Shared Licenses Petition


10 September 2005
I know we live in a age where PC modders can easily change badges, kits and faces etc.

For years we haven't moaned too much due to edit mode allowing us to do certain things on consoles as well. This could come under threat after the stadium editor was removed due to licensing issues

Some PES players have set up a petition to try to change this and what they are looking at is for footballing license right to be shared fairly. In the U.S the NBA, NHL and NFL used to basically have open licenses. So if you wanted to produce a product that used these licenses you contact them and an agreement is met in terms of a % per unit.

EA have exclusive rights to the NFL now after 2K5 tried to undercut them in price whilst producing a superior product. So EA locked them out of the NFL to prevent further competition to the Madden series.

2K have decided to stop making NHL games for the time being due to the fact in this case that the EA games are far superior in case but should they want to they can jump straight back into making a game as the license in not exclusive.

What this also does is open up the market for Simulation games, Arcade Games and encourage other companies into the arena in turn keeping developers on their toes and pushing the genre forward.

Back in my day you had Sensi, Kick Off, Striker, ISS & Fifa but due to licenses some of these have slowly died off. read the article below and it gives you a sense of what could be.

At the end of the day it means the consumer comes out on top as we have choice and hopefully quality.
While this would happen in an ideal world, I can't see that the league associations would stop EA's exclusivity if it means that they get a better deal with EA.

In response to this petition, some people say that Konami have been tight and not been willing to pay for licences when they had the chance and have been overly reliant on modders to make the game authentic. Any truth in this?
While this would happen in an ideal world, I can't see that the league associations would stop EA's exclusivity if it means that they get a better deal with EA.

In response to this petition, some people say that Konami have been tight and not been willing to pay for licences when they had the chance and have been overly reliant on modders to make the game authentic. Any truth in this?

I don't know mate I'm not in the know although there was a rumour that Konami missed out on the Bundisliga in 05 or 06 apparently the price was 200K.

What I reckon is by forcing the issue by going to the EU or OFT then it may be a case of when the current deal expires that new rules are put in place.
EA have a monopoly in this market & if they were doing it with anything bar sports they would be huckled.

It's a bit shitty, that the rely on lisence's to make there game better than the competition, how I would love PES all lisenced from day one.
EA have a monopoly in this market & if they were doing it with anything bar sports they would be huckled.

It's a bit shitty, that the rely on lisence's to make there game better than the competition, how I would love PES all lisenced from day one.

because that's the only reason FIFA has been better than PES over the last few years..i'm waiting to be called a troll but posts like this really frustrate me so apologises.

Both games look decent this year but yet to try one, will try FIFA tonight then PES on release day
This is NOT turning into a PES v Fifa thread.

Everyone, you either join the cause or you don't.

we need to give this petition more exposure... if it even means posting on EA forums, lots of lost PES5/6 souls there, laying to waste. lets face it, we might not want KSI kids to come over to PES but Dammit KONAMI need the funds they waste on "Ultimate Team"... if licenses were shared, hell most of them will get both games, just like they do now with COD & BF3
I signed but I fear this is similar to TV rights - highest bidder wins.
The people who are in the position to change this are the greedy licensing clubs/league.

And yes, I do find EA's behaviour in this regard to be quite disgusting.
While this would happen in an ideal world, I can't see that the league associations would stop EA's exclusivity if it means that they get a better deal with EA.

In response to this petition, some people say that Konami have been tight and not been willing to pay for licences when they had the chance and have been overly reliant on modders to make the game authentic. Any truth in this?

Maybe, maybe not but what I want to know is this: what is stopping Konami from providing empty league slots that the community can fill as they please? They wouldn't be stepping on EA's toes then, unless EA have a licence for blank bloody slots! Which they don't. ;)

For me, it's less about licences and more about Konami's strange unwillingness to make the game as deep as possible off the pitch. Sure, not everyone wants that; well, that's what option menus are for, Konami.
we need to give this petition more exposure... if it even means posting on EA forums, lots of lost PES5/6 souls there, laying to waste. lets face it, we might not want KSI kids to come over to PES but Dammit KONAMI need the funds they waste on "Ultimate Team"... if licenses were shared, hell most of them will get both games, just like they do now with COD & BF3

I wouldn't do that if I were you; posting about PES got me and other users banned from EA forums - seems that even posting about it under the code 'the other game' doesn't wash with EA now.

Shows how worried they must be getting about PES' obvious improvements...
I wouldn't do that if I were you; posting about PES got me and other users banned from EA forums - seems that even posting about it under the code 'the other game' doesn't wash with EA now.

Shows how worried they must be getting about PES' obvious improvements...

Good, maybe they'll start actually actively improving FIFA again. It's about time they got a kick up the backside. Well, PES14's wearing the boot.

Anyway, the thing that really burns me up is the blocking of editing (Stadiums in this case) Wrestling games for years have enabled the user to recreate pretty much a limitless range of "competitors'" characters and venues. How can someone say "Oh you can't have an edit mode because you might create the Stadiums in our game". Yeah - or just maybe we'd like the freedom (key word this) to create entirely fictitious stadia? You don't know.

It's a bit like someone trying to ban Lego because someone might make a model of their "intellectual property".

It's an attack on freedom of choice.
Good, maybe they'll start actually actively improving FIFA again. It's about time they got a kick up the backside. Well, PES14's wearing the boot.

Anyway, the thing that really burns me up is the blocking of editing (Stadiums in this case) Wrestling games for years have enabled the user to recreate pretty much a limitless range of "competitors'" characters and venues. How can someone say "Oh you can't have an edit mode because you might create the Stadiums in our game". Yeah - or just maybe we'd like the freedom (key word this) to create entirely fictitious stadia? You don't know.

It's a bit like someone trying to ban Lego because someone might make a model of their "intellectual property".

It's an attack on freedom of choice.

Yeah - and the email I sent to the 'appeals' section is being conveniently ignored.
really thought this petition would go somewhere, but less than 2500 signatures is nothing really :(

Blame general apathy. People can't be bothered, don't care....much like people who complain about the government but can't take the time to haul their arse to the nearest polling station to put a cross in a box.

That's modern society.

Not that I thought this petition would achieve anything nor is it particularly well worded, but it only takes less than a minute to sign. Less then 2500 is pitiful.
Blame general apathy. People can't be bothered, don't care....much like people who complain about the government but can't take the time to haul their arse to the nearest polling station to put a cross in a box.

That's modern society.

Not that I thought this petition would achieve anything nor is it particularly well worded, but it only takes less than a minute to sign. Less then 2500 is pitiful.

True, but in the government's case, I reckon they're all as bad as each other, whereas if Konami were allowed access to all the content that EA has a stranglehold over, we'd have a truly amazing football game.
Blame general apathy. People can't be bothered, don't care....much like people who complain about the government but can't take the time to haul their arse to the nearest polling station to put a cross in a box.

That's modern society.

Not that I thought this petition would achieve anything nor is it particularly well worded, but it only takes less than a minute to sign. Less then 2500 is pitiful.

People see this petition from PC...PC footy players DONT care about licenses. The ones that care dont surf the net....the casual console users. That simply buy FIFA.
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