Sort out the referee Konami


26 November 2001
The problems i have noticed are:
1) Even if you get the ball first you still give up a free-kick.
2) When the game is in cheat mode(CPU needs a goal) the CPU can foul as much as they want and the CPU won't even book them or even call it a foul. My worst game was when I was 1-0 up against Sunderland with West Ham and in the last 5 minutes the cheat kicked in, my attacker was fouled breaking in on goal by last defender and no foul given , my midfielder getting the rebound was fouled and no foul given, the CPU crosses the ball up the pitch, my defender gets the ball first and the CPU runs into the back of him, and the CPU gets a free kick. I placed my defender on the line to stop the free-kick and the ball is heading towards him, and as the ball nears him he ducks and lets the ball in.
3) Last man fouls are hardly ever given a red card. Online all players do is last man fouls and all they get is yellow cards, yet my attacker can do a foul and get red carded.
4) You can give up fouls even when you have the ball.

Konami should bring back referee selection where users can select the ref and the kit he wears during the game,
If you play offline ML its clear as day, the ref is coded to give certain decisions to the AI and not to you, utterly infuriating sometimes and a pathetic way to balance out the difficulty and protect the AI. I have also benefited from hideous referee decisions although they show more intelligence than last year. I think the demo was better in this regard.
If you play offline ML its clear as day, the ref is coded to give certain decisions to the AI and not to you, utterly infuriating sometimes and a pathetic way to balance out the difficulty and protect the AI. I have also benefited from hideous referee decisions although they show more intelligence than last year. I think the demo was better in this regard.

Problems with fouls being or not being called is only partly the fault of the referee - Konami's collision and animation engines are just as much to blame, probably more so.

Yesterday in my ML I had my best goal with PES 2011 taken away from me, all because the referee somehow inferred that as my striker dove to head in a brilliant cross (following some beautiful wing play that was partly unintentional!) he fouled the opposing team's CB. On replay, however, there was no contact between the two players and absolutely no reason to call a foul.

My guess is this stuff is some of the hardest parts of gameplay to code because even though FIFA's collision and animation engines are a few years ahead of PES, FIFA 11 has similar issues, albeit at the other end of the spectrum - one of the reasons i quit playing FIFA this year is because of how players get away with anything short of bloody murder on the pitch.

As for the "balancing" and poor AI issues, i wonder if we're seeing the cost of Konami choosing to not recreate its gameplay engine for the current gen systems like EA did. You have to wonder whether they'll be able to get it sorted on this gen of systems or if it wont be until the next gen - surely by then Konami will need to build a new one.
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The thing that annoys me the most is when they get the offside rules wrong, there is no excuse for this and it happens quite alot. I scored from about 10 yards in my own half, manual passed it into the goal after the keeper ran to the edge off the box and cleared it straight to me, it was ruled offside because my CF was stood about a foot behind the last defender. I assume that because I used a pass to score Konami's lazy logic thought that I was passing to the player offside and gave it as that.
The referees in this game are pretty shitty. In fact, everything about playing this game against AI is frustratingly shitty. Honestly, if I didn't have mates to play it with, this game would have long been uninstalled.
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