PS3 Penalties and slowdown?


Public Service Optimism
23 June 2003
Hi guys.

Sorry, I've been reading through some threads, but found nothing about this specific topic.

I've had two games that went to penalty shootouts, but the penalty shootout is slow as hell... Anyone else experiences this?

I'm NOT talking about frame-rate issues; I'm talking about sluggishness...

I was playing Sporting vs. Newcastle, on Estádio de Alvalade, I think...

Oh, and yes, I have the game installed to the HD - not that it matters much here, I'd say...


Paulo Tavares
I have exactly the same problem! Literally as if penalties are purposely in slow mo! Its terrible...Mines installed on the hdd aswell and running on a samsung 32' hd tv! very annoying!
i had the same probably aswell. by the way do once you install the game on the HD do u have to do it again when u turn the ps3 off???
No, you only need to install it once.
BTW, how bad are the penalties?! I mean, the view when in goal for the penalties is laughable
I think it's "stylized" and is not actual slowdown. Simply because it looks way different than other slowdown in the game.
Oh cmon, its slowdown. It happens when the ref gives out yellow cards also
yes. tbh, my replays cut scenes are not that bad and i get virtually nothing in terms of slowdown in actual gameplay.

But..penalties are terrible...literally half the speed they should be (don't you dare try and tell me they are purposefully that slow!)
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