Playing style? How do you play football games?


Fight the Power!
28 November 2007
I Travel.
When you play FIFA and PES, what style of play do you use.

Are you someone who is liner, with one playing style for all teams, or do you try to play differently depending on what team you use?

Do you just tend to spirit will fast players on the wing and only look for crosses?

Do you try to pass the ball in the net?

Do you shoot on sight a lot?

Do you dribble a lot?

Do you use a crazy amount of tricks?

The styles of play you use, do you feel comfortable with some styles such as pass and move, tiki taka, more than a crossing game to big strikers? Counter attack or just plain hoofball?

In the last few years what i have enjoyed with PES and FIFA is removing all this conditioning crap. This 'Cheap play' nonsense and elitism. People should be labelled negatively for playing in a style which is legal and ins't cheat, it maybe boring, it maybe seen as rather cheap but what is needed is empathy to see not everyone plays the game looking for the same thing. Also i

I enjoy FIFA with mates, just using the normal settings, with the usual quick passing everywhere, looking for those angles to shoot from. Games end 3-2, 6-5, 7-6 etc.. i don't really care, it's easy to play, its responsive and the tricks are easy to do, that's all we need. I enjoy PES for different reasons, a lot harder to set up tactics, adjust you style to the players on the pitch on -2 speed. Or just when i'm jamming using 0 or +2 to play extreme ping pong passing

One very big problem i see is people don't even know what the hell they want from a game, infact they tend to look at other peoples opinions on forums and just copy them, or they have a rather cynical outlook on games and have got so used to complaining and looking for faults and expecting some 100% perfect game, any issues are smashed on.

A big, huge part of football is contrasting styles. Slow buildup South American football is very different to high tempo European football, same goes for Asian football and African football. Same with us, the players, some players seem to be better shooters, more clinical than others, some more skilled, some have better vision, tend to pick out passes others don't see, some better and dribbling, i always can tell if you have a serious defender to play against.

So, i hope this discussion provides some good insights, please try not to brag.
I like to keep the ball, main reason for which I want a better system for fatigue and tiredness. I want to see the other teams players tired of chasing the ball, and then I would take advantage of that. I already sorta do it.

It also depends on the team. I won't do the keep away game with Fulham, but I'll do it with Braga.
I love to use all what game give me !!! But basicly i'm good dribbler , i can keep the ball very well, can use almost every trick in right time and i love to do it .
Always remove injuries when playing online, mostly in PES 6, because very often my opponents get nervous that they can not take my ball and start a fouled me. In general i'm play football games as i'm play football in real life . I love to dribble and to make a great pass at the right moment , but i h8 to spam , to use same thing again and again , that why i try always something new .
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On both games I always try to play to team strengths, using the tactics they would in real life. This worked nice in PS2 era.

As for all above questions it depends on teams. For example in Chelsea I would hit the ball on sight on goal with Lampard. Likewise I would do with Liverpool and Gerrard.

If it was Swansea, Arsenal, Barcelona I would try to keep the ball and pass it around to harass the opposition, then play through ball to striker/wingers to cut inside and try to score.

However, truth be told, both games disappointed me in that aspect :(. Hopefully 13 editions will be better.

So FIFA is most fun online and PES vs friends on same machine preferably ;).

As single player... Is a joke :(.
First of all, you should answer your own questions, then you should get rid of this arrogant superiority-stance that makes you think you have seen more, know more about games and that others don't know what to expect from a game...

There are some problematic things with PES 2012 and that is the playerswitching, the ballphysics, the goalkeeper, the missing realtime two-tiered stamina/fatigue-system and the cheating CPU-AI, that uses extreme pressuring and statboosts as well as overprecise dribblings to hide the fact that the AI is not good enough to put up a genuine challenge without it.

Konami promises to fix most of these within the PES 2012-engine for PES 2013, we will see to that.

Then there are the problems with the basic animation and physics, the limited graphical capabilities, the missing 3rd kit..., these are promised to be fixed for PES 2014, we will see to that.

As to my playing-style:

I like to play a passing-game, I don't like the kick-and-rush-long-ball-over the wings-and crossing-gameplay. I like to break down the defense using good passing, good vision, sometimes a little close dribble (I don't use tricks) to leave one defender behind and get space.

Sometimes I also enjoy a good counter when I surprisingly conquer the ball in midfield while the CPU is not expecting it and going forward.

The problem I have is that my playing-style is possible with all teams. But in reality a passing-based gameplay should not be possible with all, some don't have the good midfield-players to allow that and need to use the long-ball and wingmen to succeed. But that isn't reflected in the game, since most players are technically good in the game and especially because vision is only limited by our vision... and we can see the whole pitch at all times.

There should be a way to somehow include vision into the game so that blind passes are not as easily possible and good passes that rip open the defense are only possible with gifted players.
For pes12, my style of play is passing-game. I love to have a strong player in my team. By using counter-attack as my strategy, I will defend and attack during break. As my self was kind of bad in dribble, I will avoid to try to beat the defend (unless is certain circumstances. eg; player is fast) and try to break the defend using my passing, and at the right moment, using strong forward (eg; D.Milito), I will the hold the ball, and try to shoot it to the goal.

That's why, everytime I play with my frieds, anytime they use strong team such as Real, AC Milan, or Barca, I will play Inter Milan.
First of all, you should answer your own questions, then you should get rid of this arrogant superiority-stance that makes you think you have seen more, know more about games and that others don't know what to expect from a game...

See this is the problem, it's like if i don't follow everyone's opinion, people automatically assume i'm against everything you say.

I'm just saying regardless of PEs or FIFAs bugs in terms of how people play the game, many have this conditioning in which they like to look down on others they feel play cheap.

I wasan't trying to excuse bugs and flawed gameplay elements at all :CONFUSE: i mean your post was just a rant at PES 2012, rather than just a nice perception on how you pay video games. Why so pissed off?

Why let a game get to you so much?
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My favorite way to play (which I am able to accomplish on Superstar PES 2012 until the frustrations kick in) and on any mode of PES 2011 is as follows:

I love to spend 10 or 15 minutes studying the players on the opposing team. I like to notice that a winger is on the wrong foot and can't cross, or that a CF has speed and aggression and so will try to break the offside trap, or that today one of the CBs is an out-of-position DMF and short with little jumping ability. And then I try to cater my team to this knowledge. Of course, the great thing about PES is the condition arrows which don't allow you to set your dream team. Your team will also have out-of-position players or you won't have a tall CF to take advantage of the short, out-of-position DMF playing CB. I love that tactical stuff.

In gameplay, I like to play a medium defensive line with very little pressure. I don't mind giving the CPU time on the ball (note: it was disappointing this year that the CPU offense never really took the time on the ball I gave them; it was just too direct--on PES 2011, if I gave them time, they would take it, sometimes passing all the way back to the deepest CB. From that, my favorite play, though I try it very infrequently, perhaps 2-3 times a game, is route one long ball from a CB to the CF and flick on to a SS or AMF for a long shot. I love that. But usually I will send it to the side back who will cut back in towards the circle and then develop from the middle. Last resort is off to the deep wing for a cross--crosses are too easy on PES.

I also love, in PES 2011, the CB overlap. I can't think of a greater joy in PES and, frankly, in real-life, when a CB crashes into the box for a header or blasts one from long range. I'm think of the long shot of that fellow in Ajax, Vertonghen, or Vermalan for Arsenal or such. Love that shit.

Good topic, klashman (though I hope you won't mind and will accept in good spirits if I say that the tone in some of your posts is rather demoralizing).
I like your post klash. No need for that Henry. Why can't someone start a discussion without being labelled as a fanboy or just being someone who ignores the issues with PES or FIFA. I'll write back my gameplay response later Klash.
On both games, it's pass-pass-pass-pass possession is my game! I always look for that one more pass, which gets me in trouble a lot of the time cause I get stuck in the box with nowhere to go at tight angles, yet I manage to work it out.. Sometimes.
The style of play on FIFA however, has led to several people messaging me calling me boring or a "pass whore" because I don't attempt any tricks or anything, I don't try to run the ball, I move it around as much as possible.
Yet my games always end up being around 3-0 or close 3-2.. 0-0.. 0-0.. 2-1.
On UT I have a bronze team where my average score line has rocketed up to something like an average 7-0, my online record for UT is 21-0
The one thing I find easier on FIFA, is being able to evade pressure-abusers/tackles. I hope the slowed pace of PES 13 and knock around features mean we can find that inch of space now when someone's forcing us into a pass.

I like tanging pings from long range. Always looking for the spectacular goal I guess. Pretty much I play a possession or passing game and look for free options, whether that's through the guts or down the flanks. I don't use tricks but I need to learn a couple of effective ways of beating my man in a 1 v 1.

Whether that's a trick or effective body feint, I can sometimes struggle to push past someone and find that yard of space but I've been trying to take on some dribbles now and if anything it wins you more free kicks. Which is good around the penalty box, but not good if your build up play is always getting stopped.

One thing I did notice a while back when I played a few random games online for PES 2012 is that I seemed to win the ball cleanly through tackling a lot more than my opponents who would always foul me (but not on purpose from what I could tell).

I'm still trying to find a good balance with the formation. I'm currently running a 4-4-2 but with 1 striker, 1 wing forward, 2 wide men on the flanks, a slightly defensive mid and 1 attacking mid, slightly on the left. My defenders are narrowish.

As is, my wingers can sometimes hug the touchline too closely so I might need to bring them infield a little but let them drift wide.
See this is the problem, it's like if i don't follow everyone's opinion, people automatically assume i'm against everything you say.

I'm just saying regardless of PEs or FIFAs bugs in terms of how people play the game, many have this conditioning in which they like to look down on others they feel play cheap.

I wasan't trying to excuse bugs and flawed gameplay elements at all :CONFUSE: i mean your post was just a rant at PES 2012, rather than just a nice perception on how you pay video games. Why so pissed off?

Why let a game get to you so much?

This part of your posting riled me up:

One very big problem i see is people don't even know what the hell they want from a game, infact they tend to look at other peoples opinions on forums and just copy them, or they have a rather cynical outlook on games and have got so used to complaining and looking for faults and expecting some 100% perfect game, any issues are smashed on.

This I felt to be condescending.

There are legitimate reasons why people complain about PES and Fifa at the moment, it is because the deficiencies are things that can be improved because they are better in other games. Like for example the awful playerswitching in PES 2012, it is way better in Fifa 12. Or the missing realtime twotiered stamina/fatigue-system in PES 2012, there is no excuse for it missing, Konami implemented in the Wii-versions but not in the PS3/xbox360/Wii-versions. Or the awful positioning of the goalkeeper and his tendencies to let in low shots from far, regardless of their power.

And why are the graphics losing so much detail when playing on widecam? Why do the pitches look so lame? Why do nightgames look so awful? And why is it always nightgames that we get to play in the singleplayer-modi?

There are things to complain about and the more people do that, the likelier it gets that in future versions these problems will be gone.

That doesn't mean that I can't enjoy games anymore, far from it. Despite my complaining I still enjoy PES 2012, but it needs to get better in the mentioned areas.

And the reason I care so much about it is because I love playing football, both in real life and in videogame-form.
I enjoy sandbox games, football is no exception :) I usually like to play counter attack game and dominate in midfield. Sometimes I use 2 forwards, mostly 1. I think PES 2012 is much harder than PES 2011 and thats a good thing (Or maybe my skills got worse as I've been making patches whole year:?)
Depends on the team I'm using, but I like to keep possession and be as creative as I can with it. I prefer my speed to come from wing backs, preferred formation being a 3-5-2 with good movement and often using a sweeper from the back - Germany's old formation. Again though, that depends on the team. I like my football to look stylish, nice passing and moving, changing pace at the right time.

Defensively I like to let the opponent show me what he can do. Rather than abuse the pressure button, I try to restrict the other player's options by closing passing angles and shadowing his runs.

The more good football from both sides, the better.
When you play FIFA and PES, what style of play do you use.

Are you someone who is liner, with one playing style for all teams, or do you try to play differently depending on what team you use?

Do you just tend to sprint will fast players on the wing and only look for crosses? No, I always try to create two options in these scenarios. Get the defender in a iso situation and try and make my opponent think that I'm trying do the obvious (get to the byline and cross) but actually do the opposite.

Do you try to pass the ball in the net?
Sometimes but only if I have capable players.

Do you shoot on sight a lot? No, I shoot when I feel that a good opportunity is present. If I go sixty minutes with no shots on goal, then so be it.

Do you dribble a lot? I jink a lot but only attempt step overs with capable players and only in specific situations.

Do you use a crazy amount of tricks? Same as previous plus the occasional cross over turn.

My playing style depends on the team that I'm playing with (offline) or the team I try to create online (MLO). I can play fast but I prefer to play slow, use my brain, be inventive, wait for the gap to appear and then accelerate and attack that space.

Offline I play like the teams do in real life. I'm playing with Juve in ML and everything goes through Pirlo, Vidal and Marchisio do his running and I look for the off the ball runs from the forward players with Vidal and Marchisio arriving late.

Ultimately I want a simulation and I want the game to give me the tools to play in realistic way, some aspects are present but many are missing.

Also I hate playing with two upfront and I wish I could play a proper 4-6-0 in PES.
Pass and Move game for me. I barely use Sprint unless ive got a fast player and im in the Clear like.

I like to pass the opposition to Death, Cut them open and score goals because of decent football. Not because of Sprinting down the wing, Cross, Header, GOAL or Trick trick trick, Finesse Shot GOAL like a lot of kids seem to do on FIFA and PES.
Also I hate playing with two upfront and I wish I could play a proper 4-6-0 in PES.

4-6-0... for me a shame in modern football... ;)
i think since the euro this formation needs to be implemented to play like spain did sometimes... :D


Number 1 is 4-6-0

Stick an attacking mid in the secound striker position and he drops off, so there is nobody upfront.
Thanks I'll test it.

Regarding the formation, I prefer Roma's version.
Ok, it's similar to Barca's really, Personnel is what really makes a 4-6-0.

You get good 4-6-0 with Spain

and Shit 4-6-0 with Belgium
i love long range shooting especially rebound outside the penalty box. Good thing is that PES still provides that quite well. Oh and i prefer high and low long ball from mid..
When I play PES I start by using the teams default formation. If I feel it doesn't suit me I just change it. Also if I'm struggling, or playing a long term tournament, I make a default, attacking and defending formation to switch between on the fly. I try to vary my playing style, passing it at the back and looking at the radar for an open player. If it is the best way up, I do go up the wings and cross the ball. These are not my fave goals though, I mostly like to shoot from distance, and if the ball comes loose and rolls slowly towards my player I can't resist whacking it, no matter how far I am away from goal!

I sometimes hoof the ball too, I like to glance at the radar when I steal the ball from the other team near my box, and make a mad pass over the length of the pitch, if I see someone who has a chance of receiving the ball. It's very satisfying when I pull it off.

Tricks I hardly ever use, save for some R2 basic stuff.

And if I'm desperate for a goal, I sometimes use the R3 (PES 2012) to bring a defender up for a corner since the AI often reacts late to cover them. It's exploit-y and I'm a bit ashamed of it. A bit.
I usually end up playing the same style no matter what team I play, but it does depend on whether I can effectively do that or not. I usually like to play high pressing, fast tempo passing, getting the ball wide and early crossing. I love the Barcelona/Spain style but find it kind of dull to do in a videogame, but that's just my preference.

I do alter how I play in PES Master League though, when you start with the awful default players they can't pass, dribble etc at all so you do force yourself into playing long ball tactics and altering tactics accordingly. But that's just a brilliant part of the game mode that dictates you must do such things.
I'm not an adept of the barca's boring style, but i like to pass and drible to find a free space inside or near the box instead of long shots and crossing. The problem is, in PES 2012, the 1vs1 is quite a joke (gks to blame, you can always score with R1, but never with normal shooting).

Nothing like a big target man to bully those defenders!
Ribeiro sends his regards
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