PSN Block List


aka... Indeedilidoodily
5 August 2005
Queensland, Australia
[Commence Rant...]

I wish the PSN Block List function blocked not just the messages from a user, but also multiplayer connections...!

For MLO (Master League Online) this would be beneficial.


I'm sick of the nobs who have 5 players (quite literally) in their attacking 18 yard box, and 5 players (again, quite literally) in their own/defending 18 yard box.

This tossser today had a formation with no-one in the centre of the park basically, together with that and other players that use the "cock" down middle formation and I'm starting to get annoyed.

As soon as I'd come across one of those knobheads I'd be able to be rid of playing them, and be able to play more realistic-style (virtual) football.

[...Rant over]
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I didn't know PES had this problem. But I won't be surprised if what you say is true. Your issue sounds exactly like the infamous FIFA 10 syndrome. In that game too, formations were abused, with a lot of weird cookie-cutter ones such as 6-0-4 and 5-1-4 being popular amongst hardcore 'gamers'. These formations gave the benefit of a massive wall of defence as well quick counter attacks, virtually ignoring and discouraging any kind of midfield/passing game as they were nowhere as efficient. To add insult to injury, ping-pong passing (which also exists in PES 2011) aided those formations in performing quick counter attacks and one-two's.

Not impressed at all.
I just played someone who used 5 at the back, 2 CMFs and 3 strikers up front. He was a cock, I was happy I battered him.

Maybe I should rephrase that...

But yes, every now and then they do have one of those games where they do get the win with these setups. It's depressing when that happens. It's nowhere near as bad as FIFA but it's more of a challenge to beat some of these teams than it should be.
Konami should implement a small restriction on the manual formation setup (for interests of online play).

i.e. if it detects that there are only 3 players in the team's own defensive half it says something like "you must have a minimum of 4 players in your defensive half" (or something like that)

and conversely it says "only a maximum of 7 players in your attacking half" when a player tries to put 8 players in their team's own attacking half / opposition team's defensive half.

You could still do a 3-5-2 if you wanted to, just have a DMF or the 8th player just over the halfway line in your own half, still keeping 7 players in the opposition half.

God I hope that made sense.
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