying (hmm, pointless internet arguments, one-sided "comedy venom" aimed at the other, this can be called E-Bullying from now on!) on someone else who replied without bullying - DJDoc would be banned no doubts.

The bigger picture here is that a net forum can't be something that rules your life, but it's understandable when double standards are complained about to no avail, wherever that may be happening.

My advice is DJDoc to either sheep it up with the Booyaa thang, create your own saying for personal use which will amuse your mind each time you see it - much like the Booyaa does to others here. I'm suggesting "I'm Just DJDoc Sat On The Bay, Watching The Tiiiiiime, Roll Away, Oh!!". If you're proud to say your own thing whatever it is, say it and whatever it is bollocks to anyone trying to wind ya up - you taking the bait all the time pleases the more e-bullying kind of folk.

Hopefully we can all get in bed together before the summers out.

Fair enough I was bullying :ROLL:

DJ is right Everyone and thing is against him.

I had no problem with DJ until all of the sly - subtle digs all through that previous thread. Did you read through it all?

And him going on and on and on and on and on and on!!

This Booyaa thing was a Joke - Maybe between a few people - it had nothing to do with anybody else - but people got offended for some unknown reason. It is people like DJ and Plan M that have blown it all out of proportion and made this whole situation what it is. They have been picking on and putting everyone that says Booyaa down in many threads and posts. But that isn't bad?!!

They made it into sides for some reason.

Look at how many Arguments DJ and Plan M get into - then tell me who the wind up merchants are?

This whole thing is laughable - Really.

I wasn't going to say another word on the matter but Proxi post has made me put a response.
This Booyaa thing was a Joke - Maybe between a few people - it had nothing to do with anybody else - but people got offended for some unknown reason. It is people like DJ and Plan M that have blown it all out of proportion and made this whole situation what it is. They have been picking on and putting everyone that says Booyaa down in many threads and posts. But that isn't bad?!!

They made it into sides for some reason.

Look at how many Arguments DJ and Plan M get into - then tell me who the wind up merchants are?

You are not objective since you were involved.
I was never involved and i agree with proxi's post about the double standards...
Now some people will say that Plan M and i have become big fans of each other recently. Yes, i like him a lot, but that's could also say that i don't like DJ at all (which isn't true too).

I don't know you Bobbybox and obviously i can't be prejuduced towards you, but IMHO you were waaaay out of league in the closed thread...i don't want to offend you.
I shouldn't really get involved in this being a mod, I love this place (I've been here long enough) and wasted half (if not more) of my life posting here. I feel almost like I'm risking my reputation and the respect of guys I respect in turn here, but I have to say something because I'm nothing if not honest. I'm guessing a few people will be offended and I apologise, the last thing I want to do is offend anybody, but I can't help but say it like I see it.

I think DJ has raised valid points, if not in the most endearing way. I can't get apples from Tescos because they've got a pesticide on that isn't suitable for vegans, and I don't like the idea of having a piece of fruit that isn't suitable for vegans - I think it's ridiculous. But if I run in there screaming that I can't get apples and that everyone needs to wake up and smell the organic coffee, only the most understanding people are going to see my point, whereas most will think I'm a headcase and shield their children in-case I've got a suicide vest on.

I have good relationships with the people who run Evo-Web and there isn't anyone I don't get on with, and I'm betting people won't like me as much when I say this - and that genuinely saddens me, because I respect almost everyone I've met on here, and regardless of what I'll say I really don't want to be seen as or treated any differently. But I have to say, I have seen some of what DJ talks about and I don't agree with it. If he was told not to say Greggs or Baker's Oven all the time, which I admit I found annoying, then where does it stop? If posts were deleted based on how annoying they were I would only have about ten posts to my name.

I won't name names but I've seen people say things that are against rules and get away with them, then once someone else does the same thing in response their post is deleted, then ten posts are deleted at once to cover it up. I don't think that's right, especially when people get away with it because they're part of a certain clique. Now I am the last person who should say this, because I've said things I regretted and I've deleted them immediately, but to my credit (whatever credit I will have left this evening), I have apologised straight away to the people I have offended. I haven't turned my back on it, I have approached the guys (and there's a fair fucking few of them) to apologise for being a dickhead.

Saying all this, out of every forum I've ever been to, this is the only one I've ever kept coming back to, because it has so much going for it. It's laid back, it's a cool place to be, and although I have seen things lately that I don't neccessarily agree with I understand that everyone is doing what they think is the best solution, and that nobody is setting out to be an arsehole. If I personally have ever appeared like that as a moderator, I apologise again to anyone I have offended.

But as much as I love the place, and as much as I disagree with a few things that have gone on, it is just a forum after all, and I think we should all just get along. Perhaps (or perhaps definitely) it's because I've just managed to get a job I will enjoy for the first time in years, even if it doesn't pay much, but I've realised things I've taken so seriously and taken to heart really truly don't mean anything. I've had a laugh here and that's all that does matter. I've had a real laugh.

I've been really, truly wound up by things said on here in the past but now I genuinely think, what a waste of time it was feeling like that. Nobody here knows anybody anyway, apart from a few friends, and guys like Proxi and Yana who really know eachother. *Cough* But I just think it's a shame that things have got so serious and so negative.

Anyway, there you go, that's my two cents, and then some. Expect the thread to dive-bomb now because nobody can be arsed reading that.

(I do think it's a good idea having this thread though, if it gives people the chance to get things off their chest and get things resolved rather than clogging the rest of the place up with little digs and knocks, it can only be a good thing.)
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Congratulations with the new job and with the post jack. I totally agree with you.
Who exactly were you afraid of offending though?

You make vaild points and I agree people shouldn't take this place so seriously, but you need to take that advise yourself a little sometimes Jack. ;)
Not going to flood the page but I agree with JB. I went about it the wrong way and I do apologize to everyone involved for that. I did feel as if I was being battered by BobbyBox and yes it did wind me up.

Dar your right, I shouldnt take this place so seriously but its such a great community with good banter and conversation and its a shame for this sorta thing to happen.
Who exactly were you afraid of offending though?
There's mods and admins here who I enjoy talking to on MSN and the like, who might feel like I've just been two-faced, and I apologise if they feel that way.

You make vaild points and I agree people shouldn't take this place so seriously, but you need to take that advise yourself a little sometimes Jack. ;)
Hence me being delighted that I've now got a job to channel all my serious energy into. Hopefully that will suck it all out of me. :thumbup:
I agree with you JB.

I also Agree with some of what DJ says - A little bit. I don't agree with deleting posts and stuff and also the whole Greggs thing.

But The way DJ does things - I do not agree with. The Way he Acts is just alien to me and winds me up and obviously alot of other people.

Anyway - I do not want special treatment at all - And I really don't think I do get any special treatment. I have no reason to. I am not in any Gang at all.

But If what I said was against the rules then I should be banned - thats fine. Ban me. I have no problem with that at all.

I just want all this stuff to finish - Its really silly and Stupid. I've never known anything like it before.

I come on here to have a laugh - I say stupid silly things. I never get into arguments....Usually :DD I never mean to upset or hurt anybody. But If people are not nice to me - then I have to say something.

Anyway - I really just want to let this all lie. Like everyone says it is Tedious.

If I do get banned let me know for how long :DD
Jack Bauer said:
There's mods and admins here who I enjoy talking to on MSN and the like, who might feel like I've just been two-faced, and I apologise if they feel that way.

Well if those Mods and Admins know you, then they should know already how you are mate, no need to not be who you are to keep them content.

Hey, I'm like confucious. :D

Seriously though, you'll never please everyone, you'll either get on with people or you wont, it's best to just accept it and get on with things, hopefully you wont annoy each other too much and it'll be bearable.

Or sometimes not, but feck it. :thumbup:
Now Bobby, how exactly do I do things? This I do not understand

It doesn't matter - whatever I say its going to start something else.

I really just want to nip this in the bud.

I don't want to argue anymore - Lets draw a line under this.

Lets just enjoy the Forums in our own ways :DD
Um no there isnt and id like to know what Bobby is talking about.

Its the way you insult the forum and members and moan, then when people confront you, you act like your the victim

dont want a fight here
woah woah woah I havent insulted the Forum. Ive said its changed for the worse but I havent gone along and said its shit shit shit etc.. Ive moaned about a few of you yes ill openly say that.

Also Joe you dont know half the story so you should say I act like the victim.
I just can't understand how grown men can get so stressed about things that happen on an internet forum.
This is brilliant. Some Internet threapist must be getting off on all this :lmao:.
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