PES 2013 Demo Ver.1 Feedback Thread


Niche Football
28 May 2007
Man Utd, Juve
Now that many of you have put in many hours into the first demo, it is time to have your feedback.

Please use the format below. Feel free to quote this post only keeping the format part to make it easier for you.

Make sure you are as straight to the point as possible. So keep it short and precise. I repeat, short and precise. So nothing essay-like. Keep it respectful and constructive. Keep fanboyism out and post with a clear, unbiased head.

This is a feedback only thread. So no chatter in here.

Format (PS3/PC/360):

No. of games played:

Outfield player




1st touch:

Deft touch:








Player switching:










Player ID:

Team ID:

Camera angles:

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc):






Game speed:


Tactics & formations screen:

Difficulty levels:



Stamina & Fatigue system:

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc):

Graphical presentation:


If you have any more suggestions you feel I should add then feel free to PM me.


P.S. Just remember, you don't have to write about a point you know nothing of. Just leave it blank. In case you do not like one aspect, explain why very briefly and what you think should be addressed to make it better. Also, if you do like an aspect and feel it can be improved further, please state so and be very precise and straight to the point.

Sorry for sounding a bit repetitive but I'm trying to be as clear as possible :)
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Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: 25-30

Outfield player

Attacking:Good but sometimes teammates are just too still 9/10

Defending:It lacks ball tracking and cooperation 5/10

Dribbling:Good. Slightly unnatural and plastic 8/10

1st touch:Good. Slightly unnatural and plastic 8/10

Deft touch: Very Good. 9/10

Animations:Unnatural and plastic 4/10

Passing:Good. Slightly odd in some random situations 7/10

Crossing: Good. 8/10

Shooting: Good. Lacks power and ball physics 8/10

Freedom:Very Good 9/10

Awareness: Bad. Bad. 40% of time players are lost in space and time6/10

Player switching: Very bad and unnatural 1/10

Set-pieces: Good. Lacks cooperation 7/10

Penalties:didnt play


Animations: Unnatural 6/10

Reactions: Unnatural 5/10

1-1s:Very bad reaction. No concentration 2/10

Throws: Good. 8/10

Kicks: Good. Ball physics is issue.8/10


Player ID: Not very clear diff in play 7/10

Team ID: Not very clear diff in play 7/10

Camera angles:LOVELY 10/10

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc):Bad. Bad. Too slow. Too heavy. Unnatural. 3/10

Turf: Bad textures 6/10

Lighting: Very big dissapointment. 1/10

Kits: Allmost perfect. Lacks naturality. 9/10

Replays: Good 9/10

Game speed: Could be 10% faster 8/10

Framerate: Good. Rare stuttering. 9/10

Tactics & formations screen: Great 10/10

Difficulty levels: Good. 8/10

Scripting:A lot of AI cheat, stadium code, catchup..
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Format: PC

No. of games played: 48-64
(15 min. matches, -1 gamespeed, professional difficulty level,
pass assistance 1)

Outfield player

Passing: L2 manual passing lacks speed in many situations, even after loading up the pass-power bar


Animations: not stretching his arms to the fullest in many situations

Reactions: bad reaction in short corner in many situations


CPU AI: less risky high through balls please, more integrating the players near the ball when starting attack in midfield
Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: over 100

Outfield player

Defending: • Defense line is too flat and often leaves a huge gap behind their backs. Because of flat positioning, too often 4 defenders struggle to contain the runs of single striker. This situation makes your defend ridiculously: your central backs run towards the goal along with the striker, in a sort of race.
• DMF is always caught off his position when your team loses the ball upfront.
• Defensive players don't cover the gaps teams leave during an attacking progression. This leaves huge gaps.
• The back four don't have a system to mark against a single player (for example: left CB marks him, right CB covers his back)
• Defensive positioning is designed to create individual duels. There's no organized plan to contain passing destinations and shut down paths. Inverted logic: the best way to beat a defense is to penetrate it, rather than go around it and desorganize it.
Defensive positioning (all over the pitch) is the most alarming bug. Of all the wrongs in the game, it is the most critical in terms of football concept. It just makes teams look amateur.
Shooting: Too precise.
Player switching: Scripted to fail when my team is winning.


Kicks: in-movement kick is too balloony


Team ID: Not in the game. Should be an excellent addition.
Tactics & formations screen: I propose to replace Konami sliders with sliders that truly affect the AI:
•VERTICALITY (horizontal---vertical): affect the tendency to play vertical passes (build up speed)
•PASSING RATE (holding---passing): affect the pace at which teams will pass the ball. Some teams sleep the tempo by keeping the ball, with more dynamic teams play pass-pass-pass.
•MOVILITY (defensive---offensive): This is a different concept from position switch. Defensive movility means players search for safe positions to give the ball carrier options. Offensive movility incorporates off the ball runs and exploiting the backs of the rival's lines. Konami got this all wrong and implemented "player support", which is linear and lacks footbal concepts.
•DEFENSIVE STRATEGY (zonal---individual): "zonal" means that, once a team loses possesion, their players will retreat behind the position of the ball, thus having more men in defense. "individual" means your team defensive shape will adapt to the opponent's positions. This is a more aggresive kind of defending.
The only Konami slider I find clever is "attacking stlye".
Difficulty levels: Features that should depend on each team (amount of pressure, capacity to overcome matches, verticality, accuracy, goalkeeping) are decided by difficulty levels.
Scripting: Leading the score should lead your players to play more conservative in their positions and not run in excess. Instead (and thanks to scripting) Konami makes players fail simple passes and have trouble receiving them. Learn the difference.
CPU AI: Too vertical. Unidimensional and predictable, only dangerous due to scripted scenarios. Need to build up.
Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Crowds are too silent. I shouldn't hear the ball being kicked.
Others: • Crowd attendance selector missing
• Coin toss missing
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Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: 50~, 15 minute games

Outfield player

Attacking: I like it, its good.

Defending: much much better than pes 12, no complaints.

Dribbling: awesome.

1st touch: awesome.

Deft touch: good feature.

Animations: bad, but i can live with it.

Passing: very good.

Crossing: ok.

Shooting: good , maybe shots are too powerful when they are power strikes.

Freedom: alot of times the computer forces you to do things you don't want, needs to be fixed.

Player switching: needs to be improved.

Set-pieces: they are good.

Penalties: they are good enough, could be better but not a priority, they are ok.


Animations: Better than pes 12 but not much, still quite bad tbh.

Reactions: Good, buffon etc have really strong reactions.

Throws: good but too floaty

Kicks: good


Player ID: good feature

Team ID: not present, every team plays the same, huge issue

Camera angles: adequate

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): much better as pes 12, maybe too strong shots sometimes

Turf: could be better

Nets: fine

Lighting: could be better

Kits: fine

Replays: fine

Game speed: fine, can change aswell

Framerate: good

Tactics & formations screen: decent

Difficulty levels: higher difficulty = better computer stats which is wrong, on higher difficulty computer should play better as a team
Scripting: still present

CPU AI: horrible, the cpu rushes forward, have no build up play, plays stupid overall

Stamina & Fatigue system: not good, cpu can run all match like crazy and still be as fresh as he ever was

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): atmosphere is bad.

Graphical presentation: its fine, graphics are not the most important thing.
Format (PS3/PC/360): PC
No. of games played: 20-25
2 passing assistance, 0 gamespeed, top player
Overall impression : Very good improvement in most areas

Outfield player

Deft touch:
- the ability/frequency of less skilled player to repeat the deft touch e.g. can be reduced by going back to normal dribble or miss the ball

- There is still occasion with our controlled player in the box going into predetermined animation and we have no control.
- Please, give us quick full control as soon as he is under our control

- Rail/automatic run before receiving a pass ahead or through ball could be reduced to introduce more freedom instead of just using supercancel. This is for practical purpose.
- Give us the ability to adjust receiving player's direction and pace at least in the middle of his running path to the ball
- If the ball sent will certainly land on opponents foot, a full control of our player direction is needed earlier

- There is still occasion that if we track our opponent, our team mate also keeps tracking the same person. They need to regularly fin/fill another empty space.

- It badly needs more shooting animation and ball physic to differentiate chip shot, finesse, or hard/low driven shot etc. Can we use the same shooting animation as in normal play?. It was better only until PES 2010.


- Please add 1-2 more animation for the same scenario especially for one-on-one.
- They need to use the proper hand that could reach the ball better especially for top corner spot. For example : top right corner, one handed save currently only use left hand to parry meanwhile right hand is more logic to parry since less distance to the ball
- Add a slight rolling animation especially when GK jump back to tip the ball over him. It was like this in PES 6, very nice.

- Need to get up quicker

- More aware in following an attacker direction

- It is too floaty and slow.

- We can not do first touch long pass to opponents half but only land in our half. This is using normal long pass button.
- Please let the power bar has impact to the distance of our pass no matter what pass assistance setting in use.


Camera angles:
- If possible, add more alernative widecam. At least one widecam that follows the sideline without panning/angle view just like pes 2010

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc):
- I have several occasion in volley where it hits the ground then bounches too high, is it a glitch ? The same goes when cpu has this spesific circumstances.

- Too washed out. It is good to have more vibrant and better contrast especially in night match.

- It is too grey. Need more white touches

- Too washed out in night match

- Direct replay after a goal can be better, i think it would be better to use zoomed out live broadcast style.

Difficulty levels:
- Sometimes cpu ai attacker just stand up doing nothing in top player, is it a glitch ?
- The higher the level would be better respond to the better possesion keeping and defending by ai. Not necessarily going forward quicker and more pressure

- They just need to be more considered during the play and possesion by passing around even back pass.

Graphical presentation:
- Please get rid that blur effect during widecam gameplay and increase the sharpness.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc):
- The ball sound for when dribbling especially one with many touches, please tone it down a little bit.
- Away supporter's goal sound, i think it needs to sound a bit more from the distance and turn up the volume.
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Format (PS3/PC/360):

No. of games played:

Outfield player

Animations: the ribery spin don't overwrite the roulette and more skills


Other: For retail, add national super cups, confederation cup and pres-season tournaments. Second division, third kit. :APPLAUD:
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Format (PS3/PC/360): 360

No. of games played: 50+

Outfield player

Dribbling: There should be a walking animation. Right now there is only jog to sprint. In real life players often walk with the ball to slow down the game - especially in defence. In the game you can't do this and so it messes with the positions of your player and the pace of the game.

Crossing: Even on no pass assistance crossing is far to assissted. See 'freedom'.

Shooting: Lack of variation on height of shots. Seems to be either top corner or along the ground. Also, too easy to hit power shots with the tap of the button - a more accurate/longer power bar could solve this.

Freedom: In controller settings give us the options to make EVERYTHING manual. This would also mean the modifier button (L2/LT) would be free'd up to use for something else.

Player switching: Often chooses the wrong player.

Set-pieces: Should be more of a tussle for headers. You can super cancel into players fine when running onto the ball, but when challenging for a header your players are to stiff. Make it more of a battle.


Throws: Too Floaty. Also, see 'Extra'.

Extra: Gaolkeepers should have more stats for more individuality and likeness, instead of just one stat for 'Goalkeeping skills' there should be a few, like, 'Throwing', '1v1', 'low corner', 'penalties' etc.


Camera angles: Please add more cameras without the 'sway'. They should move side to side along the touchline, keeping in line with the game, otherwise they just put off your aiming angles. Currently there is only one camera that does this, 'Blimp', but that is extremely zoomed out. A very simple thing but ultimately game changing.

Also, on 'Blimp' the game for some reason removes the radar meaning it is impossible to play long balls from defense to attack sincr you cannot see your attackers.

Tactics & formations screen: Bring back the hexagons, or some sort of graphic. The overall rating isn't meaningful.

Stamina & Fatigue system: Basically, implement a realistic stamina system. Right now it is not accurate at all and largely goes by minutes on the pitch, instead of distance travelled and things like that. A proper stamina system will change the pace of the game to make it more realistically paced.
Format (PS3/PC/360): PS3

No. of games played: 75 +

Outfield player

Attacking: Teamates are too static too often.

Defending: Good.

Dribbling: Good although animations could be smoother when changing direction.

1st touch: Good, but would like to see more errors/miscontrolled passes.

Deft touch: Great addition. Definitely changes PES for the better.

Animations: Decent. Much room for improvement though. Could be more fluid.

Passing: Good, but needs a default manual pass option.

Crossing: Better, but would benefit froma defualt manual pass option.

Shooting: Good, but would like to see more dip and swerve on many shots.

Freedom: Better, but still need to use super-cancel too often.

Awareness: Friendly AI could be smarter and more aware of my position on the pitch.

Player switching: Needs further tuning to increase reliability.

Set-pieces: Good enough although I'd like the ability to remove all players from the wall.

Penalties: Decent, but the camera moves to the widecam too quickly once the penalty is taken. Ruins the immersion for me.


Animations: Needs major improvement. For example, keepers don’t dive up and forwards.

Reactions: Good.

1-1s: Good.

Throws: Something is wrong with the throwing animation and the ball trajectory.

Kicks: Good.


Player ID: Good feature although not as pronounced as I thought it would be.

Camera angles: Need more camera options such as those in FIFA.

Ball Physics: Better ball physics this year. Still would like it to feel slightly heavier and have more spin and swerve on certain shots.

Turf: Not green enough (especially at night). Not enough pattern variations.

Nets: Good but need to be a lot whiter along with the posts.

Lighting: Daytime is nice but the nightime lighting needs improvement.

Kits: Kits look nice although I’d like the ability to mix and match shirts, shorts and socks. Would also like low socks to make a return.

Game speed: Perfect on 0 gamespeed for me. PLEASE DO NOT INCREASE THE DEFAULT GAME SPEED!

Framerate: Good.

Tactics & formations screen: Good.

Difficulty levels: Appropriate.

Scripting: No issues with scripting.

CPU AI: Needs to be more patient and creatice when on offense.

Stamina & Fatigue system: CPU AI should be affected more than it currently is by fatigue.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Poor really and ruins the immersion. Some chants are actually aggravating.

Graphical presentation: Good although I think turf color could be more saturated and greener.

Replays: Please provide an option to skip all the automatic replays.
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I intend to describe every aspect first with one word, then with a sentence or two. That way I could point out what I like the most and what I think should be vastly improved.

Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: Enough (not sure about the number)

Outfield player

Attacking: DECENT Attacking, as one of the main aspects of the game, feels varied, free, and gives the impression that you could do what you want when you attack. Team mates could help you a bit more though, some more off the ball movement would be great. Players often seem too static and that's a major concern.

Defending: GOOD Defending is greatly improved from last year, this time around it's really responsive and if you have your tackles timed tight and you don't rush out of position, you could actually prevent world class teams and players from battering you. Although sometimes the defensive line is broken by the AI-controlled team mates who are trying to mark their man way too high on the pitch (should be adjustable at the formation screen).

Dribbling: GREAT Dribbling feels great, you have the ability to get past your opponent with small touches on the ball, you could outrun him with a fast player, you could be creative with the tricks of the skillful players and so on. There's a sufficient amount of moves and feints as well.

1st touch: GREAT With the addition of the dynamic first touch, the variety in this department is vastly improved. Less skillful players tend to have a heavier first touch, which is good, and top class players could pull off some amazing flicks and traps. Spot on.

Deft touch: GREAT Another great addition is the deft touch dribbling, adding more to the flexibility and versatility of the whole dribbling system.

Animations: DECENT The most of us didn't expect much of an improvement here since last year's below par animations, but we've got some nice new stuff, the curled shot animations are miles better now, there are lots of new passing and crossing animations, the dribbling ones are good (although a bit choppy at times). The transitions must be improved drastically though, there's too much skipping here and there. Also the running animations need to have some more variety.

Passing: GOOD Passing is all in all better than last year, especially lofted balls are a major improvement, the more lofted and soft high balls and the more hard and low ones add to the freedom, and generally it feels great. My only concerns would be that when passing assistance is set to 0 or when using the manual modifier the passes are way too slow sometimes, and when using 1, it's a bit too assisted (feels like there's a lack of a 0.5 setting in between 0 and 1.

Crossing: GOOD Crossing is also something good, there's some noticeable bend to the ball, sometimes there's the necessary dip. The triple-tap low cross isn't so effective which is also an improvement. Generally the only setback in this area is that crosses go into the keepers arms way to often, they should be directed a bit more onto the penalty spot.

Shooting: GOOD Shooting is also improved this year, especially with the addition of manual shooting. It feels fantastic and when you master it, it becomes something you'd much rather use instead of the assisted counterpart. The assisted shooting on the other hand, feels a bit too accurate and heavy at times, there should be more error to it.

Heading: GOOD Manual headers are very neat and satisfying, feels that if you timed your jump (button press) you could hit the perfect header. Assisted heading seems the same, except no more diving headers all the time, keep it that way. Only thing that comes to mind is the standing headers, they need to be tweaked a bit, especially body position and animation.

Freedom: GREAT The freedom is one of the game's finest features, it allows you to play however you want, there's balance, and except the occasional need of super cancel, that's the PES title with the most freedom in it.

Awareness: BELOW PAR Unfortunately, the awareness is something that needs a bigger improvement. Now the defenders are stretching a leg out to intercept passes, they react to high through balls, but still sometimes the AI-controlled team mates are unaware of what's happening around them, of the ball and of the players surrounding them.

Player switching: BAD This is one of the biggest flaws of the game, and it must be taken care of as soon as possible. It's really irritating that you can't switch to the player you want sometimes. It was great in old-gen PES titles, now it's a bit broken.

Set-pieces: GOOD Set pieces are fine, with last year's addition of the manual man targeting and this year's addition of a third man behind the ball. The only cons are that the CPU scores too often from free kicks and that the player almost doesn't score from corner kicks.

Penalties: BELOW PAR Penalties need some improving, especially animation-wise, too many powerful shots with the inside of the foot (where it should be with the boot-laces area). Almost all the time on target, players tend to overhit penalties - should be sorted. The chip shot penalty needs to be improved, the animation doesn't match the ball trajectory and power at all. Keepers' animations for penalties are great though.


Animations: BELOW PAR Nobody expected wonders in this area, but there are some new animations which look good. The old animations are still really bad, needs to be addressed.

Reactions: GOOD The reactions of the keepers are improved along with their positioning, it allows them to make simple saves and eliminates the ridiculous goals caused by bad goalkeepers in the past.

1-1s: DECENT Even though the 1-on-1s are improved, the CPU players easily go around the keeper with a fake shot sometimes. I encountered some great saves in one-on-one situations too. Not bad.

Throws: DECENT Throws are a bit dull at the moment, the gauge is good, but the ball floats a lot after it leaves the keeper's hand. The keeper needs to get up quickly and throw the ball as soon as possible as well (useful to organise a counter).

Kicks: DECENT Same as throws, except the ball isn't floating so much.


Player ID: GREAT One of my favourite features so far, adds so much to the personality and individuality of the players, we'd like to see it implemented for more than 50 players though. Classy stuff.

Team ID: BELOW PAR Teams tend to play the same way most of the time, really need to get something like Team ID in the game, teams lack variety in their play (when the AI controls them).

Camera angles: DECENT The cameras are enough in my opinion, but there's a desperate need for options like Zoom, Height and Camera Angle.

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): GOOD Ball physics seem fine in most occasions, there's some curl and bend to the ball this time, which is great. Of course there's the knuckle-shot too, back spin and top spin shots are present. The top spin shots should be used more than the back spin ones though, they might need a bit more natural dip to them too.

Turf: DECENT The turfs are generally good, but need more life, so to speak. Make them more sharp and add different pitch patterns (maybe the option to choose too).

Nets: DECENT The nets are fine, the shape is good, square net-pattern too. They just need to be a bit tighter and the ball should bounce back off the net. Nets and goal posts need to be white too, instead of light grey.

Lighting: BELOW PAR The lighting in night games is bad, needs to be improved, day games are rather fine. Not much to say here.

Kits: GOOD The kits are good, the texture and details are great. Only the physics need to be improved (waving shorts and sleeves), but I believe that would happen next year.

Replays: DECENT They need some new and better camera angles (the non-manual replays). The stuttering before and after the replay PES logo flashes should be fixed.

Game speed: GOOD The flow of the game is pretty realistic, slow when building up and picking up the pace when you need to. The game speed options should stay too.

Framerate: GREAT The game is very optimised, runs on old PCs, no slow downs or stuttering on PC (except on replays as I mentioned).

Tactics & formations screen: DECENT Generally good, but needs the addition of more sliders which actually would AFFECT the style of play even more. The arrows from old-gen PES need to come back, also zonal marking and attack/defence mindedness.

Difficulty levels: GREAT They suffice, 6 difficulty levels are pretty much enough.

Scripting: BELOW PAR It's too noticeable at times (on Top player and Superstar), another major flaw of the game. CPU should be able to come up with different approaches instead of forcing the same approach work when it's not supposed to.

CPU AI: DECENT Generally good, smart and challenging, needs to have more variety though, not always so direct, needs to keep the ball more and build up, instead of just hoofing it forward, rushing things all the time. Team mate AI needs to be improved, sometimes you get the feeling that the CPU team mates are better and more aware than your team mates.

Stamina & Fatigue system: BELOW PAR Feels too random most of the time, actually needs a total overhaul, I think the best idea would be 2 stamina bars, one responsible for short term (sprinting) and the other one for the whole game.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): BAD That's a pretty big setback, the crowd is too silent, the chants are dull and annoying, the crowd needs to actually react when a goal is scored! You shouldn't be able to hear the sound of the ball except from powerful shots and clearances. Posts and adboard rebound sounds are good, they need to be more silent though.

Graphical presentation: GOOD The scoreboards are great (some nice animations and graphics) and the menus seem to be fine (nothing special though). Stadiums need more banners on them and also stadium boards (adboards on the stands).

I think that's comprehensive and tidy at the same time, hope you can send these posts to Konami too. :)
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Format (PS3/PC/360): Xbox360

No. of games played: maybe 100-120 5 minute half games

Outfield player

Attacking: Good, but there are some problems because of player switching while passing at 0 bars assistance

Defending: it's a 6/10. It could be so much better if our AI defenders were more reactive and had more awareness while near opposing players

Dribbling: It's very good.

1st touch: Very Good.

Deft touch: Very good.

Animations: It's a 5/10. They should be a lot more fluid and should be a lot more than they are now. A slight improvement over pes 2012.

Passing: At 0 bar assistance it's very good. At 1 and 2 bars it's already too assisted. Konami should make those settings slightly less assisted

Crossing: It's a 8/10. Good, even if there should be more ocntrol over direction of the cross

Shooting: 9/10. Konami,don't tweak shooting. It should be as it is now. Please.

Freedom: 7/10. While it's slightly more free than pes 2012, there are still noticeable limitations to the way a player can move, especially when receiving a through ball

Awareness: 5/10 Attacking awareness is good, while defending awareness is poor.

Player switching: 5/10. If you put cursor setting at semi-assisted defending player switch is good, but attacking one is bad. Many times it chooses the wrong player to receive the ball.

Set-pieces: 8/10. Could be improved a little but there is nothing wrong with it.

Penalties: Not tested enough.


Animations: 6/10. Some better saves but animations are the most part the same ugly animations from pes 2012

Reactions: 9/10 Awesome reactions

1-1s: 7/10. Sometimes goalkeeper rushes towards attacking player and that leaves an open gap

Throws: 9/10 Excellent. Right now you can choose the power and direction where you want the throw to go. Really improved compared to pes 2012.

Kicks: Same as throws.


Player ID: 9/10 Excellent. Pirlo, Giovinco, Rooney, Buffon, are very similar to their real life counterparts.

Team ID: There is a team id? I didn't notice. There is little variation to the way teams play. 6/10

Camera angles: 5/10 Not enough camera angles, not enough options

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): 9/10 I believe it's awesome as it is right now. Really at ps2 pes levels

Turf: 4/10 Bad textures, bad LOD.

Nets: 8/10 Night games nets could be improved but in general there is nothing wrong

Lighting: Daytime it's good, nightime not so good

Kits: Very good. 9/10

Replays: Below par. Sometimes there are good replays but many times replays don't show part of the picth, and replays agles are bad. Besides, remove that blur. 5/10

Game speed: 10/10 Perfect

Framerate: 7/10 Some framerates issues,in crowded area, but i think its is because of the early state of the code

Tactics & formations screen: Good. 8/10. I miss the arrow movement options. Beside that, it's all good.

Difficulty levels: Professional is too easy. Top player is well balanced but slightly frustrating. Not tested enough the rest of levels. Both should be more balanced.

Scripting: 7/10 It's there, but not as noticeable as in pes 2012. Some weird rebound, referee not giving fouls, opposing teams statistics boosts still happen.


Stamina & Fatigue system: 4/10. It's broken. Konami should introduce a realistic stamina system. The system they are using right now is more than 10 years old. And i have the feeling Ai controlled teams get less tired than human controlled teams.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): 6/10. Should be definitely improved especially when scoring, using real chants, louder noise, not the same chant repeated over and over

Graphical presentation: 5/10 Scoreboard is improved, but the rest is still the same, boring visual presenation.
Format (PS3/PC/360):

No. of games played: 23 games, super star player, 10 minutes

Outfield player

Shooting: real missiles to shoot down a tank ... I do not like at all and is unreal.


Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): very heavy, slow, night games is even worse, "stadium code" active.

CPU AI: I find that incredibly IA accelerates speed, unstoppable, only a few seconds. this is crap.

Graphical presentation: as usual, I do not like, (pes 2010 looks incredibly better) because of the graphics engine? trash.

Other: I want to clarify, this is a constructive criticism, and I have things I do not like, personally I think is different to 2012, as things good and some not so. 2013 has many bad things.
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Format (PS3/PC/360):

No. of games played:

Outfield player

Animations: I want so see MORE & NEW animations. Tackles, Shooting,Heading.

Heading: Heading is probably as BAD as you can get in any football game.

Player switching: Player Switching has been mentioned so many times but seems to be a major issue.


Graphical presentation: I would like to see new cut scenes. The same lame old one from 3-4 years need to be deleted.

Other: It is ridiculous that you CANNOT CHALLENGE THE GOALKEEPER! Better and More weather conditions. It is a very good improvement for a DEMO for me i can play it now without wanting to switch it off after 5 minutes.
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Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Please stick to the format provided though. We need to keep it consistent in here :)

I've edited the last 2 posts.

Added a couple more aspects in the first post. Edit your post to add them in if you have anything to say.

Thank you.
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Format (PS3/PC/360): PS3

No. of games played: around 25

Outfield player

Attacking: user controlled players are much improved, feels more classic PES again. CPU controlled movement off the ball is still very poor. Attackers don't make runs unless you activate the R3 feature and this has to be sorted.

Defending: Much better, collision and body mass are well represented. Recovering the ball feels more natural again. Off the ball CPU isn't very good though, not enough pro-activity.

Dribbling: Top marks for dribbling. Massive improvement from 2011 and especially 2012. Thumbs up for removing the L2 out of the equation.

1st touch: Sometimes it can be really clumsy even with good players. Receiving passes on the run feels better but could also be improved.

Deft touch: Didn't notice a big difference trapping with R2. But the R2 dribbling is quite good and useful.

Animations: Player movement seems very improved, especially in-game. But more variations are still needed. Some goal celebrations and "cut scenes" are the same since PES 2008...

Passing: Extremely poor IMO. As poor as 2012's. One of the low points of the game. Hurts the fluidity of the game. PES 2011 had great passing, but in PES 2012 and 2013 demo there are no heavy weighted passes ever. Pass Gauge doesn't help to make a heavy weighted pass (it only goes for a further team mate up the pitch). Very frequently passes go to players I didn't intend to. The assistance bars do not make much of a difference (unless you set no bars). Given how bad passing is right now, manual pass is good and comes in more handy than ever.

Crossing: Did not improve much since 2012, if at all. If curled shots were introduced, maybe it's about time to introduced curled crosses.

Shooting: One of the biggest improvements. Excellent variations are available now. Knuckle shot comes in very handy and curled shot with R2 finally looks right - I was waiting for this for a long time.
However, shooting from outside the box seems easier than ever. Maybe needs balancing.

Heading: Didn't notice many changes for better or worse. But it's definitely a great thing that our attackers don't try diving headers all the time (as was the problem with previous versions).

Freedom: Very much improved, but still need to use "super cancel" often to break free from the invisible "grids" or "rails".

Awareness: Not good at all. Team mate AI has a lot to improve both in defence and attack. Players seem lost and still turn their backs to the ball too often.

Player switching: A bit glitchy. I use only semi-assisted. But sometimes it's still a chore to choose the player nearest to the ball using only L1. Switching with Right analog stick is a nice feature, but it has to come to the rescue too often during open play.

Set-pieces: Only Corner kicks improved with a Short corner option. Free Kicks are still the same and need a total revamp. Using the right analog stick feature (controlling receiver of the pass) feels like cheating and pointless. Two-touch free-kicks have been useless for a long time.
But it is great to have a more "human" AI opponent who doesn't score from every free kick in the top corner. Finally!

Penalties: Poor. Extremely poor. Amateurish or arcadey? Your choice. Too easy to hit the target (if you try very very hard to miss you might hit the post if you're unlucky enough). Bring back 2011's system please.


Animations: Need a lot of work still. Not enough variety in animations. Feels unrealistic sometimes.

Reactions: There has been an improvement, keepers look a bit more lively now. But still need further work. Keepers deflect the ball to unlikely areas and angles sometimes (has been happening from crosses a lot in this demo).

1-1s: Didn't have many 1-1 occasions, but the ones I saw looked good enough. Those situations resembled reality.

Throws: Much like passing, some throws have no weight to it. It even gives time for the opposition to read the play and press the player receiving it. Gauge system is interesting, but I'm not happy with it. See "passing" above.

Kicks: Looks good so far. Better with gauge. But new GK animations are needed.


Player ID: Excellent. The movement, body language and feel of the main players are very much improved. Ronaldo, Rooney, Ozil, Deco, Ronaldinho, Pirlo, Balotelli... they all resemble very well their real life counterparts.

Team ID: As far as I have known, there was none. All teams still seem to play the same style.

Camera angles: Some good options there, altough only 2 are playable (Wide and Long). It would be perfect if a little of customizing was allowed, to find the perfect distance. For example, I would zoom out about 10% of the Long camera.

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): Ball physics look pretty good. Curled shots are looking great.

Turf: Not good enough. Better textures and more variations are needed. It should feature from perfect turfs (such as Emirates Stadium) to the more worn out types of turf (as in some South American stadiums) too.

Nets: Need better physics when the ball hits the net (spinning from one side to another when it hits the side netting). I really liked the nets in PES 2008 to 2011. Bring them back as an option? Add more types (triangular, for example). More types are needed to better customize stadiums. Allow for net tension customization (look at what the competition is doing!)

Lighting: Natural daylight deserves more detail and variations. Night games need to have lighting improved.

Kits: Kits are looking good and sharp (at least the licensed ones in the demo).

Replays: Replays are good and back to classic style. Nothing more to add.

Game speed: Seems fine. I don't feel the need to adjust speed, but it's great that the option is there.

Framerate: Didn't notice anything. And that is a good thing!

Tactics & formations screen: Looks fine and simple. But the player attribute screen is not good (since 2012). Old fans of the series like me would prefer to have the stats in the order it had always been presented.
The overall ratings for each group of attribute (grading from A to E) is a good idea, but I still prefer the old school pentagon graphic.

Difficulty levels: Only played "Professional" and "Top Player". But those levels are consistent enough. I got what I expected, so they seem to work fine.

Scripting: A few occasions when everything went deliberately the CPU's way in order for them to score. "Catch up bug" or compensation seems to be there for the AI (not for the user) when a slower CB catches up with a fast attacker more easily than it probably should.
Need more discrete ways to balance things out.

CPU AI: CPU attacking style and variations should be improved. CPU plays too direct. Would be nice to have it work a little more with possession. This seems to overcome the so called "Team ID". In the end, the CPU attacks in the same way.
CPU defending feels good, challenging enough and kind of natural.

Stamina & Fatigue system: Playing 5 minute demo matches doesn't help anyone analyse this. I didn't notice any issue with the demo.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Sounds are really really bad. One of the lowest points of the game. Need to be redone right from scratch.

Graphical presentation: Looks good enough. It's going on the right path.

Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: Around 40 (i used demotweak to increase my playing time)

Attacking: GOOD
- Improved off the ball cpu movement from teammates
- off the ball controls with the R stick is not intuitive and its hard to use when on manual

Defending: VERY GOOD
- I like the CPU intervention is difficult to react situations
- Double X for standing tackles works great.
- Sliding tackles work most of the time as they should.

Dribbling: GOOD
- Dribbling and movement of the player is good but there should be more separation between the player and the ball . Now those two behave like they are inseperable. I hope improvement on future versions.

- I think that 1st touches are too accurate when using R2. Sometimes real players stretch to control the ball when a bad pass is being played to them and sometimes they don't manage to control it despite their effort.

Deft touch: INTUITIVE
- Nice idea well implemented. Something like this was necessary.

- Generally there should be a new design regarding of how players move in relation with the ball and other players on the pitch. Ball and player should behave like separate entities. I guess this will happen on next gen platfroms.

- Passing is great already but there needs to be added a pure manual way to control passes and crosses without having to push L2. This little detail alone could make huge difference.


- Good thing is that there are already an option for manual shooting.

- Heading in real life have really unpredictable outcomes. Not just goal or over the bar. Bad headers could still lead to goals when they lad near teammates. Generally the context of the situation should be taken into account(like the momentum of the attacker and his balance at the situation, how well prepered, balanced and positioned is the defender, the cross, the physical attributes of the players and many more i could think of)


- See above (give us manual controls)

Awareness: VERY GOOD
- In general the AI seems very improved about their reactions and awareness of their positional and tactical duties.

Player switching: EXCELLENT
- The options about players switching are great. I hope unassisted will be available for online games also.

Set-pieces: GOOD



Animations: VERY GOOD


1-1s: GOOD

- The throw is to floaty, should be more direct

Kicks: GOOD



Team ID: ???


Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): EXCELLENT
- Ball should behave like a separate entity from the player. More freedom needed there.



Lighting: VERY GOOD



Game speed: EXCELLENT

Framerate: EXCELLENT

Tactics & formations screen: EXCELLENT
- In the future more tactical options should be added

Difficulty levels: EXCELLENT

Scripting: ???


Stamina & Fatigue system: VERY GOOD , ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): VERY GOOD , ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT

Graphical presentation: VERY GOOD , ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT

Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: 30

Outfield player

Attacking: Better, but still not good enough at sensing space and opportunities. And when approaching throughballs my players tend to slow down before reaching the ball and afterwards allowing the opponent's defenders to catch up.

Defending: Leaving their positions when CPU attacks, granting easy goals... probably cheating kicks in.

Dribbling: Better, more individuality felt, more grounded , like it.

1st touch:

Deft touch:

Animations: A little bit smoother, but still transitions and variety need work.

Passing: Manual passing with L2 is great, wish only for an additional option to have manual (with stats-influence) without having to press L2.


Shooting: Is better, has more power, maybe a little too much power. But it is too precise, most shots go on goal, but in real life football, shots with the outside foot have more error to it, so that more go wide.


Freedom: There are now less railed movements which is most welcome, but I wish that I could leave/change the rails without having to use supercancel.

Awareness: Players are more aware but still not enough, defenders letting easy balls through...

Player switching: Bugged. Playing a manual pass or throughball, the game often switches to the wrong player and forces him out of his position, very bad.




Animations: Wrong animations, pivotal movements miss that one step to the side, one-handed-saves lacking.

Reactions: Pretty good.

1-1s: Lets himself too easily be deceived by fake shots, goes to the ground too quickly.

Throws: Too balooney.



Player ID: Great, but needs many more players to have it, 50 players are much too little.

Team ID: Haven't felt it in the demo, most CPU-teams play the same.

Camera angles: Love widecam and vertical widecam. Wished only for vertical widecam to get a bit more visible when reaching the other goal-area. A camera-editor for angle, height and zoom is much-needed.

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): Better, like the weight and the physics are better, but unfortunately the ball isn't completely independent. While dribbling there seems to be strings to the ball kepping it to the player's feet. It needs to be more free and ballcontrol needs to be more complex and realistic for every touch.

Turf: Could be much better, the green is not vibrant and green enough, looks a bit washed out. Nightgame-turf is a complete disaster! The turfs light-emission seems to not work well with the rest of lighting creating an unpleasant mess.

Nets: Ok, but the colour of the nets should be white, not grey!

Lighting: Lighting at day is good, lighting at night is awful!

Kits: Need to get dirty.

Replays: Too many replays, we don't need replays for fouls and cornerkicks or for missed goals. Replays and cutscenes should only be for goals, offside and substitutions (why aren't there cutscenes for substitution of my own players? There seems to be only substitution-cutscenes for the opponent's team.).

Game speed: Good. But there seems to be a lack of dynamic in the player's speed-differential. There is no walking-speed and no full running-speed, only slow and fast jogging. Analogue speed and acceleration are needed as well.

Framerate: Ok.

Tactics & formations screen: Needs a reform: We need to be able to switch on/off the cardsystem for the players globally for a whole team at once and locally for specific players separately and a mechanism to instruct players ourselves and individually like a real coach would.

Difficulty levels:

Scripting: Don't like the scripting, the CPU-AI should be more intelligent to outplay me and not rely so much on scripting, cheating, stat-boosts... to put up a challenge.

CPU AI: Not very intelligent in playing well, plays very one-dimensional, predictable and too forward, can't play possession-football. I have 65% possession and more when playing against the CPU which is not right.

Stamina & Fatigue system: Broken and pretty much random. Needs to be completely reformed to become realtime and twotiered for shortterm-stamina and longterm fatigue.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Like the sound when the ball hits the commercial wall behind the goal. Crowds are not very active, dynamic or realistic.

Graphical presentation: Turfs need to be more realistic, green and vibrant and more lush. Nets need to be white. Nightgame-lighting needs to be reformed.

Other: Would like to see continuous play implemented, so that when making corners, freekicks, throwins... everything is in real time with no magical resetting of players on the pitch.
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Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: 30+

Outfield player

Attacking: Generally good. However, team-mates are often too static (not providing options or dragging defenders out of position) and the CPU AI tends to be one step ahead of every pass or through ball.

Defending: Excellent. Much more considered and intelligent than previous games.

Dribbling: Excellent. Great feel of close control, momentum and inertia. Plenty of options to take on a defender.

1st touch: Good. Only issues are that perfect trap doesn't seem to offer much over the standard ball control and there could be more error with less talented players.

Deft touch: Good.

Animations: Mixed. The animations themselves are, on the whole, good, but the linking can be poor which gives the game a jarring look sometimes. However, the animations are now of a standard where they don't detract from the gameplay and are acceptable and fluid.

Passing: My only issue is a lack of consistency in the power required to make a pass. Otherwise passing is a pleasure.

Crossing: Better, but still too automated.

Shooting: Much improved.

Heading: Feels random. No art to it.

Freedom: Very good. Best yet both in terms of freedom of movement, passing and shooting.

Awareness: Team-mates can be too static and don't provide enough passing options without using manual run triggers.

Player switching: Some issues with semi-assisted switching (not selecting the nearest player).

Set-pieces: Good - always been a strong point.

Penalties: Too simplistic.


Animations: Lacking variety and often out of context.

Reactions: Good.

1-1s: Good (although AI players can be too clinical in 1-on-1's).

Throws: Good (can be a little floaty).

Kicks: Good.


Player ID: Excellent. Very satisfying. Needs to be expanded or scaled to more players.

Team ID: Not apparent. See CPU AI.

Camera angles: Customisable camera angles should be a priority, but I'm happy with the selection of playing views available.

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): Very good. Probably the best ball physics yet. Still not feeling 100% free though.

Turf: Lacks detail and vibrancy. More variety of patterns needed (user selectable?).

Nets: Good.

Lighting: Night games look washed out. Shadowed areas of the pitch during day matches can be too dark.

Kits: Very good attention to detail. Third kits should be a priority. HD kits for PC version would be nice.

Replays: The free cam needs to return, otherwise very good.

Game speed: Almost perfect on default setting.

Framerate: No issues on PC (60fps easily achievable). Smooth and stutter free.

Tactics & formations screen: Individual player arrows should return, otherwise excellent.

Difficulty levels: Top player is challenging for me but, strangely, feels less difficult than professional difficulty.

Scripting: Nothing overt. AI can be too lethal from 1-on-1's and can intercept through balls and passes too easily sometimes.

CPU AI: One dimensional in its approach - defend in numbers and quickly counter attack seems to be the gameplan for all teams. More variety needed.

Stamina & Fatigue system: Satisfactory, but could be heightened. A dual stamina system (overall and short-term) should be implemented.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Atrocious. Nothing more to be said.

Graphical presentation: Overall good. Menus and in-game overlays could look cleaner and more modern.

Two obvious things lacking from the game:

1. Players cannot move at walking place.
2. No errant touches when sprinting with the ball.

Also, many nice (and easy to implement) touches from older games are still absent. For example:

- Crowd attendance level setting in PES5.
- Stadium gallery.
- Coin toss.
- European and Rest of the World dream teams from older ISS games.
Format (PS3/PC/360): 360

No. of games played: 25 (approx)

Outfield player

Attacking: Improved. Sometimes the options lack fluidity in terms of player movement off the ball i.e. some players not advancing when they should to provide the option for a pass.

Defending: Much improved. The double tap tackle is great and adds genuine timing and skill. Defenders simply allowing through balls to pass by without sticking out a leg to intercept has also been improved (used to have me chucking the controller in frustration in 2012).

Dribbling: Very good. Loving R2 dribbling. Feels like it is weighted and things such as momentum, balance and intertia are all factors.

1st touch: Very good. Great addition that is executed very well.

Deft touch: Very good

Animations: OK. I do notice some new ones in there. Overall not bad but there are some moments where things look "blocky" and unnatural. I can live with it though...this year...

Passing: Much improved. I really like the feeling of weight that the passes now have.

Crossing: Good. Took me a few goes to actually get used to crossing.

Shooting: Very good. I can see a slight issue with the overall accuracy of shooting but i will take this over last year any day of the week.

Heading: OK. Scored a couple of bullets but haven't really had that many to form a concrete view.

Freedom: Best PES on Next Gen

Awareness: Improved. Some slight niggles remain. Defensive line is sometimes a bit too fractured with one defender too far behind the rest for no reason.

Player switching: Oh dear. This is my main gripe. It just does not appear to select the player closest to the ball. Can be really anoying when trying to defend as you end up losing shape by pulling the wrong player out of position.

Set-pieces: Good. Like the addition of shor corner. Not really much to chnage here from previous years.

Penalties: Haven't had one so can't comment.


Animations: Some obvious improvements/additions. Still look clunky though. The double handed hands over head leap just looks like a botched yoga move.

Reactions: Not bad. I feel some improvement has been made here.

1-1s: OK. Keepers sometimes go down too quickly on fake shot.

Throws: OK. Slightly floaty maybe. Getting used to the new technique. Haven't quite got it yet but thats down to me i think.

Kicks: OK. A bit lofty and loopy but adequete.


Player ID: Love this. From what i have seen has been implemented really well. Greatly increases immersion.

Team ID: Not really noticed this to be honest.

Camera angles: Good. I can appreciate that further angles would be good too.

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): Really good. The best PES on next gen.

Turf: ok. Could do a wee bit more on textures.

Nets: Need improvement. Un-natural movement when ball hits the net. More variety would be a bonus too. Hope 2013 retains and expands the abilty to change net colour according to home teams home kit

Lighting: OK. Night games could do with some work. Looks a little bleached.

Kits: Very nice. No issues here.

Replays: Very good

Game speed: Default speed is very good. First time i have not felt the need to slow gamespeed on Next Gen.

Framerate: Some stuttering apparent on 360

Tactics & formations screen: Very good

Difficulty levels: Challenging as soon as you get past regular

Scripting: Much improved. Have not got the same sense of being mugged...yet. Happened too much in 2012.

CPU AI: Would like to see more intelligence in build up and retention of ball. They don't seem to play backwards.

Stamina & Fatigue system: OK. Difficult to really get a sense of this in 5 minute games.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Crowd noise needs improvment. Seems too "canned" for me. Should be better interaction with what is going on on the pitch.

Graphical presentation: OK. No real complaints.

this is my opinion

Format (PS3/PC/360):PC

No. of games played: More than 20 games

Outfield player

Attacking: Better than PES 2012

Defending: There are some glitches same as PES2012, defenders are dumb not aware of the situation or present danger, the ball is passing near them peacefully, they just run or stand.


1st touch:

Deft touch:


Passing: Most of my throw balls are very stupid even with players with 98 passing accurcy (AI Cheating)it goes diractly to the defender rather than going to the clear space!!




Freedom: PES 2013 has limited freedom not total freedom

Awareness: Better than PES2012, but need more improvements spicaly when the ball is near two of your players, they get crazzy.

Player switching: Problematic




Animations: They should try to stop the ball with there fingers and act like they do care.



Throws: The throw is too floaty, should be more direct



Player ID:

Team ID:

Camera angles: Freeeeeeeeeeedom

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc):





Replays: we should be able to choose standard replay camera freely, I'd like vertical camera from behind as a standard for replay.

Game speed: Slow


Tactics & formations screen: I need total freedom, to order some players to stand just stand, 10-0-0 formation or 0-2-8 formation.

Difficulty levels:


CPU AI: For players within your team, AI need some improvements, they can't cope with many sitiuations.

Stamina & Fatigue system:

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc):

Graphical presentation:

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Format (PS3/PC/360): PC

No. of games played: 50

Outfield player


Defending: A few instances of poor AI. Sometimes too many defenders gravitate towards the crosser, leaving men free in the middle. Sometimes defenders are to slow to react to an attacker who has got past another defender, prioratising tightly marking their own man rather than cutting out the greater danger.


1st touch:

Deft touch:


Passing: Some 1st time passes don't go the distance they should according to the length of the button press. Instead they end up as little slow 5 yard prods. I often see the same CPU player chase his own pass because it was too weak to get to the intended player.

Crossing: Still a little too automated. There should be more bad crosses, depending on crosser stats, body position, defender pressure, correct foot and length of button press.

Shooting: Much better than 2012 but perhaps a little too powerful. Power only needs to be reduced 2-3% though, nothing drastic. It seems there's a lot less error on shots these days too. Would like to see more efforts sliced well wide or hit way over, especially if player shooting is not a good shooter (bring back shot technique stat by the way) and/or defender is putting a lot of pressure on.




Player switching: Still occasional issues when playing manual passes or choosing the correct defender.

Set-pieces: Short corner option should see the teammate coming to stand right next to the taker, that way CPU player cannot track him all the way. Should also be able to select exactly who is in the box for attacking AND defending corners, as well as the option to select a man to lurk on the edge of the box.
The quick throw in is really just an illusion. Everyone is back in position rather than being where they were when the ball went out. I would like to be able to have my team really pressure the opposition and deny them space to get out when they have a throw near their penalty box. There should be an option to select throw in taker in team management setting. At the moment wide players automatically take them. What if CPU controlled Stoke have Delap playing in CM, he wouldn't take the throw-ins.

Penalties: Terrible, there should be a lot more skill involved like in PES 2011 or "the other game". Almost impossible to shoot wide, no matter how long you press left or right for. There should be an option to go for placement or power with advantages and disadvantages to each option.
If I'm playing vs a friend in the same room, he can see from my power-bar if I'm going to shoot high or low - his chances of saving the penalty have just been increased by 50%, at least get rid of the powerbar for local multiplayer games if nothing else





Throws: Too floaty



Player ID: I miss the defensive player cards, like defensive leader, sliding, marking, why get rid of them? Same with GK cards, one-on one stopper and penalty stopper. Surely these will all add to player individuality. Would be nice to have a rating for tackle aggressiveness/dirtyness/foul frequency too, to make the consistent foulers really stand out.

Team ID: Needs to be worked on. Emphasis seems to be on player ID with little concern given to team ID. I want to face long ball teams, aggressive teams, teams that try to spoil and waste time, teams that hog possession, teams that focus attacks on certain wings or where everything goes through one player.

Camera angles:

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc):






Game speed:


Tactics & formations screen: Can't believe this hasn't been changed from last year. Thought tactical options were much better in 2011 and even old gen. Sometimes it's ok to go back to good things from previous games.
Changing the sliders seems to have very little noticeable effect. On the demo most teams are set to possession with a high defensive line. England are set to long ball with a deep defensive line but there's the difference in height of defensive lines is barely noticeable.
And why am I restricted to a high line if I want to play possession. The sliders should be independent of the type of game I want to play, so I should be free to select my sliders (like in the standard option) then I should choose what type of passing I want to play, choose which side I want to focus my attacks on etc. I mentioned the 2011 system earlier and it was almost perfect. I could set teams to change their styles according to the time during the game and the score in the game. Home teams could be set-up to come out of the blocks fast and aggressive to assert dominance and then change or maintain their system after some time depending on the score. You could also set two tactics at a time, so Barca could be set to pressure and keep possession at the same time, perfect. I feel the current system gives far less tactical options and needs urgent improvement.

Difficulty levels:

Scripting: Just don't do it please. If the CPU is losing just increase attacking mentality, change to a more attacking formation, pressure more and play more direct. No stats boosts except perhaps to high mentality players, but keep boosts very minor and don't turn my team into retards at the same time.

CPU AI: CPU needs to keep possession more, especially if set to possession football. Pass back, be patient, make me chase, switch play, waste time when ahead etc. In 50 games I have not had less than 58% possession, playing across the 3 top levels and usually 1 or 2 bar assisted passing only. Same problem existed in 2012.

Stamina & Fatigue system: Should be based on how much each individual player runs/sprints during the game. At the moment everyone seems to decrease at a very similar rate, only decreasing faster or slower depending on the form arrow. Stamina stat and involvement in the game should also factor. There should also be short term stamina, so a player needs some time to recover after a few sprints or constant pressuring.

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Needs improvement especially crowd noise after a goal. Crowd chants during the game should be improved too. Get some stadium or good quality youtube recordings of real chants. If modders can do it why not Konami, surely there is no license on chants?
Have the crowd consistently boo an away player who has made a bad foul. Silent crowd if home team is losing badly. Encouraging crowd if home team is looking for late equaliser or winner.

Graphical presentation:

Other: When will end of game player ratings ever change? Average rating is around 6 or 6.5 at the moment and it's rare to even see an 8. would like to see more 8's, 9's and 10's for top performances please.
Format (PS3/PC/360): PC and PS3

No. of games played: 20

Outfield player

Attacking: You cannot hit anyone with pace as all players seem roughly the same speed

Shooting: Too easy to hit the top corner


Camera angles: Please add a feature where you can set this yourself. This only takes a simple application of the PC, so why cannot something that is this important not be customisable?

Turf: This is the biggest outstanding problem with the game. Turf is the biggest graphical influence in the game as it’s what we are looking at most of the time when we play the game. Turf is not green and lush like what can be achieved easily by others in the PES community for the PC. Turf in the game is washed out and at night is awful. I edit the game for months each year and cannot play the master league on the PS3 because 4/5 of games are at night and look terrible

Lighting: Night time lighting is too strong and leaves the game looking washed out

Game speed: Not enough difference between fast and slow players. Fast players should stay ahead of defenders

Difficulty levels: All teams should be able to give you a good game like they would in real life. All teams should be enjoyable to play with and challenging to play against. Your opponent should want to win

Scripting: Get rid of it completely and increase the teamwork and tenacity of the PC controlled opponent so they play like a real team or human opponent so that you do not need to rely on scripting

CPU AI: Keep the ball more, pass around more and not let you pin them in their own half. Work to get rid of the 65-35 possession and get it closer to 50-50

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): The goal sound is shocking. There is very little atmosphere in the game.

Graphical presentation: Sort out the turfs and the game will look like it’s been completely graphically re-done for virtually no cost or effort
Format: PC and 360

No. of games played: 30

Outfield player

Dribbling: Ball still seems to be on an elastic string when dribbling

Shooting: Much better than the previous few years embarrassment.

Freedom: Even when playing fixed cursor, the cpu takes control of my player.

Awareness: AI team-mate awareness is still glaringly poor.

Player switching: Far from perfect

Penalties: Rubbish


Player ID: Reasonably apparent.

Team ID: It exists?

Camera angles: Poor choices - particularly annoying when the community "hacks" have so easily implemented better ones for PC users - which isn't any comfort for console gamers.

Game speed: Very good range of choices

Scripting: Woefully apparent. It's all been documented repeatedly in this forum over the years and is as bad obvious and game-killing as it's always been. The 45/90 minute cpu-boost/auto-goal routine is possibly my least favourite "feature" of this game.

CPU AI: Not much variety in their tactical approach and style of play

Stamina & Fatigue system: Any stamina and fatigue system should apply equally to human controlled and cpu controlled players!

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): Crowd noises don't seem to have advanced any since the PS2 days. Quite like the thud sound when players kick the ball - just helps with the superior feeling of weightiness when compared with the inadequately light-weight feel of FIFA.

Other: Refereeing system should be neutral but unfortunately demonstrates exactly the same bias in favour of cpu team as it always has. Cpu team barely have foul called against them ever, whereas human controlled team have fouls called for shoulder-to-shoulder challenges. It is like the referee is only refereeing one team - always in favour of cpu team. I can barely recall ever seeing a cpu player pick up a card, no matter how bad their tackles.


No. of games played:

100 +

Outfield player

Attacking: good

Defending: front heading slidings are too easy, 9 out of 10 I have the ball, the ref wont whisle, the other player lays on the ground, NOT REALASTIC AT ALL,

Dribbling: good

1st touch: mixed feeling about this, is a good feature maybe a bit too easy,not all players would be able to do this

Deft touch: also mixed feeling about this, is a good feature maybe a bit too easy,not all players would be able to do this atleast add some error to it

Animations: better, but need more variaties

Passing: need more error and variaties on how the ball goes

Crossing: good way better and less auto guided then other pes

Shooting: very good, but maybe to easy to make that perfect shot, make it harder

Heading: way better

Freedom: better, but still stuck on rails, IM SICK OF USING SUPER CANCEL

Awareness: bad, espicaaly playing with manual

Player switching: very bad, weird

Set-pieces: the option to add more players to the wall, they dont always jump even if I press the button

Penalties (after extra time): shortin the animation after each penalty is taken, or let me skip it with by pressing a button

change the chipshot animation

make the cpu keeper harder, they are very easy to beat, just shoot the ball tru the middle, 9 out of 10 the keeper will dive


Animations: better, but need more variaties

Reactions: better maybe the best yet but still too many weird faults (even the best keepers)

1-1s: better, but they go to fast down after a fakeshot, this was at best in pes2011, the best keepers need to stay up longer, they go to fast to the ground

Throws: way better, but the ball goes very high and very slow, looks unrealstic

Kicks: way better, very good


Player ID: good, but too many players have the same animations

example the neymar lifting his leg by pressing the special button, this can be done by so many players that the PLAYER ID FEELING is kinda lost

Team ID: not really noticeable, so NOT good

Camera angles: good but, would like to see a option so you can switch camera angles in game (maybe by pressing the select button) - the would be best used in BE A LEGEND MODE

Ball (weight & freedom, top-spin, back-spin, etc): good,but need more variaties

Turf: can be better

Nets: good

Lighting: can be better

Kits: good

Replays: sometimes very good sometimes very weird, (u cant even see the ball) would like to see more super slow motion

Game speed: good, maybe one of the best game speeds in pes

Framerate: why is the game not 1080p...?

Tactics & formations screen: good, small but good update from pes2012

Difficulty levels: maybe too easy on superstar

Scripting: not play that many against the cpu, but did notice less is obvious scripting, in pes 2012 the scripting was way more noticeable

CPU AI: need more variaties, they always go in attack, the dont

Stamina & Fatigue system: COPY THE WII SHORT TIME STAMINA SYSTEM AND WE WILL ALL BE HAPPY, otherwise very bad, very UNREALSTIC, and the will be abused like in all other pes

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc): not that good, must improve

Graphical presentation: its good, but remember the golden rule
less is more


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Format (PS3/PC/360):

No. of games played:

Outfield player

-The ball doesn't roll realistically. It's like the ground has too much friction or like there's lots of water on the pitch

-Some animations are nice, like flicks and skills but the main animations like running are still too wooden, clunky and unrealistic.
-Goal celebrations are anticlimatic. There's also a delay before they jog off which makes it look like the goalscorer is dumb. Together with a lack of atmosphere scoring goals just isn't as awesome as it could be

-Sometimes first time passes only go a few centremeters.
-Manual passing feels more smoother than normal passing
-Lofted through balls are a bit too slow/floaty
-I like the new RT floated lofted ball

-Quite nice but too much movement scripting/lack of freedom of movement for the players in the box

-Perhaps a bit too powerful at times

-There's a lack of player movement freedom. Too much scripting forcing the players to run on rails.=
-Can't bring player closer than 10 yards for short corner.

-Full backs seem unaware of opposition overlaps
-Because of bad player movement freedom and bad playerswitching, teammates bump into each other too much and run towards the ball when they shouldn't.

Player switching:
-Needs improvement.

-Tall players (usually CB's) don't go up to opposition penalty box for free kicks and corners
-Using the right analog to control a player is bad. Makes it too easy and is basically a cheat. Sorry but it needs to go.

-Very simplistic. Can't move GK after a certain period


-Still some diving with the torso facing the ground but better than before

-Sometimes will just let in own goals when ball bounces of defenders when it's an easy save

-Too floaty

-Lack of freedom on goalkicks
-Kicking out of hands is good and has freedom


Team ID:
Haven't really noticed teams playing differently.

Grey in colour. Should be white.
Probably a bit too elasticy on goals.

Replays look darker (and worse off for it

-As mentioned, there's not enough freedom of movement in PES because there's far too much scripting/running on rails. Please make this and playerswitching a priority.

-Centre backs are out of position too much
-On setpieces sometimes 2 players are stood holding hands

Sound (Crowd, chants, bar/posts, etc):
-Ballkicking sound is too high in volume. We shouldn't hear the sound of dribbling and should only hear powerful kicks (but not loudly)
-Lack of atmosphere in general
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