PES vs. FIFA - Fanboy Fight Thread......

i think PES is still the better game but Fifa is no longer "crap" but actually quite good on next gen and 08 looks a good game but PC version lets it down
My main complaint with Fifa is that I never felt any sense of achievement when I scored a goal. It just didn't feel like I had to work for it particularly.

I agree. For all previous version sof Fifa that is very true. BUt having played the UK 360 demo, fifa08 really makes me work hard in midfield, keeping possession, probing for openings and chances at goal. It is pretty damn good this year.

That is tough for me to admit as I have always loved PES, but there is a definite fight for top dog this year. The good thing is that the only winner will be us the consumers! ( and the fact this should really give Seabasss a royal kick up the ass and force him to do something extra special for PES2009)
In the new fifa, its a shame I think, you have to play nice football to score, but sometimes it is let down by the keeper, you would do a really good move, but the way you score is poor, because of the keepers positioning.

Nearly scored an amazing goal from lik 45 yards, with Angel for Red Bulls, near top corner, hit underneath ofthe bar, keeper was stranded :(

I have now experienced a penalty as kicker and keeper (although I delibrately took Ronaldo out to test the keepers out for penalties, got a red card aswell, nearly saved it too) :(
Re: PES vs. FIFA - The Thread

Though I agree about overall presentation (menus, etc) and sound, I think it's a misconception that FIFA has superior graphics. PES has always looked better in the areas that matter. For example, official kits on PES look much more realistic than their FIFA equivalents. This has always struck me as strange, as FIFA has always held the licenses, yet they still fail to fulfill that potential by producing incorrect kits. Also, player realism is much more apparent in PES. Though EA spends a lot of time mapping players faces, they always bear little resemblance.

I completely agree with you on this, and is it just me or does the PC version of FIFA look like it was made years ago, the graphics are terrible when you compare them to PES5/6/2008.... :roll:

It seems to me like if you are thinking of buying FIFA on PC that its just a complete waste of money, for me it has been since I tried FIFA 06... :roll:
I agree. For all previous version sof Fifa that is very true. BUt having played the UK 360 demo, fifa08 really makes me work hard in midfield, keeping possession, probing for openings and chances at goal. It is pretty damn good this year.

That is tough for me to admit as I have always loved PES, but there is a definite fight for top dog this year. The good thing is that the only winner will be us the consumers! ( and the fact this should really give Seabasss a royal kick up the ass and force him to do something extra special for PES2009)

Yeah, exactly, 360! not PC, seems EA really are neglecting the PC because they are too lazy to give users next-gen.. that is just such bollocks and horrible, so saying that, I love PES even more now. :)
OMG I played FIFA 2008 demo this weekend and it's horribleeee... year by year it's the same.. "Oh this time fifa will be the best"...come on... fifa really sucks again, don't make me laught it's far far away from Winning Eleven/PES series in gameplay.

Players are like robo-zombies, gk animation is really poor.. and graphics?? stadiums are good.. and some player faces.. but others are so funny.. look at van der sar hair, rooney face for example..

Even PES6 is much better.
OMG I played FIFA 2008 demo this weekend and it's horribleeee... year by year it's the same.. "Oh this time fifa will be the best"...come on... fifa really sucks again, don't make me laught it's far far away from Winning Eleven/PES series in gameplay.

Players are like robo-zombies, gk animation is really poor.. and graphics?? stadiums are good.. and some player faces.. but others are so funny.. look at van der sar hair, rooney face for example..

Even PES6 is much better.

yeh the PC version is shit. Whilst the 360 version shits on PES from a great height.
Yeah, exactly, 360! not PC, seems EA really are neglecting the PC because they are too lazy to give users next-gen.. that is just such bollocks and horrible, so saying that, I love PES even more now. :)

Acutally EA can't really offer next gen treatment for PC as a great deal of the consumer's computers would not be powerful enough to support it - the average PC is just that - average - and you would need a top of the line processor to run the game both smoothly and at full resolution.
It simply makes more sense to cut back on the presentation and have the game run without problems or buyers would really be up in arms.
Well thanks to Sonamis Bias we have to wait until PES 2010 for the real deal.

EA Xbox 360 Fifa 06 crap, Fifa 07 better still based from Last Gen, Fifa 08 First real next Gen title

Sonami Screw working on the Xbox 360 lets start 3 years behind.
Bet PES2009 is released on PS2
I'm too old (33!) for all this fanboy crap but I've played PES since International Superstar Soccer on the PS1 (and Sensi before that and Match Day on the speccy before that...anyone??).

Never really liked FIFA due to the 'arcadey feel' and always ended up buying (and always really looking forward to) the latest PES.

What I enjoyed was the way it captured the ebb and flow of the game, the intricate build ups, the injury time dramas and the real sense of satisfaction at goals scored. It simulated not just the game but the sense of excitement you get watching your real team trying to save a point in the last few minutes on a Saturday afternoon. Lovely.

Fifa was more like playing a video game. Had all the fancy licences and kits and wot-not but just didn't really feel like football. Just looked like it.

This year, having downloaded and played both demos on the Xbox360 I'm getting the feeling that those roles may have reversed. This year I think Fifa is going to feel and look more like football.

Honestly - I never thought I'd be looking forward to a FIFA game on a Microsoft platform but there we go! It's not perfect but PES has never been that and if I did a pros and cons list - FIFA wins based on the demos.

The official reviews will be interesting this year and I honestly think there might be a suprise or 2.
The problem with "Real Reviews" is that the review person is a video game fan, not a football fan, so It will be less than accurate.

Thats why as usual they will crawling up seabass and his dog head bum chums arse's.
The problem with "Real Reviews" is that the review person is a video game fan, not a football fan, so It will be less than accurate.

Thats why as usual they will crawling up seabass and his dog head bum chums arse's.

Yeah - if you just look at the IGNs and Gamespots etc but overall, maybe metacritic, blogs, amazon reviews, stuff like that will show a wider more honest view. Regardless of scores it would be good to see them acknowledge that FIFA is looking more like the simulation this year and PES the arcade version.
The problem with "Real Reviews" is that the review person is a video game fan, not a football fan, so It will be less than accurate.

Thats why as usual they will crawling up seabass and his dog head bum chums arse's.

LOL, yes i am sure no reviewers could possibly be football fans.
If FIFA gets great reviews you will be the first to post them in the Winning Eleven thread.
LOL, yes i am sure no reviewers could possibly be football fans.
If FIFA gets great reviews you will be the first to post them in the Winning Eleven thread.

the only reviews that count are from those that play the games.

FIFA 08 has me off my seat. It is so close to real football it hurts. PES 2008 bored me, I sat there with the controller in my hand and my eyes glazed over, partly due to the fact that looking at the screen was actually quite painful (the pitch texture!). I get more excitement from PES6.

After playing the PES 2008 demo for about 10 matches, I switched back to FIFA 08 and actually started to loose games, because I was used to rolling teams over in PES. PES's appeal was always that it was challenging and required a quick footballing mind to break teams down, now FIFA has taken this. Play it like real football and you will be rewarded. I actually applaud the play of the opposition. When they have worked some space and are driving forwards, I almost panic and feel that they could slip through a pass if I loose my concentration. When I conceed a goal in PES it is usually from my own players not doing what I tell them. In 08, its down to the attributes and brilliance of the players and their all round AI.
I'm too old (33!) for all this fanboy crap but I've played PES since International Superstar Soccer on the PS1 (and Sensi before that and Match Day on the speccy before that...anyone??).

Never really liked FIFA due to the 'arcadey feel' and always ended up buying (and always really looking forward to) the latest PES.

What I enjoyed was the way it captured the ebb and flow of the game, the intricate build ups, the injury time dramas and the real sense of satisfaction at goals scored. It simulated not just the game but the sense of excitement you get watching your real team trying to save a point in the last few minutes on a Saturday afternoon. Lovely.

Fifa was more like playing a video game. Had all the fancy licences and kits and wot-not but just didn't really feel like football. Just looked like it.

This year, having downloaded and played both demos on the Xbox360 I'm getting the feeling that those roles may have reversed. This year I think Fifa is going to feel and look more like football.

Honestly - I never thought I'd be looking forward to a FIFA game on a Microsoft platform but there we go! It's not perfect but PES has never been that and if I did a pros and cons list - FIFA wins based on the demos.

The official reviews will be interesting this year and I honestly think there might be a suprise or 2.

just came here to share my feelings about both demos but you already summed it up in perfection! good read and for me, there's nothing to add. except that my first iss was on snes ;)

but i'm afraid to say i'm very disappointed by konami, tho. expected more after last years bit of a letdown
Re: PES vs. FIFA - The Thread

He makes some good points but he also make some bad points, the pesfan dude doesn't mention how fifa's player models are all the same, how the ball floats or how they don't pass realisticly (yes I've said it before but its true and I'll continue to say it). Or some of the things that Seraphs21 mentioned. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how tricks are performed in PES games.

The faster load times is a rather weird and pointless inclusion IMO.

The guy make not like the diving feature but it happens in real life and most of the time the player will get booked (in game) unless he disguises it or the ref isn't in a position to see it just like in real life.

Diving is a part of football whether he or anyone else likes it or not. He supports Man Utd, would he change the channel if Ronaldo started diving?
I don't mention the models being the same because they are not... or are you trying to tell me that in this shot the models are all the same? I work as a game artist, have done for 20 years, I can spot things that are the same, and those models are not.

Why don't you think they pass realisticly? Do you think they pass realisticly in PES? Balls don't whiz from player to player at top speed and come under magical control in real life, so why should a football game be any different? Balls are full of air, they are lighter these days, they float... like things filled with air do. And it's certainly no less realistic than the passes and shots in PES where the foot doesn't even touch the ball.

So you think pressing :r2: repeatedly is a good trick system?

Have you got a PS3 at all? I consider the amount of time I sit waiting for a game to load to be a crucial factor, maybe it's just me that thinks that playing is more important than waiting.

So diving is in the real game, so is head butting, punches, spitting, racist chanting... you want all those in there too? Sorry but the excuse that it's part of football is weak. It doesn't belong in football, that's the fact of the matter, like the other things I mentioned there.

And I don't like divers from any team for the reason I stated above.

And when someone starts a response with "the long post is stupid in my eyes" I fail to see any reason why I should consider anything else they say to be meaningful. (I am sorry Seraphs21, but if you want to be taken seriously, don't call people stupid.)

He obviously doesn't know that there are many ways of passing and receiving the ball that all depend on what triggers and stick movements you use. I tend to think he either hasn't played the game, or can't play the game. He certainly hasn't played it in full manual mode by the sound of his comments.

And when I see things like "It seems like the ball makes it own way to the player you aimed at, rather than you getting the ball there with your player you are using..." after playing the PrE-Scripted passing system we have had for years then I just have to laugh.

You don't play Fifa like PES, it's not designed that way. The manual options are there for a reason, because they work and make the game better, try using them and see how much difference it makes.

I can honestly say that in the 20 years I have been a developer (and over 30 years as a games player), this Fifa is the closest game I have seen to replicating the skill required to actually play a game of football, but only if you turn all the assists off. Driving a racing simulation is hard work because the real thing is hard work... playing this Fifa is hard work, which tells me that they are getting it right.

I'm not saying it is the most fun game but I (me personally) certainly find that the amount of effort I have to put in is more rewarding than the pass-pass-pass-shoot game that PES has become. And only one thing matters, I believe that all the points I mentioned are valid and as such, they stop PES from being enjoyable (for me). As much as everyone else may disagree, I play my games for me, just like everyone else should play their games for themself.

Oh and "poo goalkeeper AI"?!?! I guess some people forget the goalies that wandered off to the corner flag in PES. :lol: PES has never had decent goalkeeper AI, ever.
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If you buy PES6, Konami will think it is okay to produce games with massive online bugs that render the game unplayable. I am pleading with you, DON'T BUY PES6, or PES7 will be WORSE. Hit them where it hurts. Don't stand for it. If you feel the same, please copy this signature and paste it into yours.

SEND YOUR COMPLAINTS TO KONAMI: Ring 02089 875 730 or email - other contact details HERE

PES: [P]ractically [E]verything's the ame

I think that needs changing to 2008 now mate.
I haven't played the new PES yet but after playing the FIFA 2008 I'm converted.

I;m guessing PES will be the same game as last year.

After what I've played of FIFA, I'm speechless. Buying this as soon as it comes oout.
I'm going to shut up arguing, I'm gonna let do the arguing for me.

The site takes EVERY review from EVERY major review source (EuroGamer, GameSpot, IGN, EDGE, GameInformer, Official PS Mag, Official Xbox Mag, CVG, GamesMaster, PSM...)

FIFA 08 (next gen) is currently at 78%
FIFA 07 (next gen) ended at 74.5%
PES 2008 (next gen) is currently at (0 reviews)
PES6 (current gen) ended at 86.4%
Maybe I'm missing something, but I played the FIFA 08 demo and thought it was terrible. It still feels like the same FIFA I abandoned years ago, just slower paced.

I never feel safe when my player is in possession of the ball, as they seem incapable of shielding the ball like they do in PES, and the only way to actually go past players seems to be by using the tricks rather than just skipping past. As soon as you go past a player they are able to catch up again unrealistically, which coupled with the inability to shield the ball, means that there is no advantage to having fast players.

My players never made any decent runs for me when in possession of the ball, meaning that most of my playing time was just frustration, waiting for someone to find some space for me to pass to.

Finally, the graphics, although pretty good overall, have some glaring errors (names and numbers anyone), which to me meant that overall PES seems to look better than FIFA.

I'll have to wait for the PS3 demo of PES, but there is no way FIFA is a viable alternative to me, no matter how much of a disappointment PES had the potential to be.
I'm going to shut up arguing, I'm gonna let do the arguing for me.

The site takes EVERY review from EVERY major review source (EuroGamer, GameSpot, IGN, EDGE, GameInformer, Official PS Mag, Official Xbox Mag, CVG, GamesMaster, PSM...)

FIFA 08 (next gen) is currently at 78%
FIFA 07 (next gen) ended at 74.5%
PES 2008 (next gen) is currently at (0 reviews)
PES6 (current gen) ended at 86.4%
Most people I know don't like Halo but do you think the magazines would slate it? Most people I know think the PES2008 demo is disgraceful but do you think magazines will slate that either? It was the biggest selling football game last year. If you were a PES fan and you read a magazine saying "PES is shit", you wouldn't buy the magazine. All I'm saying is, no magazine will slate Halo, and no magazine will slate PES.

Even when FIFA was shit they wouldn't slate it, it would be 2%-5% behind Pro Evo. So word of mouth is what matters to me.
Most people I know don't like Halo but do you think the magazines would slate it? Most people I know think the PES2008 demo is disgraceful but do you think magazines will slate that either? It was the biggest selling football game last year. If you were a PES fan and you read a magazine saying "PES is shit", you wouldn't buy the magazine. All I'm saying is, no magazine will slate Halo, and no magazine will slate PES.

Even when FIFA was shit they wouldn't slate it, it would be 2%-5% behind Pro Evo. So word of mouth is what matters to me.

Didn't the official PS2 magazine give 3 FIFA games in a row 7/10?

Fair enough Halo's not to everyone's taste, but bo gamer could call it a bad game. I have no respect for anyone who'd call it a shit and goes off and plays some comeplete toss game like WWE Smackdown.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I played the FIFA 08 demo and thought it was terrible. It still feels like the same FIFA I abandoned years ago, just slower paced.

I never feel safe when my player is in possession of the ball, as they seem incapable of shielding the ball like they do in PES, and the only way to actually go past players seems to be by using the tricks rather than just skipping past. As soon as you go past a player they are able to catch up again unrealistically, which coupled with the inability to shield the ball, means that there is no advantage to having fast players.

My players never made any decent runs for me when in possession of the ball, meaning that most of my playing time was just frustration, waiting for someone to find some space for me to pass to.

Finally, the graphics, although pretty good overall, have some glaring errors (names and numbers anyone), which to me meant that overall PES seems to look better than FIFA.

I'll have to wait for the PS3 demo of PES, but there is no way FIFA is a viable alternative to me, no matter how much of a disappointment PES had the potential to be.

players never made any decent runs!!

you must be one of the very few who thinks this. I find the CPU players in the FIFA 08 demo making damn good runs looking for space.

Oh and PES2008 demo still has the problem when your FB just stands there waiting for you to turn 360 degrees before he eventually runs down the flank.
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