Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 - Xbox360


Premier League
7 August 2003
Texas, USA
Manchester United
Recently bought this on eBay for just under $10 new. (Had it a long time ago but had sold it.)

After playing it for a few hours today, I don't honestly know if I can play another game of modern day FIFA or PES again. PES 2007 is a mix of PES6 and WE7 and close to perfection, back to the days when the game was almost faultless bar the editing nightmare. Sure, the squads are way out of date and editing non-existent but the gameplay is what made us all fall in love with PES/WE in the first place and mock FIFA.

Do yourself a favour if you have a 360 and get it, even if its second hand. You get to see just how much EA and Konami have screwed things up over the last 5-6 years
Recently bought this on eBay for just under $10 new. (Had it a long time ago but had sold it.)

After playing it for a few hours today, I don't honestly know if I can play another game of modern day FIFA or PES again. PES 2007 is a mix of PES6 and WE7 and close to perfection, back to the days when the game was almost faultless bar the editing nightmare. Sure, the squads are way out of date and editing non-existent but the gameplay is what made us all fall in love with PES/WE in the first place and mock FIFA.

Do yourself a favour if you have a 360 and get it, even if its second hand. You get to see just how much EA and Konami have screwed things up over the last 5-6 years

It was good back then but 2013 is way better imo.
I wouldn't say PES 2013 is "way better" than PES 6 but it's definitely in the same league, in my opinion.
I would say different not better. Fans needs and wants are different now, thanks to FIFA everyone wants full realism on the pitch. The old games were a mix of sim and arcade, which I much prefer and that's what classic PES is about for me, hence why I cannot get into the new games.
I can understand casual football fans or people who don't even watch football wanting a game that's arcadey such as PES6, but for me that just doesn't cut it any more.

Football is the sport that I've watched and played hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of in my life, I like to think that I know it quite well, so the closer that football games get to the real thing the better, to a certain extent (certain things need to be compromised when a 90 minute match is condensed into 10 or 15 minutes).

There is a market out there for a PES6 type football game, to be honest I think assisted FIFA has filled that void in recent years - it's kind of like how I know almost nothing about basketball; if you asked me to play NBA Jam I'd probably be able to pick it up and have some fun instantly, however give me NBA 2K13 and the depth of the gameplay and intricacies of the controls would completely overwhelm me and I'd put it down straight away.
^^ Perfect example of what I mean. No one had that condescending view in 2007.

Can you explain the offside rule too? Always confuses me that one.
Condescending? That's your interpretation.
Correct? Yes.

It's not even up for discussion whether the gameplay in 2013 is more complex and realistic than PES6/2007 - it's a more difficult game to play both mentally and in terms of dexterity with the controls.

PES was always the less repetitive game in the PS2 days, you'd see goals and plays that were unique, but if we're honest with ourselves we know that there were obvious "sweet spots" and the simplicity of the passing game left a lot to be desired.

I'm not dismissing those PES6 type games as crap, I said there's a market for them (obviously, you guys enjoy it still) but to say it was "near perfection" is absolute nonsense, and if you can come up with valid and justified reasons as to why the PES6 gameplay is anywhere near the same league as 2013 then I'm all ears.

To simply dismiss my posts as "condescending" rather than attempt to prove your point in any fashion is pointless really when on a discussion forum.
"casual fans or those that don't even watch football want old PES - I play football and I watch it so obviously new PES is for football purists and those that understand the sport"

That's what your post read like, sounds pretty condescending to me ;).
Wether it's correct would also be up for debate, It's incorrect in my opinion.
I could go on for ages, but one example I would give is the A.I scripting. It was much better disguised on the Ps2 engine, and as a result the matches played had a much better flow. In new PES there are lots of complaints regarding the CPU A.I in ML, the ML thread on here has a few examples to start with.
The A.I is a simply massive part of the game and as someone who only plays offline ML on PES it's a massive deal for me personally. If they get it badly wrong then the problems start for me and they have done for a few years now in my opinion. In turn, it makes a huge difference to the gameplay and how the game flows. Having the CPU A.I suddenly turn on after being so ineffective all game is not realistic or exciting when it happens in 70%+ of games (not an exact figure ;) ).
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I stopped reading at, "I can understand casual football fans or people who don't even watch football wanting a game that's arcadey such as PES6." That's a condescending statement and doesn't need to be proven. While PES 6 may have appealed to less knowledgeable football fans there are/is a massive amount of well informed and erudite football fans (many on this forum) who have loved the PES 6 experience. I read your recent post in the other thread, which was a good read btw.

probably a good idea to read the whole post of which your responding to :YAWN:
I thought PES6 was way more arcadey and quicker, with easier gameplay than PES5. In fact, we kept on playing PES or WE7 even though PES6 was the newer game.
PES 6 on 360 was horrible. It felt like a demo rather than a full release.

you couldnt lift the ball when shooting IIRC
PES 6 on 360 was horrible. It felt like a demo rather than a full release.

you couldnt lift the ball when shooting IIRC

While a lot of content was missing from the 360 version of PES 6/PES 2007 the football still hasn't been surpassed by any PES game since.
I prefer PES 5 for its slightly slower pacing compared to 6, but both are still great to play. The original xbox version for PES 5 works on 360 and I still play it regularly and have a lot of fun with it. That game engine is timeless for me. Even though I know the A.I patterns and little exploits off by heart every game still feels different enough to keep me coming back and ML is still as satisfying as ever. They nailed the essence of football with that game and put it in an accessible yet deep package, it really is brilliant.
I prefer PES 5 for its slightly slower pacing compared to 6, but both are still great to play. The original xbox version for PES 5 works on 360 and I still play it regularly and have a lot of fun with it. That game engine is timeless for me. Even though I know the A.I patterns and little exploits off by heart every game still feels different enough to keep me coming back and ML is still as satisfying as ever. They nailed the essence of football with that game and put it in an accessible yet deep package, it really is brilliant.

Agreed. If I still had an SDTV I would be playing it daily. Hoping one day Konami releases an HD version of it.
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