PES 2014 latest patch feedback

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Niche Football
28 May 2007
Man Utd, Juve
As the title says, I need your feedback regarding the latest patch.

Please state your platform; PS3/360/PC.

True feedback will be taken into consideration. Keep it constructive and in points please. Nice, clear, and tidy.

No trolling. No disrespecting anyone. No name calling. No one liners. No essays. No spamming. These will not be taken seriously and deleted.

Serious posters only. I need this ready by Tuesday evening.


EDIT: Oh forgot to mention, please do me a favor and list your points under Pros and Cons or Positives and Negatives.

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1. Customize cameras not working online

2. It's too difficult to score a gol from long distans

3. Maybe use a lob is to easy to score a goal

4. The linesmans not exist online


1. shooting

2. responsive

3. player switching

4. keepers reactions

5. No slowdowns
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Mention the platform too please. And don't just list cons, list your pros as well, like the ones from the discussion thread.


Better flow in game play, player reactions enhanced, straight to ground header exploit possibly gone, shots improved. Not really a patch thing but updated squads+faces really make the experience all the better.

Keepers still to stuck to their goal lines, don't come out to collect over hit through balls even if they could with ease (and did in previous versions)
CPU defenders still a bit prone to losing the ball under pressure near their own goal.
Stutter still a little bit of an issue, doesn't affect gameplay but is noticable.
Shots still a bit too weak at times.

I'll edit this post with more impressions if I get more games in before tuesday evening.
- no lag
- no slowdowns
- better responsive
- faster gameplay (and this tempo shouldn't be changed)

- long range shoots and GK behaviour (GKs are too overpowered)
- lobs (too effective)
- AI in defence
- high through balls (too effective)
- lack of stadiums
- GKs at all - for example, in long range shoots they are too effective and in other situations they are just stupid as hell (shots into short corner for example)
- better responsive
defensive AI
+- everything in this game.
PC Version (1.04)

- Shooting pack a lot of power on all three modes (basic, advanced, manual)
- Advanced through ball and shooting are more responsive.
- Fixed broken header on manual control.
- Yellow bar for manual control.
- Buggy collision animations are greatly reduced.
- Previously the CPU won't bother to chase you near your penalty box unless you exceed specific timer or enter the AI radius. This appear to be fixed.
- Game feel more weighty
- GK are more intelligent and less rooted.

- Lack of fouls. Just revert it back to super-sensitive 2012, majority will be happy.
- By default, the CPU CBs are not joining set-pieces. Dante and Boateng sit back in their own half are wasted. Maybe this will be changed in upcoming data pack (2.00), we'll see.
- Player switching latency while improved, is still not as smooth as butter.
- Less cutback by CPU. They prefer to shoot even at an acute angle, while the logical thing to do is playing a cutback or cross.
- CPU Goalkeeper need to be more varied while taking goal kick. Currently they just punt it long in straight trajectory.
- Make the AI keep the ball better. But this is more like a wishlist because to me the AI in 2014 is already good at ball retention. I just think it could be bit better.

These are the cons that i think are possible to be fixed without changing the core game.

  • Improved shooting.
  • Improved cursor change speed.
  • Improved input lag.
  • Improved keepers reaction to lob shots and outside the box shots.


  • Cursors still need work. They sometimes don't choose the player closest to the ball and instead lock on to the player that's already selected.
  • Player awareness still needs work. Players don't react properly to deflected passes/shots, they lose track of the ball and keep running. They don't react properly to loose balls and end up chasing down and pushing out balls that would result in throw-wins/corner kicks for their team.
  • Keepers need to perform double saves much more often because they deflect shots a lot and then refuse to try to get the ball. They still push the ball into their own nets and cause own goals due to animation errors.
  • Rare but extreme framerate drops in the final third. The screen freezes for a second and the game continues.
  • Jostling while sprinting needs to be improved a lot because often times the defender who's chasing you down will simply strip the ball from you by running past you, as opposed to entering the jostling animation. If possible, the ability to have 3 players jostling at the same time (ex: 2 defenders and 1 attacker) would be a welcomed addition.
  • Add the ability to lock/unlock the skill moves analog stick to a fixed/neutral direction like in previous games.
  • Team play should have a Blimp camera option. System settings should be saved for camera preferences and screen settings for each game mode. I use the Player 2 camera for BAL with a translucent radar. I don't use a radar in regular matches, which means I have to manually turn it on and off every time I play BAL.
  • All cameras in BAL and Team Play should feature the ability to lock the camera to your player or the ball. Right now, only Player 2 camera offers this feature. This option should also be highlighted in the camera settings menu, as opposed to pressing the back button during gameplay.
  • BAL still does not offer the X2 speed setting for when your player is subbed out. An option to skip the remainder of the match after being subbed should also be offered for convenience.
  • Most team formations seem to be set at a 15 for defensive line. This causes a bunch of problems because the game ends up being a counter vs counter game as opposed to a more realistic simulation. Please add some variety to this setting.
  • Replay camera for offsides, when the game is resuming from the final third/midfield, is botched. You do not see the offside line in the replay, you simply see the ball and the free-kick taker, while all the players and the offside line are in the other side of the field.
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+ less lag
+ smoother game
+ seems more variation in the CPU style of play
+ more fouls
+ the shooting is better
+ responsiveness is better


-There still is some lag.
- The defensive player switching is not good enough, it is frustrating because it results in goals.
- High defenses
- Still not enough CPU fouls.

The patch is definitely a good thing.
But What this game needs more than ever is a very good and comprehensive manual by Konami (and why not in the internet with video's ?).


Inparts its the best PES ever.


Less of a sim

Speed is once again overpowered

Technical players almost useless

Physical aspect of game has virtually gone.

Lost the hook that the game had before the patch. Now its just an arcade game once again


- Players and menus are more responsive
- Slowdown almost gone
- GK near-post positioning and reaction to lob shots
- Ball physics and shot variation

Needs to be improved:

- Player switching still not precise enough
- Player awareness in general, especially on crosses
- Lenient referee, but giving away cheap penalties and free-kicks if a player is barely touched after a shot
- Advantage rule is not played if a yellow card is about to be given
- CB's doesn't join the attack on 35+ yard free-kicks even if they're set to
- High through balls too effective, every player can hit them regardless of pass accuracy
- Way too easy to score from free-kicks! Dotted lines needs to go!
- R2-shots are too weak from outside the box
- R2-shots are too efficient 1-on-1, near 100% conversion rate
- GK still too attached to goal line and (in general) too slow and disoriented after making a save.
- GK responsiveness
- GK positioning
- Weakest foot stat input, one can just as well hit a 40 yard pass with Messi's right foot.
- Licensed teams doesn't have correct font and/or number size on jerseys i.e. Napoli, Lazio, Atalanta - the list is long
Juventus still has black home shorts, whereas the correct color should be WHITE.
- More accurate player physique and appearance in regards to online play. Untucked shirts should be standard, not the other way around.
Examples: Hamsik, Almiron, Toni etc. all wear short socks. Mexes has +7 thighs (!) as default. Maicon has NEVER played with his shirt untucked.

Needs to be included:

- generic stadiums
- overcast as a weather option
- shots with topspin
- more than one player on each team able to jump for the ball
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+ better responsiveness
+ GK reaction slightly better(or shooting power even less )
+ catch up bug redefined well(takes more time to trap the ball, then the defenders can catch up and GRAB you to hold you back, in replay, slow mo u can see it well)
+ game pace is good


- however it needs more fluidity
- shooting power way reduced, you still cant perform crackers outside the box
- through pass(basic or advanced) is still broken(doesnt pass to the desired player with the desired power, its random)
- cursor change still way off sometimes however its balanced with the better defender responsiveness(but its not a solution)
- GK still performing rebound silly goals(punching the ball exactly to the opponent), lack of animations for him its the case i guess
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- Much better responsive game.
- Less easy lob goals.
- Now you can change camera in online.


- You can't play with customized camera in online.
- Manual keeper is worst after the patch.
- Still some easy lob goals


+ game have less slowdowns
+ more responsive
+ manual shooting now works from insode the box
+ game still have glimps of old PESs


- dribling is not fluid enough and feels too mechanic (players loose too much speed while changing direction with the ball) personaly i miss the PES2013 dribling, it was much more organic and fluid.
- goalies are too good against hard shots, specially from outside the box
- awarenes of the players on loose balls and reciving passes is still bad
- AI still abuses on through balls
- even with custom cameras we still can´t have a good angle and distance like in 2013
- referees need complete rework for 2015, they let go lots of clear fouls from CPU in midfield battles but call for fouls on 80% of the tackles, even when it clearly hits the ball first
- i found professional less responsive than top player/superstar
- not enough injuries in the games
- online is still bad


Personaly i think is time for PES to have sliders in the next version, many of the complains could be solved with sliders for pass accuracy, shot power, injury frequency, goali strengh etc...
+ no more slow down on single player
+ improved response
+ shooting has been improved
+ shot variation is good
+ menu speed has improved but could be better

- slowdown starts to occur when playing with several friends at the same time offline.
- keepers still take long to respond after diving for a save.(for example dives for save once he gets up his frozen for a few seconds allowing for a very easy goal).
- CPU AI not taking enough shots out of box, i have played over 200 games so far and have not yet seen the CPU score a long ranger.
- CPU AI is always predictable with attack on goal variety needed.
- CPU AI when defending really deep allows me to sprint towards defence and they will not tackle me till they reach there line, which allows for me very easy goals. potential game breaker.
- goalkeepers still tend to stay on there line, when running one on one towards keeper, il be in the penalty box, keeper is still on line, another potential game breaker.
- keeper response needs to be improved
- defense and offense awareness needs improving has tendency for each area to ball watch or run away from ball.
- cheap goals given, game will be intense most of the match and then massive openings occur or bad defensive errors occur consistently with most games leading up to very easy goals.
-individuality is minimal cannnot notice significant differences between players.

Apart from all that i am enjoying the game but i know once these bugs are sorted il be playing this till 2015. Fingers crossed most of the bugs are sorted.
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  • improved response and less button lag. game is much more fluid now

  • improved shooting - more power, less accurate

  • improved goalkeeper - better reaction (near post), more awareness generally

  • so called catch-up-bug problematic is solved

  • less slowdown in the box

  • improved menu speed

  • AI pass it around much better

Still Buggy

  • if you got a corner kick the AI leave your teammate, who is standing at the corner of the box, free everytime. They just don't cover.

  • Corner kicks from the AI still broken. They will never score because of way to lofty headers.


  • much more long shot attempts from the AI
  • a better AI in attack mode, more build up, more creativity
  • better Refs. Don't refused so much calls. game is practically without penaltys.
  • a little bit more shot power is still needed
  • R2 shots are way to weak, need more power
  • shooting needs more error. you still hit the target way to often
  • keepers still take to long to respond after a save.

and much more, that is already stated more then once in this thread.
PS3 and PC

- AI always shoot to near post, middle height if they are in penalty box. I have never seen a high shot from CPU. So that keepers always use the same animation over and over again.


  • improved response and less button lag. game is much more fluid now
  • improved shooting - more power, less accurate
  • so called catch-up-bug problematic is solved

I really hope these have been improved.
The Catch-up bug was crazy. I reinstalled PES6 on my PC just to play super games where I could jink past a defender with no fear of being caught so easily. I may just try PES2014 tonight in hope...
All versions:

- GK are the worst during any shot within 8 yards than any gk in any soccer title ever made.
- Ditto for slide tackles. Very slow to respond and they slide for about 6 yards colliding with random players. Terrible.
PS3 Offline only...

+ Shooting is slightly better.
+ Game is slightly more fluid.
+ Player Switching is slightly better.

- Shooting still needs more work regarding zip and response.
- Heading in the penalty area needs more work regarding response and effectiveness.
- Keepers still need more work regarding response.
- Incessant COM pressure on all difficulty levels needs to be relaxed.
Thanks for taking the time to post your feedback guys.

Sincerely appreciated.

Feedback all collated and sent. Hopefully all for the best.

Thanks Again.

+ AI Defensive awareness much better then 1.01. Now defensive lines track back more. Defending is much more satisfying.
+ Game flows better, is less laggy.
+ Shooting has more power and variety.
+ Goalkeepers act more urgently to loose balls and responds to button inputs faster.

- More, more fouls are needed. AI players should be more decisive when bringing the opponent to the ground. I want a start - stop game.
- AI need to build their attacks more patiently and it really needs more variety. Now AI in attack is very repetitive, relying on through balls and dribbles down the wing.
- Team style sliders should have bigger impact. For example, with Shift to the Attack and Support Range on 0 AI should simply keep the ball in their own half, passing around.
Weeell, I based my comments on Human vs Human (played with a couple of friends) with the latest 1.02 downloaded, couldn't feel much difference. But tried a couple of J-League matches vs CPU yesterday, and it definitely felt different - so I need to re-assess my judgements of the patch. :)
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