
League 2
6 June 2009
After many months of not playing WE/PES 2011, I picked it up recently. My God, it’s so bad. I don’t even know how I managed to play this game before. I had also made several attempts to improve the game through player and tactic edits. Fair to say, I don’t think I ever solved the problem.

But this time though, I had to get this working. I know that this great football season is coming to an end in a few weeks and I need to have my WE/PES in place.

I know my problems with WE/PES 2011 and I have found my solutions. You can call me whatever - crazy, lunatic, idiot - whatever. These solutions work for me. If you haven’t tried, don’t run me down or my ideas. If you have tried and didn’t improve your experience considerably, please do elaborate. Probably, we can come up with something better through our discussions. Here we go!

My problems with Winning Eleven 2011 (or PES 2011).

1. The pitch looks smallish
2. The animations are clunky
3. The game moves faster than the real game
4. There are no midfield battles

Here is my solution:

1. Reduce the height of all players by 20 cms
2. Reduce the top speed for all by 10 points
3. Reduce the short passing speed for all by 10 points (min 60)

I know what you’re thinking. This looks so inorganic and unscientific and stupid. Firstly, you might wonder what does height have to do with fluid play. Secondly, you might think that the reduction is height is disproportionate.

First up, the height of each player (in WE/PES) has a big effect on his animation cycle. In Pro Evo, try handling two players who have the exact same stats with one being 185 cms and the other being 155 cms. When you’re controlling these two players, you’d realise that the animations of the 155 player are very smooth in comparison.

A 20 cms reduction on a short player would have a bigger effect than on a taller player. You’re right but in the absence of a proper PS3 option file editor, we need to do the quick and dirty to get what we want.

The reduction in height actually makes the pitch look bigger and also the wide cam much much better. The biggest benefit is that the animations now look smoother. Hope you can see the logic. With longer limbs, the time it takes to complete the animation cycle is more and with shorter limbs, its quicker and smoother. This is quite normal in real life football too. The taller the players are the clumsy their movements look.

Before you slate this idea, pick any two teams and make these changes. This would take about 5-10 minutes of effort. If you too realise that this has improved the game tremendously, you can then extend this for more teams. I have now done this for the top four/six teams in the English, Italian and Spanish leagues.

Tactics Update: For all the teams, I had also set the build-up play as ‘defensive’ (6 or less) and also the defensive line as ‘deep’ (6 or less). Now the game flows like a proper football game. There is build-up play. There are midfield battles. Now Winning Eleven looks so good, so real that my desire for the game is well and truly back!

And yes, it is a FACT that the game runs smoother on 480p than on 720p. I have a 40" HDTV but still I play WE/PES on 480p. There's a compromise on graphics but you gain a lot on animations, smoothness and fluidity.
what about on the pc do you have any suggestions for pc version of the game, for example for people with ncidia cards maybe you can post a screenshot of how the settings should be on pc, but based on the ps3 or xbox 360 versions you are right about the 480p i have played the game on this setting on consoles
blu champ, i think maybe it's just a placebo effect or something or just had a bad day with PES :lol:

Yeah i had this the other day when you turn the game on and the animations re just MEEAGHH!

I'll release an option file based on GTM with many player edits and with many tactical updates to it if anyone interested.
blu champ, i think maybe it's just a placebo effect or something or just had a bad day with PES :lol:

Yeah i had this the other day when you turn the game on and the animations re just MEEAGHH!

I'll release an option file based on GTM with many player edits and with many tactical updates to it if anyone interested.

Mate! Please do give it a shot. The height of the players has a big effect on the fluidness of the animations and hence the game.
what about on the pc do you have any suggestions for pc version of the game, for example for people with ncidia cards maybe you can post a screenshot of how the settings should be on pc, but based on the ps3 or xbox 360 versions you are right about the 480p i have played the game on this setting on consoles

You're playing on PC? You're the lucky one! Get the PES 2011 editor and carry out the suggestions I've provided. You can come back and let us all know how it works. Please test this out!
Hey mate, could you share your option file of WE2011 so i can test it here?

It does sound unorthodox at first sight, but I do remember seeing some discussions in threads of very respectable stat makers about height having significant impact on player speed (I suppose it's PES6 related, but it may still be relevant)

That's a good find mate. Thanks for that. In that discussion, they're discussing the impact of height on speed. In addition to that, what I would say is, the height has a big impact on the animation cycle and hence the fluidity of the game.

Request you to try it out on a couple of teams to validate my finding. Thanks.
This actually make sense except on one part, how come you think that PES 2011 field is small? It's actually quite bigger than FIFA and older PES.

Either way, I liked that theory of yours that smaller players run more naturally, that actually makes sense. Will try it on since I'm also on PC.
Interesting concept mate. Not sure on the 480p though. If you want a slower game yet you're running it on a "smoother setting", won't it appear just as quick afterwards? I run it on 1080p on my Xbox (upscaled) and it looks smooth and very good on my 42 inch TV.

I think the pitch size is perfect as is. No wonder Konami or any company can't make a "good game". We all have differing opinions...
i tried this on the pc, it does work actually, your on to something here mate :)

I don't think I'll stick to this though but he's right the animations do improve in terms of their fluiness.
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