Questions from returned player


29 July 2003
As you can see in my join date I am not new to PES and WE. After PES6 I stopped playing. I didn't have a next gen console (Xbox360) and there wasnt even a PS3 version yet.. I started playing different games (shooters). In February 2009 I got a PS3. After playing the PES 2009 demo I didnt like it at all and 2010 was even worse! I started playing Fifa. Fifa 09 and 10 were quite good, but I missed PES. Fifa misses the spark. PES is more unpredictable. Fifa is about doing the same trick over and over again. Fifa players are also very annoying online and the coach mode/career mode is boring. Fifa 11 was even worse. So I picked up PES 2011 and I like it so far.
I am now back on 4 stars. I started at 3 stars because I had to get used again. Especially finishing.

My questions are:

1. When I pass to my attackers they are offside all the time. Also when I wait for them to return they won't. It is when they ball comes back from an attack to my defense/midfield. How can I change this in my tactics so they wont be offside all the time? Or how can I make them return?

2. Sometimes I have 3 people in a position to score. One of them is in offside position and the others aren't. My player always passes to the one in offside position. Is it a bug or did they do it on purpose?
I saw you can make manual passes with L1+X. I managed to pass to the right one, but not very good. Is this the right solution?

3. Is the shooting "auto aiming"? I have the feeling I dont aim myself all the time. Sometimes I aim for the left corner of the goal and it goes to the right corner. When it is a goal I dont mind, but I prefer to have control.

I found out I just have to tap the shooting button and that makes me score more, but I have no clue about the aiming yet.

4. Is there still a screen to see how well the players play together? I remember from the old PES days you could select a player and you could see how well he plays with the players around him. I miss it!

I also miss the old camera position and decent penalty system :( I also miss the custom kit selection (selecting different short with different shirt) before every game. Overall I like this game! :)
As you can see in my join date I am not new to PES and WE. After PES6 I stopped playing. I didn't have a next gen console (Xbox360) and there wasnt even a PS3 version yet.. I started playing different games (shooters). In February 2009 I got a PS3. After playing the PES 2009 demo I didnt like it at all and 2010 was even worse! I started playing Fifa. Fifa 09 and 10 were quite good, but I missed PES. Fifa misses the spark. PES is more unpredictable. Fifa is about doing the same trick over and over again. Fifa players are also very annoying online and the coach mode/career mode is boring. Fifa 11 was even worse. So I picked up PES 2011 and I like it so far.
I am now back on 4 stars. I started at 3 stars because I had to get used again. Especially finishing.

My questions are:

1. When I pass to my attackers they are offside all the time. Also when I wait for them to return they won't. It is when they ball comes back from an attack to my defense/midfield. How can I change this in my tactics so they wont be offside all the time? Or how can I make them return?

2. Sometimes I have 3 people in a position to score. One of them is in offside position and the others aren't. My player always passes to the one in offside position. Is it a bug or did they do it on purpose?
I saw you can make manual passes with L1+X. I managed to pass to the right one, but not very good. Is this the right solution?

3. Is the shooting "auto aiming"? I have the feeling I dont aim myself all the time. Sometimes I aim for the left corner of the goal and it goes to the right corner. When it is a goal I dont mind, but I prefer to have control.

I found out I just have to tap the shooting button and that makes me score more, but I have no clue about the aiming yet.

4. Is there still a screen to see how well the players play together? I remember from the old PES days you could select a player and you could see how well he plays with the players around him. I miss it!

I also miss the old camera position and decent penalty system :( I also miss the custom kit selection (selecting different short with different shirt) before every game. Overall I like this game! :)

1. Try to time your forward passes better, if you miss the 'window' then your attacker will run offside. Dont force the pass, start again, go back or sideways until the option appears again. Your forwards will get back onside, so be patient and dont force the issue. Also, go to Team Style and tinker with the tactics in there till you find a system that suits your play.

2. You have a high level of control with your passes without having to use the L2 Manual modifier. Be aware of your button de-press, picking a player in close proximity of another needs the correct weight added to the pass and the relevant direction. The analogue stick will give you more control than the D-pad in this area. There is no bug in this regard. L2 and X or Circle is a good option, practice will teach you when this option is best applied.

3. Practice your shooting on the Training Ground, it's not auto-aim, although there will be assistance depending on the stats of the player. You should have no problem aiming exactly where you wish, just make sure you body posture is correct, the angles are relevant, and the distance from the ball when you look to strike is indicative of the type of strike your trying to achieve. For example, press sprint and make sure the ball is a few yards from your feet to strike it hard and low. The further away it is from your feet, the more you can get your head over the ball, which keeps the strike driven and low. Only a slight press is required, as the technique provides the power. The closer the ball is to your feet, the more your back will arch, raising your head which will force the ball to rise. Exactly the same techniques required in real-life. Follow those and you'll have no problem.

Also, try tapping R2 after you shoot in and around the box. Make sure you aim to the relevant corner and you will have alot more success with the controlled shot. Also, ensure body angles and posture are correct.

4. There is no real need for that system anymore. There is alot more individuality, so make sure each player fits his position on the field. The players will gel if you have 10 outfield players all carrying out their own specific jobs.

Penalties are fantastic, you need to learn them. Try Youtube for a tutorial, then practice them on the Training Ground till you nail them.
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Good option, but hard because the CPU is extremely quick with the offside trap (even lower teams). Sometimes I dont have passing options because of that. I have to pass back to my defenders. I miss attackers waiting at the edge of offside. Now they just run like a chicken without a head.

Well sometimes I press X very short and it goes to the player who is further than the player I want to pass to. Can be frustrating. I think I have to practice more. :)

Shooting is indeed about balance and timing.. Your tips are very helpfull.

R2 after shooting? I thought it was before the shot for a precission shot..

I use the low cross a lot because I love to use the wings, but a lot of times my attackers miss from max. 5m from the goal. They shoot it in the second ring. And all I do is taping the shooting button. Do I press too late? too early? I mean they can almost walk it in the goal..
Your players running offisde and not making an effort to run back onside is one of the most annoying things on PES2011. There's not a lot you can do but turn around and start again or try the pass and cross your fingers I'm afraid!

The power gauge isn't always accurate - I've held it as far as it'll go and the pass has gone to the nearest man and I've tapped it and the pass has gone to a man miles away - it's just something you're going to have to get used to.

Re. low crosses, your strikers don't always react, quite a lot of the time they just left it hit them - same with defenders. This often results in a lot of comedy own goals.
Your players running offisde and not making an effort to run back onside is one of the most annoying things on PES2011. There's not a lot you can do but turn around and start again or try the pass and cross your fingers I'm afraid!

The power gauge isn't always accurate - I've held it as far as it'll go and the pass has gone to the nearest man and I've tapped it and the pass has gone to a man miles away - it's just something you're going to have to get used to.

Re. low crosses, your strikers don't always react, quite a lot of the time they just left it hit them - same with defenders. This often results in a lot of comedy own goals.
To me not all low crosses should be goals either.. The chance of scoring is high, but that is realistic. If all low crosses go in it will be like Fifa 2000..
The low cross and cut-back passing has been the online 'noob' players dream this year there's a lot of them doing it, because of something in the AI defenders don't tend to try and intercept and so the ball just hits them, and ditto for strikers (except strikers are more likely to actually kick it) I don't really know a fix, except if you believe in realism, don't do it so often for the cheap goals and if you don't like people scoring against you using it, either avoid online or look for people who you know won't screw you over.
Try everything using R2. Even pass and shoot while holding R2, players pass and shoot with a more controlled pace and more accuracy. I hold R2 before I do almost everything.

Like Jimmy says, you can also press R2 AFTER the shot for a different type of shot altogether. You can add more power as the ball will float more this way.

As for defending through balls, I almost never chase players now holding R2, it just pulls people out of position and leaves gaps at the back. Try chasing/closing down by aiming your player and running 'into' the attacker, using the defensive system and holding x only when you're really close to tackling the opposition.

Oh, and one last thing, it sounds strange, but how hard you hold the stick in a direction dictates how hard a touch of the ball you take. Try in in training. It's so sensitive that you can barely move the stick and you see your player taking tiny little controlled touches. Push the stick hard, he'll be slower to turn and more cumbersome, and show the ball to the opposition. In a match, you can even tip the stick in a direction then stop moving the stick entirely, his momentum will carry him forward slightly then allow a more balanced body position. It feels odd, when confronted by an AI defender, and you'll want to move the stick hard in a direction away from him, but that will probably result in the AI challenging you because a stronger touch on the ball will 'show' it to the defender and make him go in for the tackle. Very slight, light momements, including using R2 when needed, will see smaller touches of the ball and allow you to negotiate some good dribbles either taking you away from trouble, or, with the right player, actually allow you to dribble between defenders.

Try dribbling on the training pitch and you'll see a slight difference in the size of the touches of the ball. It does make a huge difference, and allows you more space when on the ball most of the time.
Try everything using R2. Even pass and shoot while holding R2, players pass and shoot with a more controlled pace and more accuracy. I hold R2 before I do almost everything.

Like Jimmy says, you can also press R2 AFTER the shot for a different type of shot altogether. You can add more power as the ball will float more this way.

As for defending through balls, I almost never chase players now holding R2, it just pulls people out of position and leaves gaps at the back. Try chasing/closing down by aiming your player and running 'into' the attacker, using the defensive system and holding x only when you're really close to tackling the opposition.

Oh, and one last thing, it sounds strange, but how hard you hold the stick in a direction dictates how hard a touch of the ball you take. Try in in training. It's so sensitive that you can barely move the stick and you see your player taking tiny little controlled touches. Push the stick hard, he'll be slower to turn and more cumbersome, and show the ball to the opposition. In a match, you can even tip the stick in a direction then stop moving the stick entirely, his momentum will carry him forward slightly then allow a more balanced body position. It feels odd, when confronted by an AI defender, and you'll want to move the stick hard in a direction away from him, but that will probably result in the AI challenging you because a stronger touch on the ball will 'show' it to the defender and make him go in for the tackle. Very slight, light momements, including using R2 when needed, will see smaller touches of the ball and allow you to negotiate some good dribbles either taking you away from trouble, or, with the right player, actually allow you to dribble between defenders.

Try dribbling on the training pitch and you'll see a slight difference in the size of the touches of the ball. It does make a huge difference, and allows you more space when on the ball most of the time.
The tip with the sensitivity sounds good.. I will try! :)

Got some new questions:

1. What is the best way to keep the ball in the field. Sometimes it is impossible to play near the sideline because players walk the ball out. Also when I press the opposite direction. Any tips? It is as if their technique gets poor at the edges of the field. Passing near the sideline is also more difficult.

2. Is it possible to shield the ball? I saw opponents doing it
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1. Be aware of momentum and inertia. Best way is to keep away from the sprint button or use R2 to control the ball and change direction with stick/pad.

2. Leave the pad/stick central. Take your hands of it basically, and it will initiate the shield.
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1. Be aware in momentum and inertia. Best way is to keep away from the sprint button or use R2 to control the ball and change direction with stick/pad.

2. Leave the pad/stick central. Take your hands of it basically, and it will initiate the shield.

I saw CPU players using their arms to keep the defender away.. I am not sure how to do that..

new questions:

1. How can I drop the ball on the ground (goalkeeper)? I did what was in the manual but it doesnt work.

2. How can I knock the ball further away? I use R1 tapping, but the long one doesnt work (I use the buttons that are in the manual).
1. R1 (sprint button, if he has room he will drop it)
2. R2 + Direction will knock it forward, but expose the ball too so be careful where you use this.

I saw CPU players using their arms to keep the defender away.. I am not sure how to do that..

new questions:

1. How can I drop the ball on the ground (goalkeeper)? I did what was in the manual but it doesnt work.

2. How can I knock the ball further away? I use R1 tapping, but the long one doesnt work (I use the buttons that are in the manual).

For knocking the ball further away, press R1 + R2 with slight change in direction. This will make knock the ball farther.
For knocking the ball further away, press R1 + R2 with slight change in direction. This will make knock the ball farther.

I like doing the knock on when there's heaps of space in front of me. I do get caught out sometimes as I want to receive the ball and do a knock on in one motion. Like FIFA but without the right stick. Problem is though, that I end up super cancelling because I don't have the ball yet LOL
Thanks! I love those techniques.. They make a little difference, but football matches are always decided on details!

I play on 4 stars now in ML and I beat Chelsea a few days ago (9-0). I play with prommising players like Eriksen, Zarate and Mandreva.. :) I love to play with a team like that. Yesterday I beat AC Milan 1-2 (and 2-1 home) in the CL. At the end they had Messi, Ibrahimovic, Cassano and Pato on the field.. haha sick (Messi=100 and Zlatan=97 overall).. Time to play on 5 stars next season :)

I love PES again! Can't wait for 2012, because in that game the AI positional play is better! Now they walk in each others way sometimes..
Is there a way to replicate the old Type 4 Long Pass mode from PES 4, 5 and 6?

I used to be able to do short lofted passes anywhere on the field with CIRCLE, but in PES 2010, 11 and 12 if I'm down either side of the penalty area it seems like the only aerial pass I can perform is a cross.
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