The Contender II


Premier League
6 August 2004
Surprised no one has started a thread on this already as it's my favourite show. Maybe it's not as popular as I thought. Anyways, anyone else watch?

Seriously great show!!
Yeah Iv watched it, i thought they wernt going to do another after one of the last guys topped him self. Only Americans could turn boxing into a soap oprah
Mack said:
Yeah Iv watched it, i thought they wernt going to do another after one of the last guys topped him self. Only Americans could turn boxing into a soap oprah

Yeah I guess, but it adds to the whole thing, building up characters and stuff. I liked that guy that committed suicide, really wanted him to win. I was surprised as well cos of how he went on about his kid being his life then killed himself...
Mack said:
Yeah Iv watched it, i thought they wernt going to do another after one of the last guys topped him self. Only Americans could turn boxing into a soap oprah

Uncalled for. One of the things I liked about the Contender was that it had less of the over the top hysterics you see in most reality shows.
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