Real Master League Online


League 2
8 August 2003
Belo Horizonte - Brasil

I'm an old user here but I never talked about the leagues I play. It's a REAL MASTER LEAGUE ONLINE (RMLO). It's not like the Master League Online from PES2011, it's the real thing. A ML where each team is managed by a user, all matches are played online and we negotiate players all the time. With PES2012, I want to start a RMLO here. And I made this text to explain how it works and see if anyone wants to join. Today, we have more then 2,000 people playing RMLO in here Brazil.

In advance, I'm brazilian and my english is ok, but sorry for any mistakes. The best way to explain the RMLO is with a Q&A. Feel free to ask any questions.


Ok, so, what the hell is a REAL MASTER LEAGUE ONLINE ?

Well, it is like a Master League in PES. The big difference is that, in RMLO each team in managed by a person (user). This user controls all the money, contracts and manage the players. The RMLO matches are played ONLINE and the results and registered in a CONTROL PANEL (CP). The CP is a website that I built just for the RMLO.

But how do I play online matches? What do I need?

To play online, you have to have the game on PS3, X360 or PC. And, of course, internet.

But how is this a Master League if when I play online and use Real Madrid, I'll have Kaká and Ronaldo in my team?

To play the RMLO, you will have to play with edited teams. In the game, you'll edit your team offline and transfer your players to it. Then, you'll start a Master League and choose your edited team. Save it. Now, go to a lobby, create a room with the option to choose a ML team. Before starting the match, load your saved team. After that, just choose Master League Team in the menu where you choose your team. And that's it. Now you can play with a edited team.

Well, ok. I can play online with a edited team. And which team I'm gonna be? Can I take Milan with Pato and Ibrah?

No, it's just like a regular ML. The team is just a name. If you play with Barça, you won't have Messi or Xavi automatically. You have to hire them!

Wait, that means that in a RMLO I won't play Messi x Messi, right?
Yes. In a RMLO, each player is unique. A RMLO tries to copy how a Offline ML works. It is very different from a Master League Online in PES2011.

My team is gonne be the best. I'll have Messi, Rooney and Torres!
I don't think you'll have an attack like that. In the beginning, all the players are distributed within the teams to create balanced teams. In this inital draft, we try to separate the top players between the users so, after that, all teams are in the same level.

But what stops me from putting Rooney in my team even if he's in another team?
In the RMLO, everybody knows where the top players are. And, beside that, after the game you'll have to enter the result in the Control Panel, and that includes WHO scored. If you put Rooney in the team and he scores two goals, how do you will manage that? And if that happens, the user in going to be banned.

Yeah, I don't think it's worth. But how about enter a different score?
That's another thing that don't happen. When you enter a result, your opponent have to confirm it. If you loose 0x2 and enter 4x4, your opponent will know that and you'll be banned.

But how is he going to prove?
Well, you can do this one time and get away with it. But, after that, everyone will know you. And, in the next time, what if your opponent takes a picture of the match result?

Well, I didn't think in that. Ok, explain me about the money. How does that work?
Each player of your team has a salary that should be paid every season. At first, the salary of every player is $400. So, if you have 20 players, you'll have to pay $8000 in the end of the season.

But how do I make money?
Just like Offline Master League, you gain money when you win matches. Each victory gives you $800, draw $400 and you don't gain any money when you lose. Each goal scored gives you $50 and you lose $100 for each yellow card and $150 for each red card.

So I have to register every card in a match? What else?
After every match you play, you have to go to control panel and enter the score, who scored and how many yellow and red cards.

And so that's the only way to have money? Winnning matches from the league?
Well, you'll have Cups too. And there are some prizes for the first places.

If we're going to play a league, there must be 20 people, right?
No, we can have 40 or 60 people. And then First, Second and Third division. Even if we have 19 people, there's no problem.

How do I control the money?
The control panel does the job for you. You just have to enter the data and it shows you how much money you have, how much you'll have to pay in salaries and etc.

This control panel seems nice. But I didn't know that Konami made this.
But it didn't. This control panel was developed by me, here in Brazil, just to play a Real Master League Online.

But does Konami knows that it exists?
I don't know. But there's no problem. It's like controlling with excel sheets, just a little more advanced. :)

But what about the players? How do you do? Do I have to insert every player from my team?
Every year, people export PES players to a file so they can make patches. I import those files into the control panel.

So, when I log in the control panel, can I see all my players and their stats?
Yes, you have access to every player ability right there. After logging in, you can see the matches you have to play, classification, your salary, your players and their abilities. Every thing.

Wow! And after I see the matches, how do I comunicate with my opponent?
Usually, we unlock three matches per week. When you enter your control panel, you can see the unlocked matches. And if you click them, you can send messages to your opponent. So just send a message and tell him when you're going to be online. Of course you can talk to him in email, gtalk, phone and etc.

Everything seems nice. But after the draft and after testing my team, I think I need a better GK. What can I do?
Now, that's one of the most exciting part of the RMLO: Negotiation. In the middle and at the end of the league, you can negotiate our players. You can sell, buy, trade and lend players.

But how do I know what is the value of my players?
It's up to you. If you think your lousy CB is very good, give him a high salary. And if you think Messi sucks, give him little money.

And how do I negotiate?
Negotiations can be done in any way. You can call your friends on the phone or you can send an email. The only thing unacceptable is REAL MONEY. Beside that, you can do all your negotiations in the control panel. There you'll find all options to sell, buy, lend or trade players.

But after the first season, I barely paid my salaries. I don't have money to buy Buffon.
Just like the real world, you'll have to have money. Try to sell some players or make a trade negotiation. Or just wait.

But I want Buffon now!
Another way is to lend players. You pay a small fee and keeps the player all the season. In the end, the player returns to his team.

I saw an option in the control panel to raise my players salaries. Why should I do that?
At the end of the season, there is a period of BREAKING CONTRACTS (BC). When the league is in BC, anyone can buy your players. They just have to pay the value.

But what is the value?
Usually, it's 20 times their salary. For example, if Ronaldo's salary is $3,000, then his value is $60,000. So, if anyone pays $60,000, they will buy Ronaldo even if you don't want to sell.

But I don't want to lose anyone.
Before the BC period, everyone can raise his players salaries. You can set the salaries in a way that no one will buy them.

Ok. I'll raise everyone's salary. Everybode will have 5,000 as salary.
You have to remember that you have to pay the salaries in the end of the season. If your salary is too high, you may not be able to pay them.

And what happens if I don't pay.
You can lose a player. Usually your TOP player.

So, I have to ajust my salaries. They can't be too high so I can't pay them, but they can't be too low and everyone steel them from me.
That's right. That's how everyone ajust their salaries.

Well, everything is about money. I'll never have a good team. I only play at night, sometimes, I'm not a proevolutionholic.

You can build a competitive team without been a proevolutionholic. Working your business skills, you can make good deals buying and trading players. Just imagine: you´ve just won a game by 2x0. It´s $900 up in your account. Now, imagine that you bought a player for $5k and after that, you sell him for $7k. You have earned more than you did winning a game. And that´s the COOL thing about the Real Master League Online, you can make money whithout been the best PES player.

But I´m a bad player and a bad manager.
Well... you must train a lot this two skills, or maybe try some other game...

Ok. I want to know more about Master League Online. Where can I get these information?
You can add me in MSN, GTalk or send me an email or PM. Everybody is welcome.

I am very curious to know the control panel. Can I try it?
Yes, contact me and I´ll give you a test user.

And, please, fell free to ask anything. I really looking forward to start a league here.
this sounds like an amazing league and if i had the time i would definitely join.

hope it is a success as you seem to have put alot of work into it and you have some nice ideas :) this is the kind of thing i always wanted from iss/pes and if i have spare time later on in the year i would love to join.

good luck dude, hope the league gets the support it deserves
Yeah I very much like the sound of this, shouldn't be too hard to implement if you have a trustworthy community.

Don't think there's enough active on here to get it going though unfortunately. We failed to set-up a friendly league let alone something as organised as this, although I reckon their might be more a few more faces around this time if PES 2012 delivers.
coragi you should try posting on a few other forums to (pesfan, wenb, pesgaming etc) for the best chance of getting this up and running, certainly hope it is successful as im going to try and join for pes2012 if theres any room by then
Won't we be needing a lot more EU players? Because i'm sure i can't play South America with a decent connection. Peering/ping issues will arise for sure this way won't it?
I really like your idea and your execution. I would be really interested in joining myself.

The website is really nice too and gives a good view of the most important issues/fixtures/standings etc.

Are you including Xbox 360 gamers in there? Or is it only for PS3/PC gamers?
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